Topic: Generally Insane Rumors | |
I miss MST3K so much! In a way, I'm still looking for them. I know. Some times I'll see a bad movie and think "This would be perfect for MST3K"... |
Gargling with clorax will whiten your teeth!
It's important to cauterize paper cuts.
a hurricane in the gulf in its present condition will cause the oil to go airborn as a vapor and lightning will ignite it...destroying everything within a hundred miles of the gulf from the concussion.
Ammonia will take care of jock itch
2. If you kiss a boy while wearing a bathing suit you'll get pregnant |
5. Ben Affleck is a really good actor.... |
2. If you kiss a boy while wearing a bathing suit you'll get pregnant but if you drop your hat she will |
The bible says sex before marriage is bad
You can use sparklers to put out most kitchen fires.
(Even if that's not the case, it'll look AWESOME.) |
Drunk tobogganing (or toboozining) kills 40 Canadians every winter
2. If you kiss a boy while wearing a bathing suit you'll get pregnant |
This is a real turn on for the ladies.... Actually I don't mind buddha belly to rub. Sick I know. Debunked rumor though sorry |
I'm pregnant with Eminem's children
Guys who play the triangle get all the girls. Play triangle.
Methamphetimines and cigarettes are great for shedding those unwanted pounds.
Mc Donald's is coming out with a new sandwich -the" McStinky"
eh-there's nothing wrong with it-they just ran out of names.... |
Ice cream has no calories until 5PM.
Bugs Bunny had an identity issue and was more in love with daffy duck than Elmer Fudd.
Lucy pulled the football away from Charlie Brown because she was sexually frustrated for Charlie Brown.