Topic: Aliens
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Wed 06/20/07 06:36 PM
Question to everyone: Is the universe awe inspiriing?

ArtGurl's photo
Wed 06/20/07 06:58 PM
The universe is awe inspiring. Life is awe inspiring. This planet we
are guests on is awe inspiring. The people I meet are awe inspiring.

I guess I am just gobsmacked at the wonder of it all.

no photo
Wed 06/20/07 07:34 PM
In this world, the more powerful the king, the more awe inspiring the
throne should be. The universe is described as God's throne, while the
Earth is His footstool. Why is the universe so big, if we are the only
life? Because God wants us
to be suitably awed by his greatness.

I don't believe that there is any other intelligent life in the
universe, because that doesn't seem fair. We aren't told of any other
people who will be in Heaven, other than humans. We know that after the
judgement, God will destroy the universe with fire, which would be
incredibly unfair to any other intelligent life.

2 Peter 3:10
But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which
the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall
melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein
shall be burned up.

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 06/20/07 07:38 PM
Could it be possible that God might have some awe of us?

We are after all the creation that chose the long road instead of
tending his garden.

And thought we have stumbled we have also grown.

no photo
Wed 06/20/07 07:41 PM

No, nothing can awe God. It's good that you are thinking, but I think
that's the complete wrong track to be on.

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 06/20/07 07:46 PM
Aye and it could be.

But it is possible, YAHW is infinate therefore is all things possible.

I for one am glad our ancestors choose the fruit of knowledge. The long
way is a much better journey for a species to grow upon.

In the end that growing will define us as a species. (if we survive it)

no photo
Wed 06/20/07 07:57 PM

The plan hasn't changed, but the number of temptations have. The path
was a lot longer before. Today we live about 75 years, whereas Adam and
his children lived more than 900. So we are on the short path with many
possible wrong turns.

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 06/20/07 08:14 PM
Individually perhaps but as a species?

Human history is measured by the accomplishment of each successive
generation as they stand upon the accomplishments of the generation
before. What will your great great grandchildren build upon? What will
that generation have from this one that they might look back at our
generation and be proud to be our decendants?

Since none of us was present during the time of say, Noah, we have now
way of knowing (they might have measured the passage of time differently
then) that they actually did live that long.

ArtGurl's photo
Wed 06/20/07 08:28 PM
AB wrote "Could it be possible that God might have some awe of us?"

Actually I think that is entirely possible within my belief structure.
As I have stated before, I believe in one source...nothing separate.

Therefore God is all - everything ... one thing. When you are all that
exists there can be no experiencing. A second 'something' is required
to lap up against. Senses and emotion require separateness.

I believe we are the experiencing arms of God ... individualized for a
time to learn and grow so that God may become more aware of that he may know himself through our experiences.

In that context. As awed as I am looking out. God may be awed at our
contribution as well.

no photo
Wed 06/20/07 08:33 PM
I will be surprised if I have any grandchildren, I don't think we have
that long left.

When Jesus was talking about the end times, he said the following:

Matthew 24:32
Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and
putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:

We know that Israel is the fig tree. The Jews have returned to Israel
and the land has new life. This is a very clear sign that the end is
near. 2,000 years and the country of Israel has come back to life.
This isn't as impressive of a miracle as the dead coming back to life,
but it is along the same vein and it is proof of God's greatness.

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 06/20/07 08:46 PM
Cmon spider God did not do that. Self serving people did that in to
attempt to control that part of the Middle East and bring about what
they thought would be instead of allowing God to bring it about in his

There is such great danger in tempting God. For in their
shortsightedness they have forgotton a warning.

Is it not written that there would be men that would attempt to bring
about the end. They want the kingdom of glory so bad they are willing
to risk the human race to bring it about.

Be not fooled by the works of man. Gods plan is much greater

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 06/20/07 08:53 PM
There’s no way that I could possibly believe in a god that is not only
focused on human beings, but has also chosen a particular political
state to focus on.

I agree with AB on this one. I don’t think god is interested in
playing politics. That's far too trivial for a god.

no photo
Wed 06/20/07 08:54 PM

Many of the prophecies of the end times require that Israel exists.
Israel has resisted three attempts by six armies to destroy them. You
see "self serving people", but I see vessels who are being used by God
to show the world his might. We are told in Ezekiel, that the whole
world will know that God is God. That hasn't happened yet, but I know
that it will. And it will happen because God will protect the land of
Israel and not because the people are good, but because He said He would
AND because people are mocking Him through their attacks on His people.

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 06/20/07 09:11 PM
We are all his people.

the ones that are mocking him are the ones that attempted to BE him by
forcing something that is not yet to be.

they have resisted because.

1. The Western nations have provided them with superior weapons.
2. They had larger armies. (1948 129,000 Israelie soldiers vs the
combined totals of 6 Arab countries of a bit less than 50,000)

When it is time for God to defend Israel it will be done not by earthly
forces but by the power of God in an unmistakable and shocking way.
(does not your book say this). That time is not yet.

Jc316jc's photo
Wed 06/20/07 09:12 PM
belive in god he is real n done a lot for me.... but of what u say i
have always wonder people say no one can live near the sun or in frozen
temps or what ever point is can we live under water? no but thirs live
thir so if thats posible wouldnt life in other planets be to. i guess im
just saying i have an open mind.

no photo
Wed 06/20/07 09:20 PM

I'm not here for anti-zionism chats. I think Israel has every right to
be a nation. I don't believe that the founders of Israel did anything
wrong in founding the nation. YES, there are bad Israelis...can you say
that any country doesn't have some black sheep? I'm just not down with
this turn in the conversation, so I have to say "Goodnight".

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 06/20/07 09:27 PM
Was not Anti-zionism.

You don't want to hear don't bring the subject up.

got a bible realated question for you. (when you come back of course)

Who in the bible had his name changed to Israel by the word of God?
What is the current lineage of that person?

no photo
Thu 06/21/07 06:43 AM

"the ones that are mocking him are the ones that attempted to BE him by
forcing something that is not yet to be."

You just said that Israel shouldn't exist and that those responsible for
establishing Israel as a state were mocking God by doing so. That is
anti-zionism. I didn't say "anti-semetic", because what you said is
derogetory to the zionist movement which was to establish a nation for
the Jews. You cannot claim that your statement was not anti-zionist,
because it obviously was. I'm not going to debate the question of if
the Jews deserve to have ONE TINY COUNTRY COMPOSED OF .06% OF THE LAND
IN THE MIDDLE EAST. It's shameful that anyone has a problem with it.
When you look at the actual history, you see that MOST OF THE LAND THAT
that the land given to the Arabs was mostly desirable land, whereas the
Jews were given 60% desert. Just FYI: Arabs living in Israel have more
freedoms than Arabs living in any Arab country. Israel is a force for
peace in the world. They have made mistakes, but who hasn't? They
have their bad apples, who doesn't? Oh and one other thing...Most of
the population of Jordan are Palestinians...If the world is *S00000000*
worried that there should be a Palestinian state, why don't they give
them all or most of Jordan?

AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 06/21/07 04:07 PM
Well since you did not answer my question instead trying to tell me what
I meant instead of listening to what I said.

You feel this is acceptable than I suggest that you step aside and give
your house to some illegal immigrants.

I am sure we can get the UN to decree that.

I did not say Israel should not be a state. I said that men were forced
the issue. Big difference.


no photo
Thu 06/21/07 07:34 PM
i bet the native americans wished they had better immigration policies
when cortez and columbus came