Topic: Cute,Sexy, or both o.O?
no photo
Thu 07/01/10 11:22 AM
Whats the true difference between cute and sexy, and can a person really be both?!?!?

FearandLoathing's photo
Thu 07/01/10 11:28 AM
Cute is like a librarian, sexy is like The Secretary.

horzman's photo
Thu 07/01/10 12:06 PM
I don't I find some librarians to be really sexy!

horzman's photo
Thu 07/01/10 12:08 PM
cute = beautiful, sexy = hot.

j_mcmahon05's photo
Thu 07/01/10 12:09 PM
Cute is just average and sexy is someone you can`t get enough of pysically and you lucky_star,are beautiful

no photo
Thu 07/01/10 12:15 PM
My own personal interpretation:

Most people are neither.

A few are one or the other.

Billie Piper is both.

Fade2Black's photo
Thu 07/01/10 12:27 PM
Cute is like WHATEVERRRR .. like 'giggly cutsie' tongue2 you know cheer style.

Beautiful on the other hand, is more like stunning. And if they are beautiful on the inside too .. then CLASSY :wink:

Sexy is more the way you carry yourself .. the aura you put out smokin The hold you might have on someone else (like j_m said)

ie YUMMY love drool


FearandLoathing's photo
Thu 07/01/10 12:30 PM

cute = beautiful, sexy = hot.

Librarian, and the movie The Secretary. Cute, and OMFG!!1! S3XY!!!1

no photo
Fri 07/02/10 07:42 AM

Cute is just average and sexy is someone you can`t get enough of pysically and you lucky_star,are beautiful

LOl ty<3, but Ya i was just wondering because alot of guys say I'm cute and they find it sexy that I am cute; but when I think of cute i think of puppies and kitties, and when i think of sexy, I think of Orlando Bloom, so i guess cute and sexy put together is Orlando Bloom holding a puppy?!?!? now idk what to think of that lol.