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Topic: Disturbing Emails
hmlover's photo
Tue 06/15/10 04:18 AM

I already have the feeling thats what is going to happen. So Im already planning on telling her ok. Then wait for awhile, then tell I went down to westren union and sent out the money. Go pick it up. Then wait to see what she says when she descovers the money was not sent.
Well. This morning I did get the email that asked me to send $1,000 to her by westren union LOL. Like I didnt see that comingrofl I replied back to her as follows: Ok Tatiana.I will go to the bank when it first opens. Draw the money out,and go to westren Union to send you the money. I am looking forward to seeing you for the first time. I cant wait till you are finally in my arms.All I can think about these days , is kissing your sweet lips, and making slow passionate love to you. Yours Forever, Mike

I played along with a couple of those, and then the thought occurred to me that I was actually typing to some guy who was probably working for the Russian mafia or some such, and it totally creeped me out... Now, if they aren't from the US, I don't even bother answering. I will say, though, that doing so helps you immediately recognize when someone is trying to scam you later. Incidentally, ladies are just as much a target in these types of scams.

krupa's photo
Tue 06/15/10 04:34 AM
Don't get me wrong. I got a couple of foriegn national gal friends (that I have met on Mingle) that are legit down to earth people. More often than not, they are mildly curious about the U.S. And only after a year or so is visiting even mentioned. Hell, I was invited to vacation in Slovakia. If I could have afforded the flight I would have gone. Everything had already been discussed. " Just wanna hang out. Knock back some drinks and see the sights.....no way in hell you are moving in with me". There are regular gals and guys over seas with the same hopes, disappointments and crap that we deal with......they just don't look like friggen super models with bloom lighting on every damned photo. (Standard European trick to make their stock look better....they do the same thing with the chicks that Americans rent for porn shoots)

imsingle951's photo
Tue 06/15/10 04:48 AM

im the lucky one they write to me from ukrain,and and sutch like places,and only want 500 english pounds,makes you wonder.laugh
It would seem to me that if they had any brains, they would first try to find out how you get your income. And what you do for a living before wasting time on a guy like me that only gets a ssdi check once a month to live on. Like, WTF are they thinking?rofl rofl

hmlover's photo
Tue 06/15/10 04:56 AM
Honestly, if you haven't read this site: http://www.datingnmore.com/fraud/scam_database.htm, and you are trying to get a date on the Internet, you need to stop what you are doing and give that site a good read. There are way too many people that have lost a lot of money due to these scams.

benji2929's photo
Tue 06/15/10 06:53 AM
I once sent message to gale that i like to get to know her for her, who she is..but no responce :(

Seakolony's photo
Tue 06/15/10 07:44 AM

I once sent message to gale that i like to get to know her for her, who she is..but no responce :(

Only one message with no response...surprised shocked whoa

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