Topic: Why most woman do not want to date a man who are a entertain
dellie847's photo
Mon 06/18/07 06:59 AM
Why most woman do not want to date a man who are a entertainer
when they find out that you are in that field they back off.

email me let me no

justbnice's photo
Mon 06/18/07 07:09 AM
May be they think Entertiners are public person, they all look for
private person? correct me jsh girls...


BonnyMiss's photo
Mon 06/18/07 07:18 AM
You are so right {{{{{{justbnice}}}}}}

Greyhound's photo
Mon 06/18/07 07:22 AM
I would not date one,cause I know what women are like when it comes to
that.My youngest brother is an entertainer and women are all over him.
He's lived common law with so many women I've lost count and he's been
married 4 times.

And this is the honest truth.

Donnafisher's photo
Mon 06/18/07 07:31 AM
yes the whole always worried if some girl is throwing herself at my guy
would drive me nuts.... not something I want to put myself through

Duchess_Athena's photo
Mon 06/18/07 07:33 AM
wouldnt bother me if i know he was all about me and didnt care for other

no photo
Mon 06/18/07 07:37 AM
um, is that why i'm single? lol, but i'm not a professional entertainer
(yet), lol

angelksassie's photo
Mon 06/18/07 07:51 AM
I don't think it should matter. I mean come on you have to keep the
relationship alive. I for one love to laugh, so dating a comedian would
probably make my day.

morethanjust_janedoe's photo
Mon 06/18/07 08:08 AM
its great to be with someone who you enjoy being with and makes you

but i want to be the only chick all over my guy. not that i would be
worried he'd leave. but i guess for me it would have to depend. id have
to see..

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Mon 06/18/07 08:44 AM
I could date a man who was an entertainer... ONLY if I was with him at
his appearances so that the women who want him would see that he's MINE
and to back the f*ck off!

atinydancer's photo
Mon 06/18/07 05:39 PM
I agree with D.A. If I knew it did not mean anything I would be cool
with it.

wanttachat's photo
Mon 06/18/07 10:31 PM
I would love for a guy to en ter tain mebigsmile

no photo
Mon 06/18/07 10:43 PM
Both of my brothers are entertainers, and both have been married more
than twice, so that tells you something, but myself, I wouldn't mind,
but you have to have the trust and know that they definitely would not
be tempted by the girls out there, trying to make their moves on your
man. One of my brothers' wives got really jealous when this one girl
kept trying to make moves on my brother and man she got hot and told
that girl where to go. He was playing drums, and they get a lot of girls
trying to make moves on them. I love musicians, but it depends on the
person, like I said, if you really know him and know that there is no
way he would cheat on you, go for it. You have to be very supportive and
be there for them. Use your own judgement.


no photo
Mon 06/18/07 10:53 PM

<<<--- hates the showbiz world, neither public persona

no photo
Tue 06/19/07 12:05 AM
Hmmmm seems to me I need some you do silly pet tricks
or monkey jungling or anything like that??? I must be really bored right

SheNerd's photo
Tue 06/19/07 01:15 AM
How about stupid monkey juggling?

no photo
Tue 06/19/07 01:16 AM
WELL yesssssss.....especially stupid monkey juggling.....of course it
could also be stupid banana dog juggling..laugh laugh

SheNerd's photo
Tue 06/19/07 01:17 AM
OK, pass the banana dog (starts juggling). Where's Tom to play the
acoompaniment? Nothing says banana dog juggling like a little oompah

knightless's photo
Fri 06/22/07 10:29 PM
My late husband was a drummer since he had been 5 yrs old, and played
all the way up till he died, after he turned 26 the drums were his 2nd
job. The women always tried to hook up with the band members, which
bothered me at first then I sat back and laughed how ridiculous most of
them looked. My husband and I had a special bond that I don't think
anyone could have broken, but the trust issue has to be secure or it
won't work. I know most musicians play for the love of playing..but you
have some that play for the attention of the admirers, with no regards
to their better half. It's a hard life, playing local..but if you can
get with a big star then your doing much better. Most women look to a
more secure future than playing a few weeks, then jumping to another job
time and time again with no health insurance, no retirement, no nothing.

auburngirl's photo
Sat 06/23/07 01:29 AM
I could date one, I am secure