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Topic: saturday
no photo
Sat 10/07/06 01:58 AM
good morning everyone, how are you all?

Sportychic's photo
Sat 10/07/06 02:03 AM
hey king missed ya the other morning we were talking and you just kinda

no photo
Sat 10/07/06 02:09 AM
sorry about that. most people just leave without saying anything and i
didn't know if you had left so i signed off. i usually let someone know
if i'm getting off and if, next time i'll leave a goodbye. you, taino
and i seemed to be on the same page on that word game, there were a ton
of double posts.

how's your morning so far?

Sportychic's photo
Sat 10/07/06 02:11 AM
its really good hows yours yeah i also would say goodbye but while im
waiting for someone to answer back to a post im also mlooking at other
posts. So if i leave i'll say goodbye

no photo
Sat 10/07/06 02:12 AM
that's good to know. my morning isn't too bad, i just got up so i
haven't completely figured out what's going on yet

Sportychic's photo
Sat 10/07/06 02:13 AM
oh what is it you do for a living

no photo
Sat 10/07/06 02:15 AM
i'm on sick leave right now(broken arm) but i work on an assembly line.
when i go back to work i'll just be getting out of work about this time.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 10/07/06 02:16 AM
Humm, well have to admit it is finally nice to see who is behind the
words and poems you write. lol

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 10/07/06 02:18 AM
Good morning to both of ya lol

no photo
Sat 10/07/06 02:19 AM
thanks txsgal, i've been tryin and it finally got done.

Sportychic's photo
Sat 10/07/06 02:31 AM
hey txsgal good morning

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 10/07/06 02:34 AM
Sorry was off in la la land reading lol, your welcome its just nice to
see who is talking match the words with the faces for a change lol

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 10/07/06 02:34 AM
goood morning to ya sportychic!

no photo
Sat 10/07/06 02:39 AM
it's interesting because alot of people will try tp put a face with the
words if they don't know the person and for some reason i am never what
they expected lol

Sportychic's photo
Sat 10/07/06 02:42 AM
well i kinda thought you would look something like a football player

no photo
Sat 10/07/06 02:43 AM
why's that?

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 10/07/06 02:44 AM
Humm would any of us be what the other would expect if they could not
see us for we all form in our own minds what one should look like
according to what they write lol its funny how words alone can build an
image of one. lol

no photo
Sat 10/07/06 02:46 AM
that's exactly what i'm saying. i don't form an image of a person when i
talk to them without seeing what they look like but alot of people need
to for some reason and everyone that i know that does that can't tell me
why they do it.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 10/07/06 02:50 AM
Humm only thing I can say is because in order for our minds to see that
person as real then they must have a face to go with the words that we
here. I mean who wants to talk to a ghost. If we put a face to that
person then in our minds it makes that person real. there now does that
help lmao

no photo
Sat 10/07/06 02:52 AM
that's what i was thinkin but i never heard anyone say it so i wasn't

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