Topic: different religions | |
i love hering about different peoples belifes so shere whatever with me that ur willing me im wiccan but i have buddst frinds jews hindos and acuppl more
i love hering about different peoples belifes so shere whatever with me that ur willing me im wiccan but i have buddst frinds jews hindos and acuppl more hi i was raised as a catholic but i have also studied buddha in the past in fact i still have my buddha scrool |
I was born and raised as a Christian. I even began to study to become a preacher. But during my studies I realized that the Biblical story couldn’t possibly be true. That didn’t affect me in a negative way because deep down inside I’ve always been spiritual and felt a connection with the spirit world. So I realized that just because one mythology is false, that doesn’t mean that there can be no such thing as spirit.
I went on to explore many other philosophies and religions. Eastern Mysticism attracted me since it was both, personally appealing to me, and in harmony with our scientific knowledge. Even today I still accept many Eastern Mystical views. However, I quickly learned that many of the Eastern religions and philosophies, such as Hinduism and Buddhism have as many different “sects” or views as the Abrahamic religions. Many of which I did not feel comfortable with. I continued to explore all philosophies including “pure atheism” (i.e. the idea that there is no such thing as spirit at all). In truth, I would have a harder time believing that than believing in spirit. Moreover, scientific observations do not imply, nor support a purely atheistic view contrary to what many atheists preach. Finally, I was introduced to some really good books on witchcraft. I had been exposed to “witchcraft” before, but it had been presented to me in a way that I found extremely distasteful and totally ignorant. However, after reading the new books on witchcraft I saw it in an entirely different light. I felt naturally drawn to it and embraced it fully. Although, I might add that I still do not consider myself a “Wiccan” and I’m not sure that I care to affiliate myself with any particular ‘version’ of any religion. From the books on Witchcraft I was also introduced to books on “The Faery Teachings” and I found them to be quite interesting as well. So now, I continue to study, and practice, various forms of Eastern Mysticism, Witchcraft, Shamanism, and I also continue to follow the Faery Teachings. I’ve embraced them all, along with cosmology and science. I might add at the end here that my life’s career was in physics, so science is in a very real sense my deepest and most meaningful “religion”, and it always will be. However, let me quickly add, that I personally do not view science as supporting an atheistic view of the world. On the contrary, I personally feel that science has actually confirmed the existence of the spiritual world, both through Quantum Mechanics, and through Cosmological observations. There is no question in my mind that all the top scientists who are truly in-the-know recognize that at the quantum level (and prior to the Big Bang) information necessarily must exist. Therefore, science has shown us that information exists even “outside” the realm of physics that we have come to know in this universe. So scientific observation genuinely does not support an atheistic secular view of life. On the contrary, science points to a cosmic mind that transcends even the physical universe that we inhabit. Moreover, it’s pretty clear that we are that mind. Or at the very least, we are thoughts within it. What else could we be? There is nothing else to be. That’s what science has shown us. Scientists have taken our origins right back to the big band, and right into the quantum field. So whatever the quantum field is, we are that. Tat tvam asi. Hope this wasn’t too long of a ramble. ![]() |
I'm a god-less heathen
I was born and raised as a Christian. I even began to study to become a preacher. But during my studies I realized that the Biblical story couldn’t possibly be true. That didn’t affect me in a negative way because deep down inside I’ve always been spiritual and felt a connection with the spirit world. So I realized that just because one mythology is false, that doesn’t mean that there can be no such thing as spirit. I went on to explore many other philosophies and religions. Eastern Mysticism attracted me since it was both, personally appealing to me, and in harmony with our scientific knowledge. Even today I still accept many Eastern Mystical views. However, I quickly learned that many of the Eastern religions and philosophies, such as Hinduism and Buddhism have as many different “sects” or views as the Abrahamic religions. Many of which I did not feel comfortable with. I continued to explore all philosophies including “pure atheism” (i.e. the idea that there is no such thing as spirit at all). In truth, I would have a harder time believing that than believing in spirit. Moreover, scientific observations do not imply, nor support a purely atheistic view contrary to what many atheists preach. Finally, I was introduced to some really good books on witchcraft. I had been exposed to “witchcraft” before, but it had been presented to me in a way that I found extremely distasteful and totally ignorant. However, after reading the new books on witchcraft I saw it in an entirely different light. I felt naturally drawn to it and embraced it fully. Although, I might add that I still do not consider myself a “Wiccan” and I’m not sure that I care to affiliate myself with any particular ‘version’ of any religion. From the books on Witchcraft I was also introduced to books on “The Faery Teachings” and I found them to be quite interesting as well. So now, I continue to study, and practice, various forms of Eastern Mysticism, Witchcraft, Shamanism, and I also continue to follow the Faery Teachings. I’ve embraced them all, along with cosmology and science. I might add at the end here that my life’s career was in physics, so science is in a very real sense my deepest and most meaningful “religion”, and it always will be. However, let me quickly add, that I personally do not view science as supporting an atheistic view of the world. On the contrary, I personally feel that science has actually confirmed the existence of the spiritual world, both through Quantum Mechanics, and through Cosmological observations. There is no question in my mind that all the top scientists who are truly in-the-know recognize that at the quantum level (and prior to the Big Bang) information necessarily must exist. Therefore, science has shown us that information exists even “outside” the realm of physics that we have come to know in this universe. So scientific observation genuinely does not support an atheistic secular view of life. On the contrary, science points to a cosmic mind that transcends even the physical universe that we inhabit. Moreover, it’s pretty clear that we are that mind. Or at the very least, we are thoughts within it. What else could we be? There is nothing else to be. That’s what science has shown us. Scientists have taken our origins right back to the big band, and right into the quantum field. So whatever the quantum field is, we are that. Tat tvam asi. Hope this wasn’t too long of a ramble. ![]() actualy it was an intresting read thanks for shering eny more u wana shere |
I'm a god-less heathen So are you an atheist or a pagan? Or both? |
Eclectic shamanic practitioner, here.
I'm a god-less heathen I prefer the term heretic myself. ![]() |
Eclectic shamanic practitioner, here. That beats being a wind-up shamanic practitioner. Oh! You said Eclectic! I thought you said Electric. Ok, I see now. You're plugged in to the whole world. ![]() |
I'm a god-less heathen I prefer the term heretic myself. ![]() Like it! ![]() |
Eclectic shamanic practitioner, here. That beats being a wind-up shamanic practitioner. Oh! You said Eclectic! I thought you said Electric. Ok, I see now. You're plugged in to the whole world. ![]() ![]() ![]() Yes, electric, now where's my tazer! ![]() |
I'm a god-less heathen I prefer the term heretic myself. ![]() I prefer Rational Humanist.. but as one of my Facebook Bumper Stickers says- "I have come to the conclusion I'm going to Hell in multiple religions" ![]() |
I'm a god-less heathen So are you an atheist or a pagan? Or both? neither and both...I have no label. I practice Peruvian Shamanism, North American Native Traditions, eastern philosophies... when I do my monthly full moon fires it probably looks Pagan to my's actually a Peruvian ritual. My meditation practice is my prayer as is the invocation I say while preparing for my fires... I find truth in all, except Christianity, although I do believe Jesus walked the earth at one time, I just don't believe he is MY savior. There is good in all as long as we stay open minded to others beliefs and practices. |
thats a realy powerfull bit i love that thats the best thought ive ever herd