Topic: Question for women.
MelodyGirl's photo
Mon 04/19/10 05:23 PM
There is nothing wrong with being a “nice guy” but you have to find the right woman that appreciates the things you do for her.

Another issue to consider is – are you so nice that you are “spineless”? Are you so submissive and shower her with gifts and attention that you smother her?

In a relationship – there is a partnership. For the people that play games or seek power over their SO – you are the perfect patsy.

Spoiling each other is fine as long as it’s mutual. Going overboard or doing it so often that it desensitizes your efforts is not good either. Balance is the key.

If your ex cheated she cheated; her reasons are inconsequential and it’s not your fault. She is an amoral person.

Be yourself but be careful about with whom you share your life – and shower with affection.

Tcox22289's photo
Mon 04/19/10 05:24 PM

listen babe theres nothing wrong with treating a girl right I respect that you do that but don't be too soft or peopel will walk all over you and go behide your back listen you will find a gril that wants the kind of guy you are you just need to look a little harder she out there the last girl didn't see that she had a grat guy in front of her and she didn't desreve you if she cheated you'll find someone who does everyone has sosmone out there good luck I know shes out there trust me

By no means am I a push over. ha ha. Yes we would get into our fights like any normal couple, but I just wasn't the "gang banger that treats women like s*** wannabe" that she wanted. ha ha

Tcox22289's photo
Mon 04/19/10 05:26 PM
Ok ok, lets clear things up. ha ha. I don't think I was overly nice. I didn't shower her with gifts everyday, I didn't back down from fights, and sex wasn't the issue. that being said. let's continue. ha ha

MelodyGirl's photo
Mon 04/19/10 05:30 PM
Edited by MelodyGirl on Mon 04/19/10 05:31 PM

Ok ok, lets clear things up. ha ha. I don't think I was overly nice. I didn't shower her with gifts everyday, I didn't back down from fights, and sex wasn't the issue. that being said. let's continue. ha ha

Please stop with the “ha ha”. How can we take you seriously if you can’t communicate without using “ha ha”? This isn't funny, right?

If you say you were not a push-over then there isn’t much else to say.

You hooked up with the wrong girl. You won’t necessarily find an answer.

Eng of story. Move on. Raise your standards and don’t jump into something as fast. Being divorced at 21 is no bueno. You already have baggage.

buttons's photo
Mon 04/19/10 05:34 PM

But for some reason, every woman I'm with ends up
treating me like s*** and eventually leaves.

myself i see perhaps the problem is here... why in the heck if someone is treating u this way that they even have a chance at leaving you? check your esteem... ask yourself why you let that girl get away instead of sending her on her way? better luck next time..flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 04/19/10 10:56 PM
That girl had no idea what she had. I have female friends that think like that and i always tell them i would trade Mr.Dangerous for Mr.Right anyday. Mr.Right will be here for you while Mr.Dangerous is only there when you need someone to make you feel that way. All i can tell you is to keep being a good guy. Don't let these girls who don't know what they want change you. Because if it's not her it will be another girl. And when she does realize what she has it'll be too late.

darkowl1's photo
Tue 04/20/10 12:29 AM
Edited by darkowl1 on Tue 04/20/10 12:32 AM
you need to poop in her soup.

and..........................stir it.

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 04/20/10 12:35 AM

you need to poop in her soup.

and..........................stir it.

Just sick! I've never stirred it afterwards!

darkowl1's photo
Tue 04/20/10 12:38 AM
it bobs a couple of times, then it starts to get heavy on one side, because the air is being whirled out of it........then it slowly starts to sink.

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 04/20/10 12:40 AM

it bobs a couple of times, then it starts to get heavy on one side, because the air is being whirled out of it........then it slowly starts to sink.

Ever tried blending it together?

darkowl1's photo
Tue 04/20/10 12:43 AM

it bobs a couple of times, then it starts to get heavy on one side, because the air is being whirled out of it........then it slowly starts to sink.

Ever tried blending it together?

yeah, but i like the "sudden surprize" to come up out of the gloom.

msjennm's photo
Tue 04/20/10 01:02 AM
they are insane. you will find the right one, sometimes its not always what you have in mind. hang in there happy

EquusDancer's photo
Tue 04/20/10 01:03 AM

they are insane. you will find the right one, sometimes its not always what you have in mind. hang in there happy

Who is insane? I'm thinking DarkOwl and Fear!


Tcox22289's photo
Tue 04/20/10 12:18 PM

it bobs a couple of times, then it starts to get heavy on one side, because the air is being whirled out of it........then it slowly starts to sink.

Ever tried blending it together?

yeah, but i like the "sudden surprize" to come up out of the gloom.

wow this conversation has really taken a left turn hasn't it?

no photo
Tue 04/20/10 12:43 PM

..maybe she should be more clear on exactly what is meant by "danger"..if she wants a little danger take her sky diving if she wants alot of danger..take her sky diving without a parachute...bigsmile noway

..but if all else fails refer to Damone's five rules from Fast Times At Ridgemont High..smokin

Tcox22289's photo
Tue 04/20/10 01:03 PM

..but if all else fails refer to Damone's five rules from Fast Times At Ridgemont High..smokin

First of all Rat, you never let on how much you like a girl. "Oh, Debbie. Hi."

Two, you always call the shots. "Kiss me. You won't regret it."

Now three, act like wherever you are, that's the place to be. "Isn't this great?"

Four, when ordering food, you find out what she wants, then order for the both of you. It's a classy move. "Now, the lady will have the linguini and white clam sauce, and a Coke with no ice."

And five, now this is the most important, Rat. When it comes down to making out, whenever possible, put on side one of Led Zeppelin IV.

darkowl1's photo
Tue 04/20/10 04:24 PM

it bobs a couple of times, then it starts to get heavy on one side, because the air is being whirled out of it........then it slowly starts to sink.

Ever tried blending it together?

yeah, but i like the "sudden surprize" to come up out of the gloom.

wow this conversation has really taken a left turn hasn't it?

why has...:banana: laugh laugh laugh drinker

no photo
Fri 04/23/10 07:26 AM

OK so here's something that has been bothering me. I know I'm a great guy.
I'm the guy that will drop everything if you need a shoulder to cry on,
the guy that brings roses when I pick you up from work. The guy that opens
your car door for you. But for some reason, every woman I'm with ends up
treating me like s*** and eventually leaves. Take for instance my recent
Divorce. I found a great girl were together for a couple years, and found
out she was having an affair. Reason being, she wanted someone that made
her feel dangerous, not someone that loved her. What is wrong with a guy
that treats you right ladies? Can anyone answer this for me?

I personally know a man who said almost the exact same thing a year ago and now he's with this great girl who loves him like he never thought could be possible.

Just go on being yourself. You don't have to customize yourself for the sake of attracting or pleasing someone. It's just a matter of being with the right partner. You could be the greatest guy in the world, but if the women you're picking are not into that sort of thing, then of course, there will be a problem there. See the picture? smile2

So just be patient and learn from the experience you've had before. Don't give up on love. For now, just enjoy your life and go on with your plans and the rest will follow.

willing2's photo
Fri 04/23/10 07:34 AM

it bobs a couple of times, then it starts to get heavy on one side, because the air is being whirled out of it........then it slowly starts to sink.

Ever tried blending it together?

yeah, but i like the "sudden surprize" to come up out of the gloom.

Shaken, not blended.slaphead

willing2's photo
Fri 04/23/10 07:36 AM
Here is some tried and proven advice. Trust it and you will be happy for the rest of your life.

If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life,
Never make a pretty woman your wife,
So from my personal point of view,
Get an ugly girl to marry you.

A pretty woman makes her husband look small
And very often causes his downfall.
As soon as he marries her then she starts
To do the things that will break his heart.
But if you make an ugly woman your wife,
You'll be happy for the rest of your life,
An ugly woman cooks her meals on time,
She'll always give you peace of mind.

Don't let your friends say
You have no taste,
Go ahead and marry anyway,
Though her face is ugly,
Her eyes don't match,
Take it from me she's a better catch.

Say man.
Hey baby.
Saw your wife the other day.
Yeah, she's ugly.
Yeah, she's ugly but she sure can cook.
Yeah?. Okay.