Topic: Black Panthers free to Supervise FUTURE Elections.
mightymoe's photo
Fri 07/02/10 10:09 AM
why has it got to be racist? white people have been doing that kind of thing for years, but now it's racist? grow up, there is bigger things to worry about than the black panthers...

msharmony's photo
Sat 07/03/10 02:33 AM

This is probably the most obvious case of Presidential corruption and lawlessness in history.

I find the wars in the mideast to be a more obvious case of Presidential corruption and lawlessness, but that's JMHO.

does the President even have a say in who the department of justice decides to prosecute or not?

Ummmmmmm.......Yes. so do certain Congressmen and Senators.

my bad,, didnt learn that in school, what with all the other duties of a the executive office, didnt realize that he was so involved with the legislative as well,,,,

so does the story reference any ORDER from the presidents office to drop the case?

willing2's photo
Sat 07/03/10 10:26 AM
Looks like Adams is a man of integrity and honor.

Department of Justice attorney J. Christian Adams has now officially resigned over Obama's racist refusal to allow the prosecution of armed Black Panthers who openly intimidated voters during Election 2008.

In a letter to the Washington Times, he called the case "the simplest and most obvious violation of federal law" he had ever seen in his entire career at the Justice Department and condemned Obama's bigoted, dishonest handling of the case as "corrupt" and "indefensible."

From the letter:

Based on my firsthand experiences, I believe the dismissal of the Black Panther case was motivated by a lawless hostility toward equal enforcement of the law. Others still within the department share my assessment. The department abetted wrongdoers and abandoned law-abiding citizens victimized by the New Black Panthers. The dismissal raises serious questions about the department's enforcement neutrality in upcoming midterm elections and the subsequent 2012 presidential election.

What was that about the "post-racial," "post-partisan" candidate for "change?" -DOJ-official-resigns-over-Obamas-racism

no photo
Sat 07/03/10 10:53 AM
I watched the video linked above.

laugh laugh I don't think the two BPs were at all threatening, even when the one kept twitching his nightstick.

I haven't read the relevant law, so I'm not clear on whether standing outside in BP uniform holding a club is, itself, illegal or not.

All the same, I think we are better off *not* having obviously beweaponed people outside polling places, and would have liked to have seen the investigation continue. I don't smell conspiracy, but polls should feel safe. If the BPs want to ensure blacks are not being denied access to the polls, they can do this with camera phones.

msharmony's photo
Sat 07/03/10 11:15 AM

I watched the video linked above.

laugh laugh I don't think the two BPs were at all threatening, even when the one kept twitching his nightstick.

I haven't read the relevant law, so I'm not clear on whether standing outside in BP uniform holding a club is, itself, illegal or not.

All the same, I think we are better off *not* having obviously beweaponed people outside polling places, and would have liked to have seen the investigation continue. I don't smell conspiracy, but polls should feel safe. If the BPs want to ensure blacks are not being denied access to the polls, they can do this with camera phones.

This is also what I was thinking. The DOJ spends resources to prosecute and I would think it difficult to prosecute an ORGANIZATION for what members inside it did. There would have to be a pretty high standard to prove the ORGANIZATION itself encouraged or supported the action. The other issue was that the INDIVIDUAL involved actually was handled by the police and saw his day in court. If tea partiers can carry weapons, if ANYONE can carry weapons,, so can this man although not near a polling place if he isnt part of the official security there. As far as the uniform, although recognized as BP, if clothing does not promote or campaign against a politician or political issue,, it is allowed.

willing2's photo
Sat 07/03/10 02:35 PM

I watched the video linked above.

laugh laugh I don't think the two BPs were at all threatening, even when the one kept twitching his nightstick.

I haven't read the relevant law, so I'm not clear on whether standing outside in BP uniform holding a club is, itself, illegal or not.

All the same, I think we are better off *not* having obviously beweaponed people outside polling places, and would have liked to have seen the investigation continue. I don't smell conspiracy, but polls should feel safe. If the BPs want to ensure blacks are not being denied access to the polls, they can do this with camera phones.

Sounds fair.

Next Nov., let's see some white supremacists with billy-clubs keeping order out front of the voting stations.

Recon naap will holler foul and scream for doj to do something?

no photo
Sat 07/03/10 02:59 PM
Where's the problem ... ? If they're at the polling place with their li'l police baton or ASP thinkin' they're gonna be doin' some kneecappin' and intimidatin', show 'em the mistake of bringing a knife to a gunfight. Hey! It's the same plan that 'The UN' uses: "If they hit us, we hit back twice as hard." Right. Now: Catch this bullet before it hits ya and THEN see if you can still swing that baton. It's all about prior planning ...

Redykeulous's photo
Sat 07/03/10 03:45 PM

One of the black panthers was actually told he could not do it again.

But I don't see the intimidation.

I would not have been intimidated by them standing there at the polling place.

Even with racially biased verbiage, I would not have been intimidated.

They were not intimidating to me in the video.

No, three black militants brandshing weapons isn't threatening at all. whoa

I'll tell you this, anyone who approaches me in a threatening manner with ANY object in their hands better have damn good life insurance.

So what is so threatening about a legal gun owner openly carrying a weapon and approaching you for an unknown reason? Or is it the combination of how a person is dressed and the fact that they carry a weapon that is so threatening?

I see a ton of men and women in uniform dress carrying weapons, should I be afraid if they approach me?

mightymoe's photo
Sat 07/03/10 03:56 PM

One of the black panthers was actually told he could not do it again.

But I don't see the intimidation.

I would not have been intimidated by them standing there at the polling place.

Even with racially biased verbiage, I would not have been intimidated.

They were not intimidating to me in the video.

No, three black militants brandshing weapons isn't threatening at all. whoa

I'll tell you this, anyone who approaches me in a threatening manner with ANY object in their hands better have damn good life insurance.

So what is so threatening about a legal gun owner openly carrying a weapon and approaching you for an unknown reason? Or is it the combination of how a person is dressed and the fact that they carry a weapon that is so threatening?

I see a ton of men and women in uniform dress carrying weapons, should I be afraid if they approach me?

only if your near a voting place...

Redykeulous's photo
Sat 07/03/10 04:03 PM
So I watched the vidio's that I could find and I just don't get it.

While millions seem to think a gun in every pocket, belt, purse, or holster is ok - suddenly a person with a stick is a threat.

Pull out you're damn gun and show 'em you're not afraid. What's the big deal - wussies!

I think I should start carrying a billy club every where I go. Think people would feel threatened?

REALLY - what was it that made (some) people feel threatened?

Come on - out with it!

What was the last 'militant' action of any Black Panther member that any of you have been involved in or even heard of?

What is so recently related to the BP party that gives anyone cause for alarm?

FACE THE TRUTH, come on now....

no photo
Sat 07/03/10 04:17 PM

So I watched the vidio's that I could find and I just don't get it.

While millions seem to think a gun in every pocket, belt, purse, or holster is ok - suddenly a person with a stick is a threat.

Pull out you're damn gun and show 'em you're not afraid. What's the big deal - wussies!

I think I should start carrying a billy club every where I go. Think people would feel threatened?

REALLY - what was it that made (some) people feel threatened?

Come on - out with it!

What was the last 'militant' action of any Black Panther member that any of you have been involved in or even heard of?

What is so recently related to the BP party that gives anyone cause for alarm?

FACE THE TRUTH, come on now....

There's a serious disconnect with reality expressed here ... tell ya what: YOU go tell the dude with the stick who wants to put a beatdown on whitey that he's all wrong and that he should practice 'peace 'n lub' and all that stuff. Go ahead - I'll wait ... somebody call 911, okay? ... If a 'stick' (I call 'em 'police batons') is something you can't find it in yourself to classify as a weapon, I don't know what WOULD qualify for you. Police generally have the 'Twenty-one foot' rule that applies to perps with knives (is that a weapon?) - it means that, from 21 feet, a perp rushing you with a knife can be shot bottom dead center of mass (center of chest) and inertia will carry him into you - where he can slash you real bad before he dies. Most 'serious social engagements' take place at distances between seven and ten feet. Guns are our friend. Perps are our enemy. There's a difference.

willing2's photo
Sat 07/03/10 04:48 PM

So I watched the vidio's that I could find and I just don't get it.

While millions seem to think a gun in every pocket, belt, purse, or holster is ok - suddenly a person with a stick is a threat.

Pull out you're damn gun and show 'em you're not afraid. What's the big deal - wussies!

I think I should start carrying a billy club every where I go. Think people would feel threatened?

REALLY - what was it that made (some) people feel threatened?

Come on - out with it!

What was the last 'militant' action of any Black Panther member that any of you have been involved in or even heard of?

What is so recently related to the BP party that gives anyone cause for alarm?

FACE THE TRUTH, come on now....

There's a serious disconnect with reality expressed here ... tell ya what: YOU go tell the dude with the stick who wants to put a beatdown on whitey that he's all wrong and that he should practice 'peace 'n lub' and all that stuff. Go ahead - I'll wait ... somebody call 911, okay? ... If a 'stick' (I call 'em 'police batons') is something you can't find it in yourself to classify as a weapon, I don't know what WOULD qualify for you. Police generally have the 'Twenty-one foot' rule that applies to perps with knives (is that a weapon?) - it means that, from 21 feet, a perp rushing you with a knife can be shot bottom dead center of mass (center of chest) and inertia will carry him into you - where he can slash you real bad before he dies. Most 'serious social engagements' take place at distances between seven and ten feet. Guns are our friend. Perps are our enemy. There's a difference.

So, no one would have a problem with white supremacists keepin' da' peace.

They ain't riceistes, dey's pro-white.

mightymoe's photo
Sat 07/03/10 05:00 PM
i just watched the vids, both of them, and it seems like white people just acting stupid to a stupid situation...i'm embarrassed for my kind right now...

no photo
Sat 07/03/10 05:07 PM

" ... So, no one would have a problem with white supremacists keepin' da' peace.

They ain't riceistes, dey's pro-white. ... "

And DAT, friends, is da crux of da bizkit ... it don't made no difference what color they are if they're lookin' to put a beatdown on people exercising their legitimate RIGHT to VOTE ...

willing2's photo
Sat 07/03/10 05:12 PM

" ... So, no one would have a problem with white supremacists keepin' da' peace.

They ain't riceistes, dey's pro-white. ... "

And DAT, friends, is da crux of da bizkit ... it don't made no difference what color they are if they're lookin' to put a beatdown on people exercising their legitimate RIGHT to VOTE ...

It don't matter what play uniform ya' wear. Terrorists are into terrorizin'.

msharmony's photo
Sat 07/03/10 06:22 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 07/03/10 06:28 PM
quite an involved reading

perhaps one can see MANY reasons this case would not be able to go forward,,,,,,just off of a phone camera video of a man with a baton whom POLICE and the courts dealt with already

it also doesnt help that this newly famous lawyer signed the papers agreeing not to prosecute and then quit,,,,,not much evidence or much of a leg to stand on to support flip flopping

on a sidenote, I dont think you are supposed to be taking cell video or pictures at a polling place, so it possibly would have been legitimate cause to stop that person although the party in question was not an official with such authority

no photo
Sat 07/03/10 06:28 PM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Sat 07/03/10 06:29 PM

quite an involved reading

perhaps one can see MANY reasons this case would not be able to go forward,,,,,,just off of a phone camera video of a man with a baton whom POLICE and the courts dealt with already

on a sidenote, I dont think you are supposed to be taking cell video or pictures at a polling place, so it possibly would have been legitimate cause to stop that person although the party in question was not an official with such authority

Oh. Are you saying then that it's okay to have a POLICE BATON to beat down people trying to exercise their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to VOTE ... ? This is such hairsplitting it strains credulity.

msharmony's photo
Sat 07/03/10 06:30 PM

quite an involved reading

perhaps one can see MANY reasons this case would not be able to go forward,,,,,,just off of a phone camera video of a man with a baton whom POLICE and the courts dealt with already

on a sidenote, I dont think you are supposed to be taking cell video or pictures at a polling place, so it possibly would have been legitimate cause to stop that person although the party in question was not an official with such authority

Oh. Are you saying then that it's okay to have a POLICE BATON to beat down people trying to exercise their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to VOTE ... ? This is such hairsplitting it strains credulity.

no, I am not saying it is not ok for the average joe, which is why the police took him away .....because it was DEALT with by the law IMMEDIATELy there is not much of a DOJ case to pursue after the fact,,

no photo
Sat 07/03/10 06:32 PM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Sat 07/03/10 06:35 PM

quite an involved reading

perhaps one can see MANY reasons this case would not be able to go forward,,,,,,just off of a phone camera video of a man with a baton whom POLICE and the courts dealt with already

on a sidenote, I dont think you are supposed to be taking cell video or pictures at a polling place, so it possibly would have been legitimate cause to stop that person although the party in question was not an official with such authority

Oh. Are you saying then that it's okay to have a POLICE BATON to beat down people trying to exercise their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to VOTE ... ? This is such hairsplitting it strains credulity.

no, I am not saying it is not ok for the average joe, which is why the police took him away .....because it was DEALT with by the law IMMEDIATELy there is not much of a DOJ case to pursue after the fact,,

The IMPLIED statement is that CAMERAS are BAD but that POLICE BATONS are GOOD ... read it again. If you agree that batons are bad, then what's your position on AG Holder's decision to NOT PROSECUTE this case?

msharmony's photo
Sat 07/03/10 06:38 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 07/03/10 06:47 PM

quite an involved reading

perhaps one can see MANY reasons this case would not be able to go forward,,,,,,just off of a phone camera video of a man with a baton whom POLICE and the courts dealt with already

on a sidenote, I dont think you are supposed to be taking cell video or pictures at a polling place, so it possibly would have been legitimate cause to stop that person although the party in question was not an official with such authority

Oh. Are you saying then that it's okay to have a POLICE BATON to beat down people trying to exercise their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to VOTE ... ? This is such hairsplitting it strains credulity.

no, I am not saying it is not ok for the average joe, which is why the police took him away .....because it was DEALT with by the law IMMEDIATELy there is not much of a DOJ case to pursue after the fact,,

The IMPLIED statement is that CAMERAS are BAD but that POLICE BATONS are GOOD ... read it again. If you agree that batons are bad, then what's your position on AG Holder's decision to NOT PROSECUTE this case?

I really didnt say anything was good or bad. I stated that its not permitted to take video or pictures at a polling place and I stated that a video taken of a man with a baton (the only evidence suggested in this thread) would probably not be enough to prosecute (meaning, holding the ORGANIZATIOn responsible for the perceived intimidation of one MAN on a cell phone video)

the DOJ usually proceeds where they think they can win, they were within their right to feel this was not a winnable case against the BP because they probably had not enough PROOF that the organization was guilty of breaking any law in this situation.