Topic: Ron Paul Introduces bill H.R. 2755 to Abolish the Federal Re | |
Well lets try my two cents worth. On an earlier post someone said " if it aint broke why bother" kind of comment. Maybe if you look at it this way you might think it is broken. Guess what else was instituted in 1913 as a way to payback the interest the US would now have to pay for BORROWING money from the Feds? Turns out they knew they wouldnt have the money to pay for the interest so a little thing called "Income tax" was started. Now if that doesnt hit home I dont know what does. To begin with the income tax is suppossed to be paid by federal employees and business doing business with the Fed govt. "only". If you read the tax code it states anyone with dealings with the federal government. Problem is like everything else no one admits this and you get someone like Ron Paul and Aaron Russo willing to be different and say it out loud and all of a sudden they are crazy and dont know what they are talking about. Well its going to take alot more people like davinci and Ron Paul and Aaron Russo to get it back the way its suppossed to be so in the mean time the best thing we can do is quit believeing everything you hear in the news and do some reading on your own and educate ourselves because the Feds and the politicians arent going to give it to us for free. Persoanlly I am really enjoying Ron Paul and his message for change. Nice to see someone that does not follow the tipycal cookie cutter candidate speech. They all same the same thing. Republicans and Democrats. Listen to Ron Paul even on youtube and you will listen to the only person running for office not saying the same thing as the rest. Is he barely in the poll numbers? Sure but thats only because people are afraid of change even if its a good one. They vote with a party for the sake of doing the same thing not because the person they are voting for is doing anything different. These same federal reserve folks are the ones bank rolling all of these candidates and all they want is for the public to be so involved in their particular party winning that they wont see the bigger picture which is no matter who wins they still own this country by way of controlling the money. We won the Boston Tea party a few years ago but they got us back ten fold by controlling our money. I wouldnt mind not paying taxes and if Ron Paul says thats the first thing he would do away with then he certainly has my vote. :-)
Hey, the Federal reserve is not federal, never was, never will be, And I am not, so sure, that the federal government, is connected very much to we the people, if hardly any at all, because ,it appears, to me, to be run by , private corporations, fascism maybe more correct answer?? I think it has been overthrown so many times, I am not sure who has the power, maybe it is the Pentagon, WHO Ever the WARMONGERS ARE??? And whoever is making all the money off the war?? I believe we had a COUP De Tat (overthrow of the govt) the day Kennedy was shot, Because he started making US Notes to Replace the federal reserve notes. IN plain words, he planned to get rid of the federal reserve. I am sure HISTORY, will prove that many nice people were killed for trying to get rid of the federal reserve criminals.
yeah..kennedy was our last shot at government for the people..I've always felt America ended on that day...
I could post a list of who the fed reserve is..but I'm sure SMO & Taino know who they are... it would be nice if we could get people excited about Ron Paul...I'm ordering yard signs..bumper stickers etc...plan to do hand outs when the time is is not an impossibility... |
| would happen if everyone emailed thier people with the proper info and had them contact thier people, ect. it takes everybody to bury thier congresspeople in letters so bad THat they would have no chioce but to act