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Topic: its so hot here
morethanjust_janedoe's photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:14 PM
im living in my pool practically! is it this hot where you guys n gals
are too?

iceprincess's photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:15 PM
it's been in the 90's here it'll be in the 100's by the end of the month

ajhagena's photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:16 PM
It's a bit warm.

But not too bad.

:heart: Sandy Eggo

OneMissing's photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:16 PM
Yeah around 100 today not to bad yet.

no photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:16 PM
61 here right now

iRon's photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:17 PM
it was 110 yesterday 105 today. The pools are already like bath water.

s1owhand's photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:17 PM
no - but that can be arranged
just start a thread

"Cool off..... and join me in the Pool"


no photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:18 PM
not ws about 110 last week though.....this is kinda the calm
before the storm. Normally at this time its 110 or more all summer
long!!devil devil devil

SheNerd's photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:19 PM
In the hundreds here, hot enough to wilt a banana

ajhagena's photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:19 PM
And melt some chocolate.

SheNerd's photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:20 PM
And fry that KFG on your head.

thedoctor's photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:21 PM
been hangin at my pool...the pond....sittin' with frogs and dodgin'
snappin' turtles!...laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Marie55's photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:23 PM
Well we had it in the mid 60s today, does that count??? And cloudy off
and on.

no photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:23 PM
<----hates to be too far from her pc!!!

seahawks's photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:23 PM

no photo
Fri 06/15/07 10:41 PM
if u are the person who i was really really mean to the other day then
im completely sry. i was ticked at somethin and took it out on u. could
we still be friends?

Katertots37's photo
Sat 06/16/07 03:27 AM
in the 90's here too. Living in shorts and a tanktop....Where's My

TJ_777's photo
Sat 06/16/07 06:46 AM
Si....esta mucho calor!

whispertoascream's photo
Sat 06/16/07 06:52 AM
It is warm but nothing I can complain about. I did spend yesterday out
side, and still no TAN!

no photo
Sat 06/16/07 01:25 PM
same here!... 90 and humid.

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