Topic: Real Estate Firm Puts Up a Sign for 'Whites Only'
Dragoness's photo
Tue 06/08/10 08:12 PM

I suppose, in the context of the OP's article, which I read a week or so ago, that I might be considered a racist, even though I am not. I see no problem in anyone desiring to limit the buyers of their property to whatever group they wish to limit it to, be it black, white, green, or fish scaled. I see them as not to bright in a business sense to limit their list of prospective customers, and consequently the price they will receive, but, heck, it is their money and they should have the right to waste it however they want. If I was selling my place, I would not give a rat's a$$ who bought it, but, if my neighbor wanted to only sell his to fish scaled green ppl, his right, and I suspect the selling price would be somewhat reduced from

I do agree with this but only if all races were equally treated from the beginning.
Because they were not equal from the beginning, this is cannot be allowed.

Thomas3474's photo
Tue 06/08/10 08:13 PM
I don't see how his sign is racist when you have probably hundreds of programs of every kind that exclude white men and women.I really don't think I need to get into the free and low income housing that is paid for by the Government that is specificly geared towards the minorities.Minorites get hand outs at every level from birth to death.Poor white people get nothing but rejected applications while some illegal from Mexico gets everything paid from education to housing.

no photo
Tue 06/08/10 08:15 PM

So: Where's the problem?

well g'nite all.

I don't think anything except colorblindness and an attitude of looking forward will solve anything - we're all in this together

Dragoness's photo
Tue 06/08/10 08:15 PM

Of course.

Minorities need the handicap as long as racists believe this is alright.
don't agree - scholarships shoud not be based on race - any race - but on merit , need, accomplishment, or specialty (like for engineeres or teachers irrespective og gender or race - but with funds being private - they can do pretty much what they want - it's just my opinion that they shouldn' t be based on any EEO indicator

I am a child of the civil rights mvmnt. My dad nearly landed in jail more than once marching in the days of MLK, and I think the issues have multi levels. Racism still exists yes, but whites aren't the primary/only purveyors these days IMO

Considering that whites are the majority and retain the power in this country regardless to what people would like to say. Minorities are still not on equal ground.

There is more work needed.

On all sides but whites have to be the majority because they are the majority and they are in power in this country still.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 06/08/10 08:19 PM

I don't see how his sign is racist when you have probably hundreds of programs of every kind that exclude white men and women.I really don't think I need to get into the free and low income housing that is paid for by the Government that is specificly geared towards the minorities.Minorites get hand outs at every level from birth to death.Poor white people get nothing but rejected applications while some illegal from Mexico gets everything paid from education to housing.

Do you really believe this?noway huh

It is all the way inaccurate from start to finish.

Low income housing is for everyone who qualifies by income and availability.
Every government program is designed by being legally here and being under a certain income limit.

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 06/08/10 08:19 PM

When we see blatent displays of discrimination, such as described in the OP, many of us react in wide-eyed disbelief that anyone would have the gall to act with such disrespect.

But the shocking thing is, even though this kind of blatent, discrimination goes on around us every single day that so many are surprised when they actually see it or worse, experience it for the first time.

Recognition of this discrimination, or awareness from a personal perspective depends on your status in life, things like gender, age, race and ethnicity, gender preference, how much money you have or earn, where you live, your religious beliefs, and even how much you weigh.

The fact is that our government more than allows this kind of discrimintation, it is endorsed with official seals of approval, or it's ignored, or it's determined to exist for the sake of getting along. At times the highest authority in the land have been the writers of discrimination directly into law.

But we don't need to look too far to see how this discrimination is legally applied, accepted, and approved of (well maybe only approved of for not knowing better.

The nonprofit sector in this country is so large that if it were its own country it would be the 7th largest economy in the world.
(reference:(March 2009) Bridgeland & Reed - The Quit Crisis:The impact of the economic downturn on the nonprofit sector)

Nonprofits - all those wonderful charitable organizations on whom our Federal and State govenments depend to fill the gap of social outlets that they cannot - did you know they can discriminate in any way that is in accordance to it mission and its charter.

Open and Blatent Discrimination. Of course they have the right to limit the scope and realm of their charity, that makes sense to everyone, right? After all, a food bank is not going to be supplying legal advice or be a source of child advocacy. But they have the right to chose to whom their food will/can be distributed to. Like any NP organization, they may even have certain eligibility requirements, but that does not "entitle" the eligible to receive services - 'entitlement' is most often a matter of personal discretion.

Some have specific language such as "We serve the Christian community of ... town, city, whatever. JUST ONE EXAMPLE, I only used that one because it is widely prevalent. But believe it or not, some serve only Hispanic, or Black, or 'whatever' communities.

Now, some can justify that by saying these organizations have limited funds and resources and they were specifically founded to serve a particularly desparite sector of society.

If they were all soley dependent on donations or private funding and grants, There would be little argument against it. But, actually, both Federal and State grants are given to these organization, in fact very often, the State actually seeks them out or puts a call/request for such an organization to be created.

Federal and State - they only revenues are supposed to be our taxes.

While I really believe these organizations are needed and do some wonderful work - it's also very clear that what they are allowed to do is to act in a legally sanctions discriminatory manner.

This is ONE way in which discrimination in this country is allowed to persist and why so many individuals see nothing wrong with how they practice their own form of discrimination.

ETHICS cannot exist in ambiguity.

I understand what you are saying here.

My issue is that in this country everyone did not start out as equal. Do you realize that the black family still suffers from generational effects of slavery? Current white discrimination furthers this damage everyday. Equality needs to be reached before we can get to a point of generic help organizations and generic help for school and jobs. Until intentional and unintentional white racists grow a brain the furtherance of our equality in this country is held back.

The responsibility lies with the whites in this country first because they have been the majority power and they were the perpetrators of the crimes against other races which in combination is oppression.

We freed the people and continued to abuse them. We freed the people after generations of keeping them uneducated and disadvantaged. We freed a group of people and left the oppressors in control of them.

I speak for black folks because that is my experience but it applies to all races of people.

Whites have to come to the plate with intelligence and understanding that other people's struggle is different from theirs because of what the whites of the past have done and some continue to do today.

This country was based from racism.

Until some whites realize this and understand that some traditional ways of thinking and actions are based from this biased past and are not right, we are doomed to have to over compensate by race.

Sorry Dragoness but I think you've misinterpreted. I was not talking specifically about racism, although it's obvious it still exists. I was commenting on how surprised people generally are to see such blatent discrimination (the OP just happened to be racist) but my comment was in general.

The point I was making is that We should not be so shocked because the our governments not only allow discrimination the authorize and use it when it serves their purpose.

As a nation, we seem to overlook this and that was my point.

For exampl - I'm completing some legal forms, one of the sections says something to the effect that "The government requests this section to be completed, if you choose not to complete it, your counsellor will complete based on their 'assumption' after speaking with you.

What they wanted to know is - are you: Hispanic, Black, American Indian, Caucasion.

OMG - I bet half of Americans cannot 'honestly' answer that question, our blood lines have been so mixed, who could know? So I refused, let them put what they want, their guess is as good as mine.


I read back through it and I am still interpreting that you are saying that our government needs to be doing "generic" help for organizations instead of specifying race.

Now with your explanation I do agree that our government is obsessed with race.

It wants to be able to label and keep stats on all in their appropriate boxes. You are right that most of us do not fit those boxes anymore.

And where did this originate from anyway?

Well I can answer you question, at least in part. Both state and Fed govs include these questions as a way to indicate if any particular group is in need and then to determine why and what can be done for them.

But it doesn't really serve a purpose anymore. For example, for many years statistics have highleghted the fact that women head of households are the greatest number of impoverished.

I don't know where everyone else lives, but in the parts of the midwest that that I'm familiar with and the poeple I know indicate that these mothers with children have children of mixed race and I'm not just talking Black and White, let's add in Hispanic, and American Indian and India Indian too. It's just rediculous.

And is there any doubt that the largest NEW group are hispanic - so what's the point of trying to determine if they need help of course they do, they are NEW but that's what the nonprofit sector is for - if we were a country that HONESTLY lived by our Constitution of 'Equality', why should it matter what race or ethnicity anyone is?

A community knows when its members are in need, and organizations help them, or should - anyway. Sigh!

Dragoness's photo
Tue 06/08/10 08:25 PM
I see your frustration.

I also see your point.

How does a person go about changing it?

willy_cents's photo
Tue 06/08/10 08:25 PM

I suppose, in the context of the OP's article, which I read a week or so ago, that I might be considered a racist, even though I am not. I see no problem in anyone desiring to limit the buyers of their property to whatever group they wish to limit it to, be it black, white, green, or fish scaled. I see them as not to bright in a business sense to limit their list of prospective customers, and consequently the price they will receive, but, heck, it is their money and they should have the right to waste it however they want. If I was selling my place, I would not give a rat's a$$ who bought it, but, if my neighbor wanted to only sell his to fish scaled green ppl, his right, and I suspect the selling price would be somewhat reduced from

I do agree with this but only if all races were equally treated from the beginning.
Because they were not equal from the beginning, this is cannot be allowed.
so you appear to feel that others have the right to dictate to whom I can sell my property because of actions that were taken by others over the last couple hundred years. Let me expand upon that idea. Suppose that I agree with that. Then, because, as mentioned in the soccer analogy above, because men have traditionally discriminated, and placed themselves above women in sports, the workplace, politics, and who knows what else, then, let's require that the National Football league include women in the same percentage as in the general population on their teams. Please give me the survival/injury rate of the female participants versus the male participants. I discriminate in my hiring practices, damn rights I do, but my discrimination is based on abilities, intelligence, experience, gender(shock)and believe it or not, the cultural and societal conditions of where I live. Is this bad? Should I be condemned because I try to keep my workplace as free of conflict as I can, or should I say to heck with that and just forge ahead being non-discriminatory at the cost of my business and the 12 ppl who work for me?

Thomas3474's photo
Tue 06/08/10 08:26 PM
How many unemployed poor white people do you see driving brand new Escalades?You see it all the time with the illegals and everyone else living off the Government payroll.Just pop out 5 or 6 kids and you will have everything you need taken care of with out getting your butt of the couch.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 06/08/10 08:31 PM

I suppose, in the context of the OP's article, which I read a week or so ago, that I might be considered a racist, even though I am not. I see no problem in anyone desiring to limit the buyers of their property to whatever group they wish to limit it to, be it black, white, green, or fish scaled. I see them as not to bright in a business sense to limit their list of prospective customers, and consequently the price they will receive, but, heck, it is their money and they should have the right to waste it however they want. If I was selling my place, I would not give a rat's a$$ who bought it, but, if my neighbor wanted to only sell his to fish scaled green ppl, his right, and I suspect the selling price would be somewhat reduced from

I do agree with this but only if all races were equally treated from the beginning.
Because they were not equal from the beginning, this is cannot be allowed.
so you appear to feel that others have the right to dictate to whom I can sell my property because of actions that were taken by others over the last couple hundred years. Let me expand upon that idea. Suppose that I agree with that. Then, because, as mentioned in the soccer analogy above, because men have traditionally discriminated, and placed themselves above women in sports, the workplace, politics, and who knows what else, then, let's require that the National Football league include women in the same percentage as in the general population on their teams. Please give me the survival/injury rate of the female participants versus the male participants. I discriminate in my hiring practices, damn rights I do, but my discrimination is based on abilities, intelligence, experience, gender(shock)and believe it or not, the cultural and societal conditions of where I live. Is this bad? Should I be condemned because I try to keep my workplace as free of conflict as I can, or should I say to heck with that and just forge ahead being non-discriminatory at the cost of my business and the 12 ppl who work for me?

Okay you covered a lot here.

First off, unfair discrimination is different from discrimination that is used daily for our own activities.

Second, if a woman can do the work you hire for and you are discriminating and not hiring her, then yea you are being unfair and illegally discriminating.

So are you discriminating unfairly?

That is the issue.

It is unfair to take a disadvantaged people in a country that abused them and then continue the abuse by unfairly discriminating against them continuously.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Tue 06/08/10 08:34 PM

Reminders of the racist origin of this country never fail to amaze me at the supposed intelligence of our fore fathers and their utter failure in this area.

I see you still know almost nothing about the history of slavery in America. laugh

Dragoness's photo
Tue 06/08/10 08:35 PM

How many unemployed poor white people do you see driving brand new Escalades?You see it all the time with the illegals and everyone else living off the Government payroll.Just pop out 5 or 6 kids and you will have everything you need taken care of with out getting your butt of the couch.

Noone on welfare is driving an Escalade unless someone they know owns it and they allow the welfare recipient to drive it. Welfare techs can check Motor vehicle ownership.

Illegals can't get welfare, it is against the rules.

Noone can live off welfare for longer than five years in a life time so how is the pop out kids gonna do them any good.

I just cannot believe people still believe this garbage.

None of it is true.

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 06/08/10 08:38 PM
Oh - I just found one of the articles I about "race/ethnicity" that I thought was interesting. In case anyone has a mind to read it.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 06/08/10 08:41 PM
Heavenly, some of our forefathers participated in slavery. It was accepted then because their minds were not as enlightened as ours are today.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Tue 06/08/10 08:42 PM

Oh - I just found one of the articles I about "race/ethnicity" that I thought was interesting. In case anyone has a mind to read it.

That actually makes some valid points. I know my family (on dad's side) was discriminated against because of its German heritage and several generations ago, my ancestors had to change the spelling of my last name in order to sound less "German".

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 06/08/10 08:45 PM

I don't see how his sign is racist when you have probably hundreds of programs of every kind that exclude white men and women.I really don't think I need to get into the free and low income housing that is paid for by the Government that is specificly geared towards the minorities.Minorites get hand outs at every level from birth to death.Poor white people get nothing but rejected applications while some illegal from Mexico gets everything paid from education to housing.

Do you really believe this?noway huh

It is all the way inaccurate from start to finish.

Low income housing is for everyone who qualifies by income and availability.
Every government program is designed by being legally here and being under a certain income limit.

WHITE - MALE - HETEROSEXUAL - AMERICAN (majority) never had a day their life to fear discrimination OR inequality or anything except the best of treatment anywhere.

It's the biggest club in the world they don't even believe that any of THEIR kind could ever be in need.

Thomas3474's photo
Tue 06/08/10 08:46 PM

Senate Amnesty Could Strain
Welfare System

Newest Data Shows Latin American Immigrants
Make Heavy Use of Welfare

WASHINGTON (June 6, 2007) � As they debate legalization for illegal immigrants, Senators would do well to keep in mind the most recent data on welfare use by the people in question. According to the Department of Homeland Security, nearly 60% of illegal aliens are from Mexico and 80% of the total are from Latin America as a whole. A Center for Immigration Studies analysis of 2006 Census Bureau data, which includes legal and illegal immigrants, shows use of welfare by households headed by Mexican and Latin American immigrants is more than double that of native households. Among the findings:

51% of all Mexican immigrant households use at least one major welfare program and 28% use more than one program.
� 40% use food assistance, 35% use Medicaid, 6% use cash assistance.

45% of all Latin American immigrant households use at least one welfare program and 24% use more than one program.
� 32% use food assistance, 31% use Medicaid, 6% use cash assistance.

20% of native households use at least one welfare program and 11% multiple programs.
� 11% use food assistance, 15% use Medicaid, 5% use cash assistance.

Among Mexican and Latin American households, welfare use is somewhat higher for households headed by legal, as opposed to illegal, immigrants. Thus legalization will likely increase welfare costs still further.

90% of Mexican and Latin American households have at least one worker. Their heavy welfare use reflects their low education levels and resulting low incomes � and not an unwillingness work.
� 61% of all Mexican immigrants have not graduated high school.
� 48% of all Latin American immigrants have not graduated high school.

There is a common but mistaken belief that welfare programs are only for those who don�t work. Actually, the welfare system is designed to provide low-wage workers, or more often their children, things like food assistance and health care.

It is the presence of their U.S.-born children coupled with their low education levels that explains why so many immigrant households use the welfare system.

Most recently arrived immigrants are barred from using welfare programs and this would likely apply to those legalized by the Senate bill � however this is not true in every state, nor does not apply to all programs. Most important, the bar does not apply to the U.S.-born children of immigrants, who are immediately eligible.

There are an estimated 1.4 million households headed by illegal aliens using at least one major welfare program. If even half these families returned to their home countries, the savings for taxpayers could be substantial.

If we do not wish to make a large share of illegals return to their home countries, then the United States has to accept the welfare costs. There is no other option.

Programs examined in the analysis are food stamps, WIC, school lunch, Medicaid, TANF, SSI, and public/rent-subsidized housing.

If Illegals Stay, So Will Welfare Costs: The heavy use of welfare by immigrants from those parts of the world that send the most illegals is relevant to the question of whether to allow illegal immigrants to stay or, alternatively, to enforce the law and cause them to return home. The figures reported above are drawn directly from the best government data available, and show that allowing illegals to stay creates significant welfare costs. Many of the welfare costs described above are due to the presence of U.S.-born children, who are awarded U.S. citizenship at birth. Thus, the prohibition on new immigrants using some welfare programs makes little difference because their U.S.-citizen children will continue to be eligible. We estimate that nearly 400,000 children are born to illegal aliens each year.

Welfare Use by Working Immigrant Families: Most immigrants from Mexico and Latin America hold jobs. Their heavy use of the welfare system is due to the fact that a very large share have little education and as a result are able to earn only low incomes in the modern American economy, even though they work. The welfare system is geared toward helping low-income workers, especially those with children. Their education levels and the presence of U.S.-born children means welfare use will be extensive.

Tax Payments: Of course, immigrants, including illegal aliens, also pay taxes. However, because of the education level and resulting incomes levels of Mexican and Latin American immigrants, their tax payments are much less than natives on average. The same is true for illegal aliens. In a 2004 study, the Center for Immigration Studies estimated that illegal alien households used about $2,700 more services than they paid in taxes at the federal level only. We also found that households headed by a legal Mexican immigrant created a net fiscal drain at the federal level of roughly $15,000, and for those with only a high school degree the drain was a little over $3,700. However, those with more education were a fiscal benefit. A new Heritage Foundation study estimated the net fiscal drain at all levels of government created by households headed by high school dropout immigrants at about $20,000 a year. A 1997 National Research Council study found the same pattern � less-educated immigrants create a net fiscal drain and educated immigrants create a net fiscal benefit.

Data Source: The data for this analysis come from the Annual Social and Economic Supplement of the Current Population Survey (CPS) collected by the Census Bureau in March of 2006. It includes legal immigrants and most illegal immigrants. Like the Department of Homeland Security, we distinguish legal from illegal immigrants based on the socio-demographic characteristics of those who responded to the survey. By design our estimates of illegal immigration closely match those of DHS.

Results are also broken out for the following states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, and Texas.

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 06/08/10 08:57 PM

I see your frustration.

I also see your point.

How does a person go about changing it?

RELIEF - You and I are almost NEVER at odds, and I knew we weren't this time either, I just had to convice you.

What we can do - we have to do just what we're doing, fight the discrimination at the State and Federal levels.

ENDA - DOMA - DADT - MARRIAGE DISCRIMINATION - and one of biggest of them all (at the moment) the disgustingly inadequate, understaffed, and 8 to 15 year behind Administration that that is SUPPOSE to deal with Visas - and the documentation to authorize and legalize hundreds of thousands of currently UNAUTHORIZED poeple in this country. They were authorzed, thousands of them should have been citizens by now - instead the face an American public that only wants to shoot them down - but we opened our borders to them, tehy came here trusting us, looking for better than they had and many found it and statistic show that as a whole they have been good citizensdeals, but now they are just a new race to be prejudiced against.

Dragon Lady - we just gotta keep fighting. drinker

Dragoness's photo
Tue 06/08/10 08:58 PM

Oh - I just found one of the articles I about "race/ethnicity" that I thought was interesting. In case anyone has a mind to read it.

Very good Redy.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 06/08/10 09:01 PM

I see your frustration.

I also see your point.

How does a person go about changing it?

RELIEF - You and I are almost NEVER at odds, and I knew we weren't this time either, I just had to convice you.

What we can do - we have to do just what we're doing, fight the discrimination at the State and Federal levels.

ENDA - DOMA - DADT - MARRIAGE DISCRIMINATION - and one of biggest of them all (at the moment) the disgustingly inadequate, understaffed, and 8 to 15 year behind Administration that that is SUPPOSE to deal with Visas - and the documentation to authorize and legalize hundreds of thousands of currently UNAUTHORIZED poeple in this country. They were authorzed, thousands of them should have been citizens by now - instead the face an American public that only wants to shoot them down - but we opened our borders to them, tehy came here trusting us, looking for better than they had and many found it and statistic show that as a whole they have been good citizensdeals, but now they are just a new race to be prejudiced against.

Dragon Lady - we just gotta keep fighting. drinker

You know I don't know any other way.drinker

Might be to my detriment, I don't know:wink: laugh