Topic: our old government | |
I deem this government to be unelected
I gather you mean our current administration? I feel that a group of Ultra Rich jerk offs with aspirations of social engineering are playing God behind the scenes and bought our government out completely. This higher order manipulates everything including the media. The media is extremely easy to manipulate. Worst is how easy it is to manipulate the masses through media. Once upon a time religion filled the void that media does today. Mass communication messed up religion badly. Without "God we trust" what are Americans left to believe in? Themselves? That is not what politicians and lazy welfare receiving socialists want us to believe. They do not like the idea of personal accountability. how many top bankers do you think would A) pony up for their criminal activities let alone B) Be able to do real prison time in a real prison among REAL hard core criminals? OH BUT THEN HERE COMES THE ACLU TO ARGUE THEY AS CRIMINALS HAVE RIGHTS! A criminal should have the right to shut the F up. Any act of mouthiness will result in corporal punishment. Any inmate on Death Row can and will be used for medical experimentation for the benefit of the community they victimized.
Now here we go, "But what about the innocent?" WELLLLLLLLLLLL! The DA or any attorneys who's prosecution led to the death of an innocent man should in turn die. That is for starters. Then comes all of those who bore false witness leading to the death of an innocent man should in turn die. Now it is one thing for a person to say "the person they seen looked like the man" verses "He was the man and I know it for a fact" when they knew it was someone else. This is what I see as balance. A conspiracy involves more than one person with full knowledge of what is going on. For a DA to continue to go for the conviction when he KNOWS he is sentencing in innocent man deserves to die and that HAS Happened more than once and by more than one number hungry DA hell bent on out performing the others on convictions at any cost. Hell, I feel it should be a constitutional amendment that any ELECTED public official using his term in office to commit crime deserves the death penalty. Hell, I feel it should be like that with anyone committing crime under the Aegis of government authority. That means a lot of corrupt police officers would be getting the needle like a dog! Oh yeah, all that 'eye for an eye' Ghandi crap! Watch Dr. Strangelov and how I learned to love the bomb. Pay close attention to the argument the President has with the Russian ambassador about "Deterrent Force." Humans only seem to understand fear and intimidation. Like bad children a lot of people will just hurt and victimize others unless they know there is a price to pay victimizing people. Oh but this is too harsh and draconian for the more liberally inclined! People hate the government itself unjustly when they should be hating the people who are the core of the problem. Take Nancy Pelosi for instance. She like Janet Reno WAY overstepped their authority. Bill Clinton, he deregulated banking and lending, NOT Bush. Why not have a forced popular vote of "No Confidence" and throw her out??? Americans are not organized enough and too complacent. Now let us look at most of the Southern States. They have enjoyed appeasements since the Civil war and many are huge Welfare states like CA became and look at the mess we got into with all that uncontrolled Social spending and give away programs for illegal immigrants. Texas for the most part has their act together. hell, why is that? Texas Pride? Education? A hard working spirit? or is it Republicans like Bush have not let it become a Socialist hand out state? Seems to me the Lone Star State is living up to its reputation and isn't like a bulk of the Southern States. Could it me they have good management? Louisianna IS terribly mismanaged. Why is it that New Oreleans gets 300 MIllion dollars to shore up their Levees to deal with a possible F5 Hurricane and what do they do? Build a Sports Stadium that was badly damaged during Hurricane Katrina. Most of the evacuees couldn't get out in School Buses! They had to have Grayhound Buses! Several Cruise liners were offered for temporary housing but did anyone use it? OH NO. They wanted FEMA houses! Sorry bout this New Orleans and this is not aimed at the people per say but F you New Orleans! You brought that disaster on yourselves voting to misappropriate funds meant to protect yourselves from Hurricanes. And What level of defense does you repaired levees afford you? Don't lie to me and say F5! Now let me ask you, when another F5 comes rolling around and with all this Global Warming crap being spewed how soon do you think the next one will be coming? Will you be feeling safe and secure living below sea level when your levees were repaired to withstand only an F3 because "It isn't very likely an F5 will happen again soon." Hey! They said the Titanic was unsinkable. Why the hell didn't New Orleans just relocate near by? The History of the location??? how many towns and small cities were turned into Lakes here in the US for Agriculture and Hydroelectric? The South to this day lives under some Victimized Socialist fantasy that welfare saves people. Getting people off of their fat lazy ***** is a better idea. Stop the hand outs. The South also receives HUGE Agricultural Subsidies. Even more insulting is that I doubt the South learned its lesson from the thrashing it got during the Civil War that without industry you are weak and unsustainable! Had the South the Industry the North had before the war started the outcome would have been VERY different. The South had superior numbers and better trained officers and a social resolve the North didn't have. None of that meant squat when the South ran out of rifles and ammo now didn't it? Now let us look at scale of Economies. CA pays 48% of the nations Taxes! We do not have the most people of any given state by land area. What is wrong with this picture? If CA cut off its money to the Fed how fast would the economies of the South Dry up because of their social spending? Why is it CA represents 8% of the world economy while the South represents how much? We need a more uniform approach to how we deal with this country's needs but our "elected" officials seem to have other things in mind like getting voted in again and kissing the right ***. We need to get the weasels out of government and end Lobbying permanent. Big business needs to get thrown out and most of all the Fed needs to be abolished while the Government imposes common sense regulations on banking and lending. This whole idea of a Debt Society makes no sense at all and worst of all the banking and lending industry use the media to glamorize it. They need to be stopped but they are not subject to government regulation. Industry regulation is not the same thing no matter how you try to argue with me about it. Why is it Chile gets slammed by several big Quakes and one huge one but they manage to handle their own business but Haiti gets hit with ONE and look at the mess they are in! It is the same thing in the United States and that just FUC**NG Pisses me off. New Orleans was our Haiti! Shortly after Katrina hit Ohio go SOCKED up and flooded out yet they didn't go running to Fema. They took care of their own business. Ohio! God Damn It! You Rock!!!! Florida gets hammered and they take care of business. But New Orleans... What next? Say hurricane Slim Pickns comes along coming up from the Caribbean and suddenly an F3 is found out to be an F5 and it is hours away. Gonna wait for Grayhound busses instead of School busses? Gonna hide in a Sports Stadium again? Then whats next? FEMA to the rescue again? Hell, most of the people on it milked it dry so others needing it couldn't get the help. Not everyone in the New Orleans debacle are looser idiots. There were locals who rescued the idiots from themselves. I will not insult or defile bravery like that. You people were the only credit to the mess of hurricane Katrina. To me the better person is the one who learns to help themselves but can still help others! Not a pack of "I am broke" demanding government handouts because the world owes them a living. Get a Job or Start a Business but get out from in front of that big screen the Government checks you got bought you! And one last note. Our government has completely lost touch with reality! They just keep adding more and more taxes on us and driving industry out faster and faster. It does not control it as own spending and this is not fair to anyone. The taxation has to stop. Property taxes alone are robbery. We are taxed so much we are being economically raped and does anyone complain? Yeah but does government listen??????? Wow, now that was a tear! I will give my fingers a chance to breath now! |
Detroit's closing more schools. Save Detroit before it's too late. How do we save Detroit? Or do we just let it burn?
Detroit's closing more schools. Save Detroit before it's too late. How do we save Detroit? Or do we just let it burn? The Auto Unions killed the Auto industry up there. Yeah the Union Slugs would argue but drive up the cost of labor and demand more and more benefits and the pant will close down and move. Pulling the Union's teeth would be a start. Business needs incentive to come back. Here is CA you want to know which business is going to leave within a year? Look for the ones that are voting to make the shop a Teamster Union. The teamsters are greedy di*ks who drive business away faster than higher taxes! It is too expensive to do business anywhere in the US these days which is killing it for everyone. How much should a person make for turning screws? Who is ultimately responsible for their retirement? The Government, the Employer? And to think Detroit used to be a thriving hub of industry! Eco Geeks also killed it for you! So many industries are being killed over financial pressure to comply with the green movement. Green, the other color of Communism??? |
Seattle's next. You watch. It will happen.
Starbucks and Microsoft can only spend so much before they move headquarters to say China or India!
Hmm. Funny how all the cities that are facing serious economic problems (e.g., Detroit, Flint, Philly, New Orleans, NYC, etc) have all been run by DEMOCRATIC 'administrations' for what, the last 40 or 50 years ... ? Ain't it curious that they ALL are runnin' into serious problems (and out of money) at around the same time ... ? I guess their 'redistribution of wealth' with local taxation scams all ran out of 'other people's money' simulltaneously ...
your coincidence is noted and fwd'd to the psych ward.
your coincidence is noted and fwd'd to the psych ward. lol It was a LONG Rant,, and many misstatements to correct,, but I will come back to it later,, but to START,, TEXAS actually stays afloat better than others because it thrives on THREE very solid industries,, military bases, medical care, and oil. Money makes any area of the world MORE or LESS 'solid' than others...which is true of just about MOST of the other places you mentioned.... the difference isnt nearly so much in the superioirity or the government or the people, so much as the POWER and RESOURCES that money provides.... |
Edited by
Thu 03/18/10 07:50 AM
Regarding Katrina,, actually , 11 CRUISE SHIPS were used over a six month period, temporarily, until housing could be found.
Regarding misappropriation of funds, the FEDERAL BUDGET cut funding for proper protection from flooding in New Orleans (to help with the war?). For whatever reason, the folks in New Orleans had little to say about that. From 'June 8, 2004: Walter Maestri, emergency management chief for Jefferson Parish, told the Times-Picayune: Walter Maestri: It appears that the money has been moved in the president’s budget to handle homeland security and the war in Iraq , and I suppose that’s the price we pay. Nobody locally is happy that the levees can’t be finished, and we are doing everything we can to make the case that this is a security issue for us.' Regarding welfare, it is rarely a handout. Anymore than going to my savings would be a handout if I Became unemployed. We pay TAXES all of our working lives..and what we pay in is a drop in the bucket to what is sometimes needed to get through rough times. Welfare, in my opinion(when temporarily used) is an entitlement coming from the amount of our hard earned money we hand over into that big national budget pot. As far as comparing natural disasters. In the case of Haiti vs Chile, and the case of Ohio vs Louisiana,, I would point you once again to the power and resources that MONEY provide. I think the correlation between the GDP of Chile compared to that of Haiti will be consistent when comparing the financial resources of Ohio(which, as an Ohioan, I can tell you did not have a HURRICANE with flooding)to Louisiana and then there is also the pesky details concerning GEOGRAPHIC location.... |
Detroit's closing more schools. Save Detroit before it's too late. How do we save Detroit? Or do we just let it burn? LET IT BURN , GOOD IDEA . |
Hmm. Funny how all the cities that are facing serious economic problems (e.g., Detroit, Flint, Philly, New Orleans, NYC, etc) have all been run by DEMOCRATIC 'administrations' for what, the last 40 or 50 years ... ? Ain't it curious that they ALL are runnin' into serious problems (and out of money) at around the same time ... ? I guess their 'redistribution of wealth' with local taxation scams all ran out of 'other people's money' simulltaneously ... bIN LADIN SAID THAT THIS WAS HIS PLAN .. thank a republicain for fighting a personel war first or at all HELPING BIN TO WIN HIS FIGHT . people who don't question what the government is doing ARE NOT PATRIOTS THIER FOOLS . WE HAVE NO GODS IN THE GOVERNMENT ONLY PEOPLE LIKE THE REST OF US AND THATS NOT A COMPLEMENT . |