Topic: Good answer!!!
Mishlen's photo
Thu 06/24/10 01:07 AM
In our life people often say to us what we must to do, isn't it? We don't like when it happens. So there is an answer for this situation. If anybody tell you: '' must...", you can answer: "don't tell me what i must to do and i'll don't tell you, where you must go...". :)

fifijones's photo
Thu 06/24/10 01:18 AM
I'm not too fond of being told what to do, either.

Mishlen's photo
Thu 06/24/10 01:59 AM

I'm not too fond of being told what to do, either.
So it's good. It's mean that you will not hear answer that i wrote...

Mayhem_J's photo
Thu 06/24/10 02:24 PM
Some people need guidance. And some of those people dont know how to ask for it. So must help them take that first step.

RoamingOrator's photo
Thu 06/24/10 02:26 PM
Edited by RoamingOrator on Thu 06/24/10 02:26 PM
You think I'm going to listen to you????

laugh laugh laugh

(That was the point right? I've been getting into a lot of trouble today.)

markc48's photo
Thu 06/24/10 03:26 PM
Edited by markc48 on Thu 06/24/10 03:31 PM
Well is it any better if they tell you what not to do. That list could be longer.laugh You want to learn the hard way. It might sink in better.

AmandaRJ's photo
Thu 06/24/10 05:30 PM
Some say wise people learn from the mistakes of others, but sometimes we need to make our own mistakes and take some wrong paths to be able to recognize the right one.

krupa's photo
Thu 06/24/10 05:57 PM can lead a horse to water but you can't make them think. I used to give good advice to my younger friends....but, they knew everything (as all younger people do), now I sit back and watch them screw themselves and laugh about it. When I am joking about "how was the penis when you were in jail?" "I knew you were gonna get popped"....THEN it becomes...."Why didn't you say something?"

People don't want advice. They only want it when s**t has already hit the fan and they need to do damage control.

Mishlen's photo
Thu 06/24/10 06:59 PM

You think I'm going to listen to you????

laugh laugh laugh

(That was the point right? I've been getting into a lot of trouble today.)
It's only your decision listen or not. I'm don't serious treat to this answer. It's fun for me.

suchafool's photo
Thu 06/24/10 08:16 PM
Like a wise man once said; "It's better to keep your mouth closed and be assumed a fool, then to open it and remove all that doubt."

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 06/24/10 08:21 PM
I'm always open to advise and I'll even ask, I don't think anyone likes to be told what to do. Being forced to listen or do what others what us to do is quite an infringement on our personal freedom....

Mishlen's photo
Thu 06/24/10 08:39 PM
Oh, i see your are very serious treat to that. When i had hear this, i'm laugh. May be i'm have sense of humor not such as your have? So may be.

msharmony's photo
Fri 06/25/10 02:37 AM

Some people need guidance. And some of those people dont know how to ask for it. So must help them take that first step.

its good to know which people share the respect with us to accept advice and which to just leave alone,,,but not everyone can tell the difference