Topic: Do Americans look better than Canadians...
Marley's photo
Thu 05/06/10 06:19 PM
...or is that Canadiens...look better naked?

SunnyMcleod's photo
Thu 05/06/10 06:20 PM
Edited by SunnyMcleod on Thu 05/06/10 06:21 PM
I have no idea. I've only seen Canadians and Brits naked. (Canadiens is the French Canadian way to spell it)

Sorry. laugh

Marley's photo
Thu 05/06/10 06:21 PM

I have no idea. I've only seen Canadians and Brits naked.

Sorry. laugh

Any Japanese?

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 05/06/10 06:21 PM
could you post some pictures for illustrations purposes?

no photo
Thu 05/06/10 06:23 PM
I've never seen a naked Canadian. And most of the naked Americans I've seen probably would have been better off wearing clown suits or medieval armor. I've seen relatively few people who could manage to be both naked and attractive at the same time.

skydancingA's photo
Thu 05/06/10 06:24 PM
Tough call.
I don't think they get naked.
Too cold.

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 05/06/10 06:32 PM
I have seen Canadian girls naked making me want to go North with rocket flames coming out my *** to get me there faster!

I have seen naked American women who looked like a truck load of ugly wood fell on them and then fell off the truck to hit them again!

I have seen naked Japanese girls who look like stick figures and others who make me want to stop heading North and veer West hard and fast!

Likewise I have seen some rather delicious Nubian delights while others look like blimps.

Now with Mexican girls, some of them are indeed fine but once you marry them they inflate like someone stuffed helium up their ***!

Beauty is all relative to the perspective of the beholder.

I like all flavors under the sun as long as they are hot and tasty to me!