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Topic: NEVER HAVE I ......
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Sun 06/27/10 02:20 AM
HI ,
There comes a time in our life when we look back and realize that there are or there are NOT many things we have DONE or accomplished in our lives .Whether its GOOD or BAD .

So here we go ,

Never have I ......... Gone to s stripped club , lol (male strip club )

SO what haven't you NEVER done ?

msharmony's photo
Sun 06/27/10 02:21 AM

HI ,
There comes a time in our life when we look back and realize that there are or there are NOT many things we have DONE or accomplished in our lives .Whether its GOOD or BAD .

So here we go ,

Never have I ......... Gone to s stripped club , lol (male strip club )

SO what haven't you NEVER done ?

gone to an exhibitionist club, although it was a common discussion between the ex and I

Rondoobie's photo
Sun 06/27/10 02:23 AM
I have never gone on a real vacation

msharmony's photo
Sun 06/27/10 02:24 AM
isnt there a drinking game like this,,,?

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Sun 06/27/10 02:29 AM
@ msharmony ummmm , i had a friend of mine who wanted me to go with him .But it was a little too much for me back then .It must be a very amusing setting and a free biology class .

@ your comment . Yes there is a drinking game like this lol ! The more things you have done .The more shots you drink

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Sun 06/27/10 02:31 AM
@ Ron . I hope you will one day get THE VACATION ! It will be an awesome day for you .Not to be noisy or anything .But why haven't never Gotten a real vacation ?

Rondoobie's photo
Sun 06/27/10 02:50 AM
As a kid we spent one week every year going to visit my dads folks. We'd spend a whole day driving down, never stopping except to use the bathrooms. There was always a cooler full of food so we didn't even stop to eat on the way. Then the four or five days we were there we'd watch Dad being a good son helping to fix whatever broke during the previous year. We'd play outside and have wonderful meals and discussions and catch up with the family, but we never really went and did any type of recreational activities.
Now that I'm an adult I guess I'm classified as the working poor. I make enough to pay my bills, but barely. There's no money left at the end of the week therefore I have no savings and can't even imagine spending the kind of money people do just to have a little fun.

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Sun 06/27/10 03:07 AM
@Rondoobie - You can have a really affordable vacation! If you can take time off work get a campsite. There are many places with affordable daily rates that you can drive up to. Priceline, Hotwire, and other sites make it easy too. Check out Orbitz and the daily 20 for cruise deals (all meals/drinks included).

Never have I ever been to Europe...and it's freakin' killing me.

no photo
Sun 06/27/10 03:14 AM
@ tynacious , where in Europe did you want to go ? France , Belgium and
Spain is not bad . I have heard that Germany is not bad either . I can sympathize with you in a way . I have never GONE to Asia and would LOVE to one day visit JAPAN ! If i could only drink water to be there . I wouldn't not complain at all .lol

no photo
Sun 06/27/10 03:17 AM
AT ron ! I know you have heard this probably many times . But HANG IN THERE !Living in a society where having fun means spending money is curse on one's wallet .

74Drew's photo
Sun 06/27/10 03:24 AM

@ tynacious , where in Europe did you want to go ? France , Belgium and
Spain is not bad . I have heard that Germany is not bad either . I can sympathize with you in a way . I have never GONE to Asia and would LOVE to one day visit JAPAN ! If i could only drink water to be there . I wouldn't not complain at all .lol

i just got back from germany a month ago. i'm thinking of moving there. i absolutely love it over there.

. . .

elwoodsully's photo
Sun 06/27/10 03:31 AM
I was stationed in Germany for over 2 years. In that time, I went to England 5 times, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Austria, and East Germany (6 months before the wall came down). But, with as much Irish blood that runs through my veins, I have never been to Ireland. It just wasn't economically feasible as a soldier back then.

A friend and I are now starting to plan a trip to both Germany and Ireland in 2013 or so. I'd love to go there around Christmas time, and see all the markets decked out again.

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Sun 06/27/10 03:46 AM
@ tynacious , if i were you . I would take my bags and go back to Germany . I had a friend who stayed in Berlin for three months for his internship and he loved it.Belgium is only two hours away from Germany .But yet , am afraid to go there because of the language . I know that a lot of Germans are fluent in English . But its so different from the French or Spanish that a used to hearing .

no photo
Sun 06/27/10 03:48 AM
@ el , thats Awesome ! You guys must be excited .

A7XSam's photo
Sun 06/27/10 06:26 AM
I have never tried Marmite!!!!!
I bet everyone's jaw dropped at that!

delilady's photo
Sun 06/27/10 06:34 AM
I have never lived alone

hmlover's photo
Sun 06/27/10 06:40 AM
teleported to another planet
been part of an away team
driven in the 24 hours of LeMans
won and Olympic medal in curling - or anything for that matter
hit the lottery jackpot
walked down main street in rubber underpants - that I'm aware of...

no photo
Sun 06/27/10 11:21 AM
@ 7 . lol marmite ?

no photo
Sun 06/27/10 11:25 AM
@ delilady , you have never lived alone ....Not to be in your bussiness and all . Is it by choice ? are you one of those people who cant stand being alone ? I have to say that i have my moments . I have a big family and when i left to live bymyself . It was REALLY quiet , which in return made me nervous .I still feel like running away from my apt from time to time . lol

no photo
Sun 06/27/10 11:26 AM
@ hmlover , omg ! lol

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