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Topic: right or wrong
silly's photo
Tue 03/16/10 07:03 AM
Edited by silly on Tue 03/16/10 07:05 AM
Well my daughter was on the list for l4 months waiting for lungs,then the last week of her life her doctor told me that they had taken her off of the list.So just because they put someone on the list doesn't mean that u will get the organs.brokenheart brokenheart

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 03/16/10 07:22 AM
It is never right to take anything without the consent regardless of what it is.

But..........if it had not been for someone donating their organs 9 years ago my step-sister would not be here today. She received a liver transplant and living a healthy and productive life today and got to see the grandchild born she had always wanted. :heart: bigsmile :heart:

papersmile's photo
Tue 03/16/10 08:39 AM
there was talk, recently, in toronto about taking organs from those who had been killed even if there was no donor card signed.

the idea was to get people to become more aware of the need to donate and to specifically state 'no organ donation' as opposed to just leaving it all unsaid.

i don't agree - while i believe that organ donation is a great gift to give to someone when you no longer need what you have, i also believe it is our own choice as to what to do with our bodies, alive or dead.

metalwing's photo
Tue 03/16/10 08:45 AM
Dead people ... sure. They don't need them anymore.

Live people ... No way. It is too much like taxation without representation.

no photo
Tue 03/16/10 10:32 AM
once they are dead, they can't use it anyway.
With that kind of reasoning there would be no such thing as a will, and there would be a free for all for all of your property. Show a little respect for the dead, especially when we have stem cell research technology which accomplishes the exact same thing... smokin

Using a dead persons organs does sound like a good idea, until you begin to look at it all with a more logical eye.

We live in a democratic society where we all have the right to decide what happens to us during life and after death. We can decide in wills how our bodies are disposed of after our deaths, so then accordingly we should be able to decide for ourselves whether or not we wish to donate parts of our bodies to others. This also raises the question of how do you decide who gets what? Say for example you have someone who lived their life as an alcoholic and they refused to stop drinking, so of course they destroyed their liver. Are you going to give them another persons liver to destroy also, now that they've shown that they were irresponsible with their own... and what about babies and children? Are we as a democratic society going to sit and watch as a diseased child's body is butchered for its organs? What about the rights of the parents?

There's a big stink over in Israel now because they did just this during the 1990's... they harvested organs from dead bodies, including Palestinians, without permission of their families.

And what ethical medical professional would show disrespect for the rights and spiritual concerns of their patients? This idea of harvesting a persons organs after they have died tends to make the human body more of a commodity than a sacred vessel. If they ever allowed harvesting of a dead persons organs then what's the next step.... organs on "the black market" where say you needed an organ and someone found a match for you and "accidentally" on purpose made it that you would get that organ... this is a slippery slop and we all know that there are scumbags out there who would provide such black market "services"...

What's next.... grave robbery.... smokin

CatsLoveMe's photo
Tue 03/16/10 10:40 AM
If the funeral/burial/cremation is 100% paid for in full of the deceased by the company harvesting the organs, then I'm in favor of it.

mscherbear's photo
Tue 03/16/10 10:49 AM
I definitely support organ donation, but for the reasons AngelArs described, I feel it definitely must be with the deceased person's permission.

As for live people, absolutely not!

Shasta1's photo
Tue 03/16/10 11:43 AM
Edited by Shasta1 on Tue 03/16/10 11:54 AM
There's a new movie out, 'Repo Man'? has something to do with all this. guy doesn't pay and they come looking for the organ?ohwell Sheesh

Shasta1's photo
Tue 03/16/10 11:44 AM

Well my daughter was on the list for l4 months waiting for lungs,then the last week of her life her doctor told me that they had taken her off of the list.So just because they put someone on the list doesn't mean that u will get the organs.brokenheart brokenheart

So sad. Am sorry for your loss.

michiganman3's photo
Tue 03/16/10 10:27 PM
Edited by michiganman3 on Tue 03/16/10 10:28 PM
Well they don't wait until you are 'brain dead' either.

There are protocols in place right now, that with the individual's consent, and/ or family's consent to remove cardio-pulmonary support to allow the person's heart to stop.........then 'procure' the organs.

They aren't calling it a 'harvest' anymore, it's a procurement.
Some refer to it as a 'organ recovery'


davidben1's photo
Thu 03/18/10 04:14 PM
Edited by davidben1 on Thu 03/18/10 04:16 PM
if one look deep into "right and wrong", one will see in the beginning, of all right and wrong, it simply be based upon if one treat other's as equal in value to itself.

if such be true, who needs told what is right or wrong, by anything outside of itself, for "ALL" things know with no intervention, how itself wishes to be treated.

no photo
Thu 03/18/10 04:36 PM
I am an organ donor...in the event of my death. If they, (my organs), are in good condition when I pass, I'd like to share the 'gift of life' to someone who could use them. I think everyone has a choice...consent is definately a must though when harvesting organs from the deceased, either from them before their death or their loved ones.

During life...I would give up a kidney for a loved one if I were a match.

*davidben...the longer hair & goatee are very becoming!*winking

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