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Topic: Al and Tipper Gore Break Up After 40 Years of Marriage
msharmony's photo
Wed 06/02/10 12:27 AM

Former Vice President Al Gore and his wife, Tipper, are separating after 40 years of marriage.

According to an e-mail circulated among the couple's friends and obtained by The Associated Press on Tuesday, the Gores said it was "a mutual and mutually supportive decision that we have made together following a process of long and careful consideration."

Gore spokeswoman Kalee Kreider confirmed the statement came from the Gores, but declined to comment further.

Al Gore lost the 2000 presidential election to Republican George W. Bush. He has since campaigned worldwide to draw attention to climate change, which in 2007 led to a Nobel Peace Prize and an Oscar for the documentary "An Inconvenient Truth."

The Gores crafted an image as a happily married couple during his eight-year stint as vice president in the 1990s and a presidential candidate in 2000. The couple famously exchanged a long kiss during the 2000 Democratic presidential convention.

The image of their warm relationship stood in sharp contrast to the Clinton marriage rocked by Bill Clinton's affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky, a scandal that hung over Gore's own presidential campaign.

Al Gore at the time said his wife was "someone I've loved with my whole heart since the night of my high school senior prom."

Tipper Gore was a co-founder in 1985 of the Parents Music Resource Center, which pushed for parental warning labels on music with violent or sexually explicit lyrics. The group drew the ire of musicians ranging from Dee Snider of Twisted Sister to Frank Zappa, who said warning labels were unnecessary and a danger to freedom.

Tipper Gore later became friends with the late Zappa's wife, Gail, and played drums and sang backup on daughter Diva Zappa's album in 1999.

The Gore's have four adult children, Karenna, Kristin, Sarah and Albert III.


She's finally getting smart and getting out of dodge. To bad the title An Inconvienent Truth is taken, it could have been a title to a book about their marriage!

this is ironic coming from a Jim Gibbons fan,,,,what what

and from any american really, are there any sane adults who dont realize that marriages break up and people are unfaithful ,and neither is that UNCOMMON an occurrence as to be newsworthy

What's ironic about it? There was no cheating involved. Jim didn't pay out to the whole world that his marriage was perfect like the Gores did.

You do not want to have this discussion with me. I have known Jim and Dawn personally for many years and all's you know what the media FALSLY reported.

all well and good,, but do you babysit them 24 hours a day to know whom they do and do not have relations with,, or just as importantly do you also PERSONALLY know Al and Tipper to be so quick to judge?

kc0003's photo
Wed 06/02/10 01:34 AM
Edited by kc0003 on Wed 06/02/10 01:42 AM
You’re rejoicing in the breakup of a marriage because the couple belongs to a different party than you?

That says a lot about you as a person and even more about the political cause in which you support. I thought your party was the “pro family” “pro life” “pro value”moral enforcers of the free world. Guess it only gets used when it serves you.

If you don’t mind, can you please tell me, what in the world does the Clinton marriage have to do with any of this? Why was this even in this article? There is no relevance.

But once again you hang your hat something that took place over ten years ago. Why? I have no idea because, if it had any bearing on which party you would belong to, I am sure you would have considered the following; Sen. John McCain (affair, divorce, McCain divorced his wife, who had raised their three children while he was imprisoned in Vietnam, then launched his political career with his new wife's family money.) former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (affair, divorce, affair, divorce), and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani (divorce, affair, nasty divorce) not to mention the gay scandal of Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.) and South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford and Rep. Chip Pickering (R-Miss.)…all of whom belong to the “morally” superior Republican party…..you want to discus hypocrites?

This list can go on and on FOR BOTH PARTIES so please stop pretending to a champion of values and virtues and stop being blinded by the (R)’s or (D)’s in front of people's names. Change, real change, is never going to come about until we shed the restraints of this broken two party system.

Headroller's photo
Wed 06/02/10 01:47 AM
Point to kc, ya beat me to it.

But even if we split it up to say, a three or four party system, we'll still have every party slinging mud; both politicians and commentators. It's the "American Way" sad2

kc0003's photo
Wed 06/02/10 01:51 AM
It's not the mud slinging that bogs us down. It's the inability to make decisions based on what is best for EVERYONE and not just the few...

no photo
Wed 06/02/10 06:49 AM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Wed 06/02/10 07:04 AM
This is all Bush's fault for winning the election ...


kc0003's photo
Wed 06/02/10 07:16 PM
well there you go....

Headroller's photo
Wed 06/02/10 11:34 PM
All of this makes me wonder if we'll be seeing either of them on mingle... Nah!

kc, we could make decisions to help everyone but the violent division caused by mudslinging makes this impossible. Even when politicians look past the mud, their supporters cry out in outrage. Maybe it's not a cause, but it's a symptom of why we can't get along as a country.

s1owhand's photo
Thu 06/03/10 02:06 AM
Edited by s1owhand on Thu 06/03/10 02:09 AM
Gangsta Rap music made them do it. I remember when Compton was a nature preserve for bunny rabbits!

no photo
Thu 06/03/10 05:17 AM

Ah, the smell of Conservative Schadenfreude in the morning.

Although I can't understand what all the excitement's about-- Limbaugh's three marital breakups sure trump Gore's...

-Kerry O.

AlGore INVENTED divorce ...

kc0003's photo
Thu 06/03/10 06:40 AM

Ah, the smell of Conservative Schadenfreude in the morning.

Although I can't understand what all the excitement's about-- Limbaugh's three marital breakups sure trump Gore's...

-Kerry O.

AlGore INVENTED divorce ...

ok that's actually funny...laugh

willing2's photo
Thu 06/03/10 06:57 AM
For once in his life Al's practicing recycling.

All that money, he can git him a younger, sleeker fuel efficient model. Now's a good time to invest in Viagra stock.

He has junked the old guzzler.

Dat's life.

Bet she gits da' house.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 06/03/10 09:30 AM

You’re rejoicing in the breakup of a marriage because the couple belongs to a different party than you?

That says a lot about you as a person and even more about the political cause in which you support. I thought your party was the “pro family” “pro life” “pro value”moral enforcers of the free world. Guess it only gets used when it serves you.

If you don’t mind, can you please tell me, what in the world does the Clinton marriage have to do with any of this? Why was this even in this article? There is no relevance.

But once again you hang your hat something that took place over ten years ago. Why? I have no idea because, if it had any bearing on which party you would belong to, I am sure you would have considered the following; Sen. John McCain (affair, divorce, McCain divorced his wife, who had raised their three children while he was imprisoned in Vietnam, then launched his political career with his new wife's family money.) former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (affair, divorce, affair, divorce), and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani (divorce, affair, nasty divorce) not to mention the gay scandal of Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.) and South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford and Rep. Chip Pickering (R-Miss.)…all of whom belong to the “morally” superior Republican party…..you want to discus hypocrites?

This list can go on and on FOR BOTH PARTIES so please stop pretending to a champion of values and virtues and stop being blinded by the (R)’s or (D)’s in front of people's names. Change, real change, is never going to come about until we shed the restraints of this broken two party system.

Slow your roll a bit there buddy. Don't ever say im not for holding the Republican's accountable if they did do something. BUT First of all I give McCain a pass(almost 6 years being tortured on a daily basis can really mess you up, I would give ANYONE in a simular situation a pass). Second both Newt and Rudy were seperated when they began seeing other women. Third Ensign was not in a gay scandal.

I also know Senator Ensign, I actually recieved an award from him and I am madder then hell at him. I hope he gets impeached and prosecuted for the payoff scandal. Sanford is another one that I have no use for and I am disgusted that the state Assembly and Senate didn't toss his a$$ out.

Now lets look at some Dems. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Elenor Roosevelt, JFK, RFK, Teddy Kennedy and Chris Dodd(the famous sexual assault sandwich incident and Teddy murdering a girl), Elliot Spitzer, David Patterson, Bill Clinton(and like 30+women, not to mention the murder of Vincent Foster, Hillary Clinton(Vince Foster ring a bell?)

If you really want to talk about a gay scandal there's always James McGreevey(Who was married to a woman) who was forced to resign over appointing his male lover to a high ranking and sensative position when he was not only qualified but couldn't legally sit the position. Then taking off during the day to seedy motels at the states expense to carry on the affairs. Oh and don't forget Portland Mayor Sam Adams who was having sex with underage male staff members. I can keep going if you want.

kc0003's photo
Thu 06/03/10 06:34 PM
Edited by kc0003 on Thu 06/03/10 06:35 PM

Slow your roll a bit there buddy. Don't ever say im not for holding the Republican's accountable if they did do something. BUT First of all I give McCain a pass(almost 6 years being tortured on a daily basis can really mess you up, I would give ANYONE in a simular situation a pass). Second both Newt and Rudy were seperated when they began seeing other women. Third Ensign was not in a gay scandal.

I also know Senator Ensign, I actually recieved an award from him and I am madder then hell at him. I hope he gets impeached and prosecuted for the payoff scandal. Sanford is another one that I have no use for and I am disgusted that the state Assembly and Senate didn't toss his a$$ out.

Now lets look at some Dems. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Elenor Roosevelt, JFK, RFK, Teddy Kennedy and Chris Dodd(the famous sexual assault sandwich incident and Teddy murdering a girl), Elliot Spitzer, David Patterson, Bill Clinton(and like 30+women, not to mention the murder of Vincent Foster, Hillary Clinton(Vince Foster ring a bell?)

If you really want to talk about a gay scandal there's always James McGreevey(Who was married to a woman) who was forced to resign over appointing his male lover to a high ranking and sensative position when he was not only qualified but couldn't legally sit the position. Then taking off during the day to seedy motels at the states expense to carry on the affairs. Oh and don't forget Portland Mayor Sam Adams who was having sex with underage male staff members. I can keep going if you want.

My apologies to Mr. Ensign, you are right and I accidently put his name ahead of Souder.

But once again you have missed the point. Both sides are equally guilty when it comes to this sort of behavior. I too can compile list with name after name, but it seem a mute point. The difference is that YOU only ever post these things as a Democratic offense. Anyone who is of the opinion that you do not hold the Republicans to the same standards arrives at this conclusion based on your own post!

There is nothing Republican or Democrat about cheating on one’s wife or being a lying hypocrite. They all should be held to the same fire. (Something your post no little about). Which leads me to a question; does Fox News pay you for your continued distribution of their copy?

Day after day, week after week, we are all treated to your obvious mastery of copy and paste techniques. 99% of which are aimed at denigrating anything Democrat. While that same 99% (and your own personal additions) never recognize the fact that MOST of the time these same articles could be used to slander any number of politicians simply by replacing the names or affiliation.

As for Gingrich and Giuliani, your comments are completely laughable. Giuliani’s exploits were well chronicled and were fairly common knowledge throughout the New York and New Jersey areas. They were also cemented when he held that press conference to announce to the world that he had been seeing a woman outside of his marriage and that he would be seeking a divorce.

For you to defend Gingrich is even more hilarious! How is it that you can do this even given the fact that he himself admitted it? (Are facts simply a road block on your journey to spread lies?) The timing of this was even more priceless. While he and other “morally” superior (who were later found to be doing the same thing) persecutors were trying to impeach Clinton he was having his own extramarital affair.

"The honest answer is yes," "There are times that I have fallen short of my own standards. There's certainly times when I've fallen short of Gods standards”… then he had the audacity to suggest that he should not be viewed as a hypocrite for pursuing Clinton's infidelity…. Now, I ask you, should we believe everything you say or will it offend you if we actually seek the truth?

Values are values, you either have them or you don’t. There is no middle ground here. You can’t say that for a period of someone’s life it was or is acceptable to not to have them. And excuses are just that…excuses. You don’t get a pass. Right is right, wrong is wrong, no matter how you spin it.

kc0003's photo
Fri 06/04/10 04:32 AM
Edited by kc0003 on Fri 06/04/10 05:13 AM

Slow your roll a bit there buddy. Don't ever say im not for holding the Republican's accountable if they did do something. BUT First of all I give McCain a pass(almost 6 years being tortured on a daily basis can really mess you up, I would give ANYONE in a simular situation a pass). Second both Newt and Rudy were seperated when they began seeing other women. Third Ensign was not in a gay scandal.

I also know Senator Ensign, I actually recieved an award from him and I am madder then hell at him. I hope he gets impeached and prosecuted for the payoff scandal. Sanford is another one that I have no use for and I am disgusted that the state Assembly and Senate didn't toss his a$$ out.

Now lets look at some Dems. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Elenor Roosevelt, JFK, RFK, Teddy Kennedy and Chris Dodd(the famous sexual assault sandwich incident and Teddy murdering a girl), Elliot Spitzer, David Patterson, Bill Clinton(and like 30+women, not to mention the murder of Vincent Foster, Hillary Clinton(Vince Foster ring a bell?)

If you really want to talk about a gay scandal there's always James McGreevey(Who was married to a woman) who was forced to resign over appointing his male lover to a high ranking and sensative position when he was not only qualified but couldn't legally sit the position. Then taking off during the day to seedy motels at the states expense to carry on the affairs. Oh and don't forget Portland Mayor Sam Adams who was having sex with underage male staff members. I can keep going if you want.

My apologies to Mr. Ensign, you are right and I accidentally put the word gay in there, as i was going to make a different point. (now i guess i owe Mr. Souder an apology as well.

But once again you have missed the point. Both sides are equally guilty when it comes to this sort of behavior. I too can compile list with name after name, but it seem a mute point. The difference is that YOU only ever post these things as a Democratic offense. Anyone who is of the opinion that you do not hold the Republicans to the same standards arrives at this conclusion based on your own post!

There is nothing Republican or Democrat about cheating on one’s wife or being a lying hypocrite. They all should be held to the same fire. (Something your post no little about). Which leads me to a question; does Fox News pay you for your continued distribution of their copy?

Day after day, week after week, we are all treated to your obvious mastery of copy and paste techniques. 99% of which are aimed at denigrating anything Democrat. While that same 99% (and your own personal additions) never recognize the fact that MOST of the time these same articles could be used to slander any number of politicians simply by replacing the names or affiliation.

As for Gingrich and Giuliani, your comments are completely laughable. Giuliani’s exploits were well chronicled and were fairly common knowledge throughout the New York and New Jersey areas. They were also cemented when he held that press conference to announce to the world that he had been seeing a woman outside of his marriage and that he would be seeking a divorce.

For you to defend Gingrich is even more hilarious! How is it that you can do this even given the fact that he himself admitted it? (Are facts simply a road block on your journey to spread lies?) The timing of this was even more priceless. While he and other “morally” superior (who were later found to be doing the same thing) persecutors were trying to impeach Clinton he was having his own extramarital affair.

"The honest answer is yes," "There are times that I have fallen short of my own standards. There's certainly times when I've fallen short of Gods standards”… then he had the audacity to suggest that he should not be viewed as a hypocrite for pursuing Clinton's infidelity…. Now, I ask you, should we believe everything you say or will it offend you if we actually seek the truth?

Values are values, you either have them or you don’t. There is no middle ground here. You can’t say that for a period of someone’s life it was or is acceptable to not to have them. And excuses are just that…excuses. You don’t get a pass. Right is right, wrong is wrong, no matter how you spin it.

sorry had to correct this...whoa whoa it seems i mixed this response with part of another...but i do thank you for your list however, you left a few names off of it...Mark Foley, Ted Haggard, Larry Craig....see? kind of pointless don't you think?

As i said before BOTH sides!!!!!

no photo
Fri 06/04/10 06:14 AM
Maybe this will qualify him for another Nobel ...

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