Topic: Piano Man: narrated version - part 2
Dict8's photo
Tue 04/05/11 05:36 PM
Edited by Dict8 on Tue 04/05/11 05:48 PM
Now...see...Seattle was game for ANYTHING, dig? No difference between Black Sabbath or The Stooges. It was all fair game, see? Nobody cared about fame. It was a very incestuous scene, dig. Bands morphred into OTHER bands, right? For example....(finishes smoke.....pours drink. Lights up anpther.....) attention O.K? This gets complicated. Green River and Mother Love Bone were big.....but Andrew Wood of Mother Love Bone Od'd, see? Cuz', like....grunge bands, like.....lived off heroin, see? O.K.. So.....Mother Love Bone broke up....merged with Green River....and they becam Pearl Jam. One Half....Mudhoney....the OTHER, see?


bastet126's photo
Tue 04/05/11 05:38 PM
yo diggity

Dict8's photo
Tue 04/05/11 05:39 PM
....and that wasn't all. see? The was a record co. called SubPop. They released a compilation album called Deep Six. It was a very important album. Oh yea. Lets not forget about Soundgarden.....and, uh....Alice In Chains. But I digress.....


Dict8's photo
Tue 04/05/11 05:41 PM
This went on and on, see? Bands in the past were used to moving to LA to get big, dig? But....check THIS out! Now Bands from LA were moving to Seattle, see? That was where it was at, see......


Dict8's photo
Tue 04/05/11 05:44 PM
But...all the while this was goin' on.....a band from Spokane Washington was touring about Seattle and other places. They recorded an album for SubPop called "Bleach"....and toured with another band called TAD. This band was initially called "Fecal Matter". They eventually came to be called Nirvana, see?


bastet126's photo
Tue 04/05/11 05:46 PM
clearly they made a the right choice there laugh

Dict8's photo
Tue 04/05/11 05:46 PM
"Bleach"...was recorded for $600. It's now considered a classic. In comparison....Led Zep 1 was recorded in 1969 for $10,000....


Dict8's photo
Tue 04/05/11 05:47 PM
....that's right! $10,000. That's what my ex got in the divorce, dig?


bastet126's photo
Tue 04/05/11 05:49 PM
so...she got the zeppelin album? :tongue:

Dict8's photo
Tue 04/05/11 05:50 PM
Anyhoo...... Big things were brewing, man. Sonic Youth signed to Geffen......Nirvana opened show for them.....they got signed to Geffen too, see? And they were recording Nevermind, see?


Dict8's photo
Tue 04/05/11 05:51 PM

so...she got the zeppelin album? :tongue:
...yea....and my shirt. I'm borrowing this suit.......


Dict8's photo
Tue 04/05/11 05:53 PM
Now....this was an exciting time, see? But.....looks are decieving, dig? Kurt was seeing Courtney Love from Hole....and they had, like.....a massive heroin habit, see?


Dict8's photo
Tue 04/05/11 05:57 PM
...and there were other problems too. The original drummer bailed. Enter Dave Grohl..... The album gets recorded. Steve Albini produces it,. It's released in late 91'. "Smells Like Teen Spirit" is the first single. It becomes, like....MAMMOTH huge. It changed EVERYTHING. It was one of THOSE songs, ya' know? **** was different. Kurt freaks..... He can't handle it. smokin

no photo
Tue 04/05/11 05:59 PM

It's a nice suit! Good fit!


Dict8's photo
Tue 04/05/11 06:00 PM
No longer able to lay claim to being just a hip, credible underground band.....Kurt must face compromising himself, dig? Oh.....the massive heroin problem was also becoming, uh....a problem too, see?


And....when Weird Al starts covering yr songs? know....



Dict8's photo
Tue 04/05/11 06:02 PM

It's a nice suit! Good fit!

Thanks! You are, uh....too kind......


Dict8's photo
Tue 04/05/11 06:05 PM
So....uh....things happen, dig? Kurt OD's at The Ritz in NY....hours before performing on Saturday Night Live. Courtney has her pic taken for the cover of Vanity Fair....smoking a cigarette while obviously very pregnant. Admits to using heroin....while pregnant. See? This get all messed up, dig?

Dict8's photo
Tue 04/05/11 06:07 PM
All the metal sucks it's thumb....licks it's wounds, see? People watch Axl in the Paradise City video....and where months before he was admired.....they just laugh at him prancing around in them white shorts, dig?


Dict8's photo
Tue 04/05/11 06:11 PM
And Nirvana soon becomes the saving grace of a dying industry, see? Oh....the pressure, dig? And all around the world.....people are wondering what the **** Kurt is singin' on Teen Spirit, see? It's like 30 years before with Louie, Louie...... Minus the drugs.......


Dict8's photo
Tue 04/05/11 06:12 PM
(dramatic pause.....)
