Topic: People will come up with anything to deny the lord
msharmony's photo
Tue 06/22/10 11:56 AM
The only reference to the beast number is to a tribe that we know as a l-rd who rises.

can you explain this conclusion further? and

is the beast the only one who rises in the bible?

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 06/22/10 12:16 PM

Stumbled across an antichrist website and thought i'd check it out and see what they had to say. People that try to prove their are inconsistencies and or conflicts are taking verses out of context and not getting the true meening. This is an example of what this particular site had to say about it's inconsistencies.

GE 1:31 God was pleased with his creation.

GE 6:5-6 God was not pleased with his creation

If you read GE 6:5-6 you will see that God was not pleased with his creations actions. And you're not gonna tell me your child never upsets you and therefor doesn't please you. Parents aren't pleased with their children 24/7. So as you can see it's not that God was unpleased by his creation in general, just unpleased in the actions his creations were taking.

Just thought it was funny how far they reach to try to prove their point. I find it astonishing.

The difference here between me as a parent and your god as a parent is that I don't threaten my sons with...
"if you continue to not please me, if you don't see things my way, if you keep disappointing me, if you don't do everything I want you to, if you don't think like me, if you question me, if you don't conform to my ways, if you choose a different wife than the one I pick for you, if you don't become a doctor like I have told you, you must be then I will cut you off from me for all eternity."

"See I love you so much my son, that you must be, do, say, act, think, just like me or you are no longer a part of me".

"Sorry, my child, I just love ya that much".

It's like the homophobic parent that disowns their child when they find out their gay. No child of mine could be this are dead to me.

I'm sure that sounds really silly to more silly than your plea sounds to me. I find it all quite astonishing as well.

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 06/22/10 12:24 PM

People will come up with anything to deny the lord

Deny the lord?

Don't you actually mean to say, "People will come up with anything to deny that particular books are not the true word of our supernatural creator"

In fact, aren't Christians just as guilty of this as anyone else? They deny the books of the Jews and of the Muslims. The protestants deny the Catholics texts and interpretations.

Where does any so-called "lord" even come into the picture?

There is no "lord" to even deny.

When I read the KJV, I don't deny that a man named Jesus (or whatever) may have actually lived, rejected the teachings of the old God Yahweh, and was crucified for his views and opinions.

On the contrary, I imagine that probably did happen sadly.

But now that you've opened the door to the topic, it's not even possible to deny the "lord", especially if you are attempting to suggesting that "Jesus" was the "lord".

We have nothing that came straight from Jesus. All we have is hearsay written by various other conflicing authors.

So at best all we can do is deny their opinions, or argue over the intepretations of their writings. Neither of which would constitute the denial of any 'lord'.

Before you can deny Jesus as 'lord' you must first be convinced that there is even any reason to suspect that he might be 'lord'.

I see absolutely no reason to suspect any such thing. Therefore there is nothing to 'deny' other than a bunch of confused, conflicting hearsay that even the most educated scholars and clergy in the world can't even make any consistent sense of.

That most certainly wouldn't be 'denying' the lord any more than to believe Zeus is just a myth amounts to 'denying' Zeus. There just isn't enough evidence or reason to believe in either one.

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 06/22/10 12:31 PM

16And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:

17But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die

GE is clearly just saying it is wrong to eat of the tree because God told them not to. Nothing more, nothing less.

If the forbidden fruit was from a tree of KNOWLEDGE of good and evil....
seems to me the big mistake here was not eating ENOUGH of the fruit.

So god tested them, just wanted to see if they would a cruel parent who puts a toy in front of a child and tells them "no, you can't have it". Then smacks their hand and puts the toy back in front of them and says no again and smacks their hand again, over and over. I have actually seen idiot parents do this...and they were control freaks who had power of the child.
Sounds absurd!!
The powers that be that I believe in would be be shoving that fruit in so the the child would gain more knowledge and would never intentionally taunt and frustrate...All That Is, is not on a power trip. We do that...

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 06/22/10 12:42 PM
Nutshell answer. People will paraphrase the daylights out of anything including the bible to lend credence to their argument through a need to accomplish what they seek even at the expense of exposure through their use of fallacious logic. A wiser man questions the possibility of God but likewise does not discount the possibility of what or who God is.

I am sure to Ants we are huge and by all respects Godlike in comparison. We can snuff them out in huge numbers. If ants had religion I am sure we would be viewed as gods. Now come along a species from another world who are larger and more technologically advanced and the scale is similar to what we would be to a T Rex or lets think real Big and go with Spinosaurus Aegypticus. If you had to look up at something like that more than likely most people would crap themselves! Primitive people would view creatures like this coming from the sky as Gods. The "Visitors" might not even see us as anything more than ants. (On a side note watch the movie "Savage Planet" which illustrates a interesting point to this concept.)

There is a lot of mimicry in nature. Also it is possible that an entity of fantastic capacities might elect to call itself the ultimate. Human will is easy to force down if you have the right means.

Again there is a difference in being skeptical and asinine. The asinine view is staunch and defiant belief. The biggest problem is ANYTHING wrong of the hand and minds of man is going to be perverted somehow. the bible was written by the Catholic church based on Scriptures and other writings of only a hand full of men for the New Testimate but the Old Testimate??? The Catholic Church cheated and used the Torah for the first five books. The rest was a compilation of a lot of chosen literature.

What bothers me the most about the bible was the Burning of the Great Library of Alexandria. That cost us all our written history up to the time of the "Great" flood supposedly! All of it was wiped out by an illiterate Catholic Bishop! Book Ba Que anyone? So when it comes to people waving a book at me and I mean ANY book written by the hands of man I question it's validity fully! Especially since the Catholic Church maintains a stranglehold on the documents the bible was supposedly based on!

When there is no transparency there is only scandal and lie! The sad thing to me is that the whole truth of the bible is summed up in two lines and 90% of Christians don't even see it for what it is! they have to base all of their faith on a stupid book and not themselves!

That creates what I call "Black Sheep Syndrome." People of the Christian community want to conform but they take the most extreme views to fit in and not quite fit right among their fellow Christians or they turn on their flock and and staunchly and vehemently try to debunk the faith of others. Admittedly I have found a number of Contradictions in the bible and Christianity but my views are based on much deeper arguments.

oddly I will acquiesce to the wisdom of these two lines in the bible,

34But when the Pharisees heard that He had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together. 35Then one of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, and saying, 36"Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?" 37Jesus said to him, "'You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' 38This is the first and great commandment. 39And the second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets." Matt. 22:34-40

Such simple wisdom and what to the Generality of organized faith Christians do with it?

Complicate the daylights out of it with tradition and accepting a savior when you should just try being a good person instead! Just cause you go to church every Sunday and supposedly God may have forgiven you of your sins it does not mean you have a license to be a idiot. And yet I see people on both sides of this being less than objective.

Now for some interesting food for thought about the whole Number of the beast...

Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 06/22/10 12:43 PM
Edited by Milesoftheusa on Tue 06/22/10 12:50 PM

The only reference to the beast number is to a tribe that we know as a l-rd who rises.

can you explain this conclusion further? and

is the beast the only one who rises in the bible?

John when he says here is the number of the beast is refering to the beast who rises who he has just prophecied about. Noone is spoken of this fashion except the beast of rev.

He does not tell us we will not know who it is but speaks of having wisdom and understanding the meaning of the words he wrote down.

All the signs are thier who this beast is and he also speaks of him having a blaspemous name on him.

The 3rd commandment speaks of this so does Yahshua.

Ex 20:7

7 "You shall not take the name of Yahweh your Elohim in vain, for Yahweh will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.



OT:7723 aw=v* shav' (shawv); or shav (shav); from the same as OT:7722 in the sense of desolating; evil (as destructive), literally (ruin) or morally (especially guile); figuratively idolatry (as false, subjective), uselessness (as deceptive, objective; also adverbially, in vain):

KJV - false (-ly), lie, lying, vain, vanity.
(Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright © 1994, 2003 Biblesoft, Inc. and International Bible Translators, Inc.)

Using another name as we are told in other scriptures not to do.

Acts 4:12
12 Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved."

Yes another name is against the 3rd commandment.

and Guiltless


OT:5352 hq*n* naqah (naw-kaw'); a primitive root; to be (or make) clean (literally or figuratively); by implication (in an adverse sense) to be bare, i.e. extirpated:

KJV - acquit at all, altogether, be blameless, cleanse, (be) clear (-ing), cut off, be desolate, be free, be (hold) guiltless, be (hold) innocent, by no means, be quit, be (leave) unpunished, utterly, wholly.

(Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright © 1994, 2003 Biblesoft, Inc. and International Bible Translators, Inc.)

Blasheming the name with another as Yahshua said we would.

John 5:43
43 I have come in My Father's name, and you do not receive Me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive.

Yahshua came in his fathers name Yahweh. l-rd and g-d thier are many.

either we believe the scriptures or not. do not believe me but study for yourselves what i have written here.

because this is why the world is decieved.

Rev 12:9
9 So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world ; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

He has yet to be thrown out he comes and goes and misguides as he will.

He comes in his own name not the one given by the father.Yahshua.

Yet we will say he has many names to justify what we want yet the scriptures say no such thing.

We have seen nothing yet not untill he is actually thrown out of heaven for good will all break loose on earth because then he knows he has little time and could not even beat Michael.

This is deep and speaks of the unforgiven sin..

Luke 12:10

10 "And anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but to him who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven.

He speaks of his father not of himself. He had to go to the heavens to send the Tongue of Fire to us that every man may know who Yahweh is. Yet almost every man on earth denies this basic truth and wonders why things happen. Goes all the way back to Aarons sons who used the fire in a bad way.

Lev 10:1-3

Then Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, each took his censer and put fire in it, put incense on it, and offered profane fire before Yahweh, which He had not commanded them. 2 So fire went out from Yahweh and devoured them, and they died before Yahweh. 3 And Moses said to Aaron, "This is what Yahweh spoke, saying:

'By those who come near Me
I must be regarded as holy;
And before all the people
I must be glorified.'"

We are the Temple and our fire offering is the Word of Yahweh. Misuse it willingly and then it is taken from you.

This is why we must study and learn and the understanding will come.

Never forget..

Ps 51:14-17

14 Deliver me from the guilt of bloodshed, O Elohim,
The Elohim of my salvation,
And my tongue shall sing aloud of Your righteousness.
15 O Yahweh, open my lips,
And my mouth shall show forth Your praise.
16 For You do not desire sacrifice, or else I would give it;
You do not delight in burnt offering.
17 The sacrifices of Elohim are a broken spirit,
A broken and a contrite heart —
These, O Elohim, You will not despise.

Most will say this is foolishness but everywhere you see in the OT Capital L-RD is from YHWH to take the name from you from using it. Instead you try to honor Yahweh in a way he hates.

6900+ times is YHWH in the OT alone more than any other word name anything.

The 3rd commandment is the only one it says u can not before given for not giving his name glory as it deserves. Blessings and May Yahweh of Host Always Be Glorified....Miles

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 06/22/10 12:48 PM
Edited by Abracadabra on Tue 06/22/10 12:48 PM

16And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:

17But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die

GE is clearly just saying it is wrong to eat of the tree because God told them not to. Nothing more, nothing less.

If the forbidden fruit was from a tree of KNOWLEDGE of good and evil....
seems to me the big mistake here was not eating ENOUGH of the fruit.

Well, not only that, but if they didn't have knowledge of good and evil before they ate from the tree, then they couldn't have possibly understood that it was wrong to eat from the tree.

It's a catch-22. They couldn't be held guilty of doing wrong before they understood what it means to do wrong, and they couldn't understand what it means to do wrong until after they ate from the tree.

So whoever made up this story must have failed logic 101.

The very premise upon wich the whole thing stands is itself a logical contradicition. A person would already need to have an undestanding of the difference between good and evil before they could be guilty of purposefully choosing do commit an evil act.

Proof positive that the biblical myth is a farce. drinker

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 06/22/10 12:49 PM

Stumbled across an antichrist website and thought i'd check it out and see what they had to say. People that try to prove their are inconsistencies and or conflicts are taking verses out of context and not getting the true meening. This is an example of what this particular site had to say about it's inconsistencies.

GE 1:31 God was pleased with his creation.

GE 6:5-6 God was not pleased with his creation

If you read GE 6:5-6 you will see that God was not pleased with his creations actions. And you're not gonna tell me your child never upsets you and therefor doesn't please you. Parents aren't pleased with their children 24/7. So as you can see it's not that God was unpleased by his creation in general, just unpleased in the actions his creations were taking.

Just thought it was funny how far they reach to try to prove their point. I find it astonishing.

The difference here between me as a parent and your god as a parent is that I don't threaten my sons with...
"if you continue to not please me, if you don't see things my way, if you keep disappointing me, if you don't do everything I want you to, if you don't think like me, if you question me, if you don't conform to my ways, if you choose a different wife than the one I pick for you, if you don't become a doctor like I have told you, you must be then I will cut you off from me for all eternity."

"See I love you so much my son, that you must be, do, say, act, think, just like me or you are no longer a part of me".

"Sorry, my child, I just love ya that much".

It's like the homophobic parent that disowns their child when they find out their gay. No child of mine could be this are dead to me.

I'm sure that sounds really silly to more silly than your plea sounds to me. I find it all quite astonishing as well.

So you don't punish your children for disobeying? You just let them run a muck? Imagine life like that. People could go around stealing, raping, murdering, and so much more without consequence :/ wow what a wonderful world that would be.

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 06/22/10 01:15 PM

Stumbled across an antichrist website and thought i'd check it out and see what they had to say. People that try to prove their are inconsistencies and or conflicts are taking verses out of context and not getting the true meening. This is an example of what this particular site had to say about it's inconsistencies.

GE 1:31 God was pleased with his creation.

GE 6:5-6 God was not pleased with his creation

If you read GE 6:5-6 you will see that God was not pleased with his creations actions. And you're not gonna tell me your child never upsets you and therefor doesn't please you. Parents aren't pleased with their children 24/7. So as you can see it's not that God was unpleased by his creation in general, just unpleased in the actions his creations were taking.

Just thought it was funny how far they reach to try to prove their point. I find it astonishing.

The difference here between me as a parent and your god as a parent is that I don't threaten my sons with...
"if you continue to not please me, if you don't see things my way, if you keep disappointing me, if you don't do everything I want you to, if you don't think like me, if you question me, if you don't conform to my ways, if you choose a different wife than the one I pick for you, if you don't become a doctor like I have told you, you must be then I will cut you off from me for all eternity."

"See I love you so much my son, that you must be, do, say, act, think, just like me or you are no longer a part of me".

"Sorry, my child, I just love ya that much".

It's like the homophobic parent that disowns their child when they find out their gay. No child of mine could be this are dead to me.

I'm sure that sounds really silly to more silly than your plea sounds to me. I find it all quite astonishing as well.

So you don't punish your children for disobeying? You just let them run a muck? Imagine life like that. People could go around stealing, raping, murdering, and so much more without consequence :/ wow what a wonderful world that would be.


If that was your interpretation of what I just posted there, then I am understanding better how you so easily interpret the bible the way you want! My sons are grown men, fine young men. I really attempt at debating fair and throwing out ideas to help others think cowboy...but your post there is quite frankly a crock of shiit! Until this point I had thought you were just passionate about your beliefs.... now I see that the minute a concept comes up that you can't answer reasonably you become a real dink!

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 06/22/10 01:18 PM

Stumbled across an antichrist website and thought i'd check it out and see what they had to say. People that try to prove their are inconsistencies and or conflicts are taking verses out of context and not getting the true meening. This is an example of what this particular site had to say about it's inconsistencies.

GE 1:31 God was pleased with his creation.

GE 6:5-6 God was not pleased with his creation

If you read GE 6:5-6 you will see that God was not pleased with his creations actions. And you're not gonna tell me your child never upsets you and therefor doesn't please you. Parents aren't pleased with their children 24/7. So as you can see it's not that God was unpleased by his creation in general, just unpleased in the actions his creations were taking.

Just thought it was funny how far they reach to try to prove their point. I find it astonishing.

The difference here between me as a parent and your god as a parent is that I don't threaten my sons with...
"if you continue to not please me, if you don't see things my way, if you keep disappointing me, if you don't do everything I want you to, if you don't think like me, if you question me, if you don't conform to my ways, if you choose a different wife than the one I pick for you, if you don't become a doctor like I have told you, you must be then I will cut you off from me for all eternity."

"See I love you so much my son, that you must be, do, say, act, think, just like me or you are no longer a part of me".

"Sorry, my child, I just love ya that much".

It's like the homophobic parent that disowns their child when they find out their gay. No child of mine could be this are dead to me.

I'm sure that sounds really silly to more silly than your plea sounds to me. I find it all quite astonishing as well.

So you don't punish your children for disobeying? You just let them run a muck? Imagine life like that. People could go around stealing, raping, murdering, and so much more without consequence :/ wow what a wonderful world that would be.


If that was your interpretation of what I just posted there, then I am understanding better how you so easily interpret the bible the way you want! My sons are grown men, fine young men. I really attempt at debating fair and throwing out ideas to help others think cowboy...but your post there is quite frankly a crock of shiit! Until this point I had thought you were just passionate about your beliefs.... now I see that the minute a concept comes up that you can't answer reasonably you become a real dink!

Wasn't insinuating that your kids persay do any of those, i'm sorry if it came across like that. Was only saying that without rules in life people would do those things on a general note. Sorry for any offence you may have taken, again was not insinuating that your children in particular were like that.

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 06/22/10 01:51 PM

Stumbled across an antichrist website and thought i'd check it out and see what they had to say. People that try to prove their are inconsistencies and or conflicts are taking verses out of context and not getting the true meening. This is an example of what this particular site had to say about it's inconsistencies.

GE 1:31 God was pleased with his creation.

GE 6:5-6 God was not pleased with his creation

If you read GE 6:5-6 you will see that God was not pleased with his creations actions. And you're not gonna tell me your child never upsets you and therefor doesn't please you. Parents aren't pleased with their children 24/7. So as you can see it's not that God was unpleased by his creation in general, just unpleased in the actions his creations were taking.

Just thought it was funny how far they reach to try to prove their point. I find it astonishing.

The difference here between me as a parent and your god as a parent is that I don't threaten my sons with...
"if you continue to not please me, if you don't see things my way, if you keep disappointing me, if you don't do everything I want you to, if you don't think like me, if you question me, if you don't conform to my ways, if you choose a different wife than the one I pick for you, if you don't become a doctor like I have told you, you must be then I will cut you off from me for all eternity."

"See I love you so much my son, that you must be, do, say, act, think, just like me or you are no longer a part of me".

"Sorry, my child, I just love ya that much".

It's like the homophobic parent that disowns their child when they find out their gay. No child of mine could be this are dead to me.

I'm sure that sounds really silly to more silly than your plea sounds to me. I find it all quite astonishing as well.

So you don't punish your children for disobeying? You just let them run a muck? Imagine life like that. People could go around stealing, raping, murdering, and so much more without consequence :/ wow what a wonderful world that would be.


If that was your interpretation of what I just posted there, then I am understanding better how you so easily interpret the bible the way you want! My sons are grown men, fine young men. I really attempt at debating fair and throwing out ideas to help others think cowboy...but your post there is quite frankly a crock of shiit! Until this point I had thought you were just passionate about your beliefs.... now I see that the minute a concept comes up that you can't answer reasonably you become a real dink!

Wasn't insinuating that your kids persay do any of those, i'm sorry if it came across like that. Was only saying that without rules in life people would do those things on a general note. Sorry for any offence you may have taken, again was not insinuating that your children in particular were like that.

You can't insult me or my sons, you don't know us and I live in Mormon central so I am use to such attitudes. Here in my town I get similar silly-ness when 'they' can't come up with any reasonable answer to my questions. When I throw such extremes out at them and they have no response, that's when they become patronizing.
My post says nothing of punishment or non punishment...
you had no sensible response to what I had posted, it was so very extreme to you that you couldn't come up with anything. All you could think of was the same response I have seen you give to Abra and others along the same lines..."so you don't punish your children?" It's a way to subtlety attempt an insult..and we both know that. As I said, for you to respond the way you did to my post just helps me understand how you interpret the scriptures and twist words to suit your beliefs. Just as the teachings of Jesus were twisted and perverted to suit the church so long have just done the same with my words.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 06/22/10 02:02 PM

Stumbled across an antichrist website and thought i'd check it out and see what they had to say. People that try to prove their are inconsistencies and or conflicts are taking verses out of context and not getting the true meening. This is an example of what this particular site had to say about it's inconsistencies.

GE 1:31 God was pleased with his creation.

GE 6:5-6 God was not pleased with his creation

If you read GE 6:5-6 you will see that God was not pleased with his creations actions. And you're not gonna tell me your child never upsets you and therefor doesn't please you. Parents aren't pleased with their children 24/7. So as you can see it's not that God was unpleased by his creation in general, just unpleased in the actions his creations were taking.

Just thought it was funny how far they reach to try to prove their point. I find it astonishing.

The difference here between me as a parent and your god as a parent is that I don't threaten my sons with...
"if you continue to not please me, if you don't see things my way, if you keep disappointing me, if you don't do everything I want you to, if you don't think like me, if you question me, if you don't conform to my ways, if you choose a different wife than the one I pick for you, if you don't become a doctor like I have told you, you must be then I will cut you off from me for all eternity."

"See I love you so much my son, that you must be, do, say, act, think, just like me or you are no longer a part of me".

"Sorry, my child, I just love ya that much".

It's like the homophobic parent that disowns their child when they find out their gay. No child of mine could be this are dead to me.

I'm sure that sounds really silly to more silly than your plea sounds to me. I find it all quite astonishing as well.

So you don't punish your children for disobeying? You just let them run a muck? Imagine life like that. People could go around stealing, raping, murdering, and so much more without consequence :/ wow what a wonderful world that would be.


If that was your interpretation of what I just posted there, then I am understanding better how you so easily interpret the bible the way you want! My sons are grown men, fine young men. I really attempt at debating fair and throwing out ideas to help others think cowboy...but your post there is quite frankly a crock of shiit! Until this point I had thought you were just passionate about your beliefs.... now I see that the minute a concept comes up that you can't answer reasonably you become a real dink!

Wasn't insinuating that your kids persay do any of those, i'm sorry if it came across like that. Was only saying that without rules in life people would do those things on a general note. Sorry for any offence you may have taken, again was not insinuating that your children in particular were like that.

You can't insult me or my sons, you don't know us and I live in Mormon central so I am use to such attitudes. Here in my town I get similar silly-ness when 'they' can't come up with any reasonable answer to my questions. When I throw such extremes out at them and they have no response, that's when they become patronizing.
My post says nothing of punishment or non punishment...
you had no sensible response to what I had posted, it was so very extreme to you that you couldn't come up with anything. All you could think of was the same response I have seen you give to Abra and others along the same lines..."so you don't punish your children?" It's a way to subtlety attempt an insult..and we both know that. As I said, for you to respond the way you did to my post just helps me understand how you interpret the scriptures and twist words to suit your beliefs. Just as the teachings of Jesus were twisted and perverted to suit the church so long have just done the same with my words.

LoL man you got some issues some where along the road. I was in no way insulting anyone. Or putting you down in anyway.

Right and wrong is what seperates us from animals. Without punishment of some sort we do NOT learn right from wrong. That is why domestic animals are usually less agressive then wild animals, because they know right from wrong. That's all i was getting at.

If a person kills someone and nothing is done in any way to PUNISH them, they will keep on with killing people. Same thing with all things. That again is all i was getting at.
The difference here between me as a parent and your god as a parent is that I don't threaten my sons with
God threatens no one. He informs us of what is to come of our actions. God has set out no rules but things to have people love on another. Without those rules people again would just naturally run around stealing, raping, murdering, and so much more. There would be no second thought to not doing as such.

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 06/22/10 02:31 PM
Cowboy, we all have our own issues...again you twist my words.
Right and wrong are subjective and we learn from our experiences. I have sons older than you and they also get to learn from life...that is why we are on this planet, for growth. I am beginning to feel sorry for speak of murder, raping, punishment. These words are not even part of my original post. You twist words to suit your beliefs and I can't communicate with one such as that. I'm feeling you have had some very bad things happen to you in your short 22 years. I wish you peace young brother. flowerforyou

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 06/22/10 02:58 PM

Cowboy, we all have our own issues...again you twist my words.
Right and wrong are subjective and we learn from our experiences. I have sons older than you and they also get to learn from life...that is why we are on this planet, for growth. I am beginning to feel sorry for speak of murder, raping, punishment. These words are not even part of my original post. You twist words to suit your beliefs and I can't communicate with one such as that. I'm feeling you have had some very bad things happen to you in your short 22 years. I wish you peace young brother. flowerforyou

I twisted nothing. When people have no rules set forth before them while growing up tend to grow up to do those things. And maybe not those EXACT things, but all sins are equal but one, denying the lord thy God is the only unforgivable sin. All other sins are equal and forgivable. I never once said you said it, i don't play that game.

And having just rules are set before someone with some form of punishment behind it are nothing, they are just words.

KerryO's photo
Tue 06/22/10 04:09 PM
From Wikipedia:

A student was playing a handheld video game during a class.The teacher called on the student and asked him what he was doing.The student replied that he was trying to master the game.

The teacher said, "There exists a state in which you will not attempt to master the game, and the game will not attempt to master you."

The student asked, "What is this state?"

The teacher said, "Give me your video game, and I will show you."

The student gave him the game, and the teacher threw it to the ground, breaking it into pieces. The student was enlightened.

-Kerry O.

msharmony's photo
Tue 06/22/10 06:23 PM

Stumbled across an antichrist website and thought i'd check it out and see what they had to say. People that try to prove their are inconsistencies and or conflicts are taking verses out of context and not getting the true meening. This is an example of what this particular site had to say about it's inconsistencies.

GE 1:31 God was pleased with his creation.

GE 6:5-6 God was not pleased with his creation

If you read GE 6:5-6 you will see that God was not pleased with his creations actions. And you're not gonna tell me your child never upsets you and therefor doesn't please you. Parents aren't pleased with their children 24/7. So as you can see it's not that God was unpleased by his creation in general, just unpleased in the actions his creations were taking.

Just thought it was funny how far they reach to try to prove their point. I find it astonishing.

The difference here between me as a parent and your god as a parent is that I don't threaten my sons with...
"if you continue to not please me, if you don't see things my way, if you keep disappointing me, if you don't do everything I want you to, if you don't think like me, if you question me, if you don't conform to my ways, if you choose a different wife than the one I pick for you, if you don't become a doctor like I have told you, you must be then I will cut you off from me for all eternity."

"See I love you so much my son, that you must be, do, say, act, think, just like me or you are no longer a part of me".

"Sorry, my child, I just love ya that much".

It's like the homophobic parent that disowns their child when they find out their gay. No child of mine could be this are dead to me.

I'm sure that sounds really silly to more silly than your plea sounds to me. I find it all quite astonishing as well.

neither does my God, in spite of failing or falling short, he continues to give me the choice of everlasting life through accepting christ and seeking God.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 06/22/10 06:30 PM
Okay, but you cannot use scripture of a book that is not valid to validated a book that is not valid.

There has to be another way to validate the book. An outside source.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 06/22/10 06:35 PM

I twisted nothing. When people have no rules set forth before them while growing up tend to grow up to do those things. And maybe not those EXACT things, but all sins are equal but one, denying the lord thy God is the only unforgivable sin. All other sins are equal and forgivable. I never once said you said it, i don't play that game.

And having just rules are set before someone with some form of punishment behind it are nothing, they are just words.

This isn't true. People who are not right mentally do those things, it has nothing to do with punishment.

A child that is not punished, especially how the bible shows, grow up just fine.

The bible is really not needed at all in the human world.

msharmony's photo
Tue 06/22/10 06:39 PM
there are scientific theories which actually support the bible and there are authors who wrote of things that the bible wrote of as well,,,,,,I will have to look them up and post some of them later,,,

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 06/23/10 08:22 AM
Cowboy wrote.

"Right and wrong is what seperates us from animals. Without punishment of some sort we do NOT learn right from wrong. That is why domestic animals are usually less agressive then wild animals, because they know right from wrong. That's all i was getting at. "

Domestice animals are twisted by being forced to accept human concepts of right and wrong.

Animals can not be judged by human standards... God gave them a different mandate than was given mankind.

Right for an animal is what ever they need to survive as an individual. Right for Mankind is whatever one can do to insure the survival of the species.