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Topic: It is now obvious
msharmony's photo
Mon 03/15/10 09:19 AM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 03/15/10 09:20 AM

zimbabwe,,,lol,,,,ur funny

My mom had/has government insurance and I bet Zimbabwe would LOVE it.

where in the bill does it say she wont keep the insurance, can you point me to it?...lol

Well, since you choose to let OTHER people do YOUR research for you, here's ONE answer ... you'll need to research the rest yourself ...



Will You Keep Your Insurance?

Despite Obama's claims, it's unlikely that everyone will be able to keep their current health care coverage under the current reform plan.

By Lori Robertson | factcheck.org | Aug 18, 2009

President Obama has repeatedly said that under the health care overhaul efforts in Congress, "if you like your health care plan, you keep your health care plan." But he can't make that promise to everyone.

• In fact, under the House bill, some employers might have to modify plans after a five-year grace period if they don't meet minimum benefits standards.

• Furthermore, some firms are likely to buy different coverage for their workers than they have now, or simply drop coverage and pay a penalty instead, leaving workers to buy their own private coverage or go on a new federal insurance plan.

That's FactCheck.org's answer - but you can find more ...

From politifact.com

Karl Rove = Under a public health care option, 120 million Americans will "lose what they now get from private companies and be forced onto the government-run rolls as businesses decide it is more cost-effective for them to drop coverage." False

Rove, a Republican strategist, cites a study that actually says that many people would select the cheapest health insurance plan if given a choice. People would not be forced onto a government-run plan.

This is about PERSONAL selection, on the side of the employee and the employer. Yes, it is possible an employer may decide to change insurance or not offer it,but it is not LIKELY this would happen with the GOVERNMENTS own insurance....

I stated my mom is retired from a GOVERNMENT position, I doubt she is at risk of losing the excellent coverage she already has under her plan, the same coverage I believe the President wants EVERYONE to have access to.

I wouldn't be too sure of that. States are cutting "guaranteed" pensions and health care coverages. California is going to be the model for what comes next at the federal level. At some point the debts will have to be addressed and massive cuts will be forthcoming. If the eugenic lovers are still in power I will guarantee that the oldest recipients of "guaranteed" coverage will be thrown under the bus..

I guarantee that budgeting will occur with or without reform and that if it is NECESSARY (as in California) it will indeed happen that some difficult choices about 'cuts will take place, but stopping reform won't stop that process. Cuts will have to take place, with or without reform, they have taken place in the past before reform and always will. Compromise and hard choices are a part of budgeting a household and a nation. and what does selective breeding have to do with reform?

InvictusV's photo
Mon 03/15/10 09:35 AM

zimbabwe,,,lol,,,,ur funny

My mom had/has government insurance and I bet Zimbabwe would LOVE it.

where in the bill does it say she wont keep the insurance, can you point me to it?...lol

Well, since you choose to let OTHER people do YOUR research for you, here's ONE answer ... you'll need to research the rest yourself ...



Will You Keep Your Insurance?

Despite Obama's claims, it's unlikely that everyone will be able to keep their current health care coverage under the current reform plan.

By Lori Robertson | factcheck.org | Aug 18, 2009

President Obama has repeatedly said that under the health care overhaul efforts in Congress, "if you like your health care plan, you keep your health care plan." But he can't make that promise to everyone.

• In fact, under the House bill, some employers might have to modify plans after a five-year grace period if they don't meet minimum benefits standards.

• Furthermore, some firms are likely to buy different coverage for their workers than they have now, or simply drop coverage and pay a penalty instead, leaving workers to buy their own private coverage or go on a new federal insurance plan.

That's FactCheck.org's answer - but you can find more ...

From politifact.com

Karl Rove = Under a public health care option, 120 million Americans will "lose what they now get from private companies and be forced onto the government-run rolls as businesses decide it is more cost-effective for them to drop coverage." False

Rove, a Republican strategist, cites a study that actually says that many people would select the cheapest health insurance plan if given a choice. People would not be forced onto a government-run plan.

This is about PERSONAL selection, on the side of the employee and the employer. Yes, it is possible an employer may decide to change insurance or not offer it,but it is not LIKELY this would happen with the GOVERNMENTS own insurance....

I stated my mom is retired from a GOVERNMENT position, I doubt she is at risk of losing the excellent coverage she already has under her plan, the same coverage I believe the President wants EVERYONE to have access to.

I wouldn't be too sure of that. States are cutting "guaranteed" pensions and health care coverages. California is going to be the model for what comes next at the federal level. At some point the debts will have to be addressed and massive cuts will be forthcoming. If the eugenic lovers are still in power I will guarantee that the oldest recipients of "guaranteed" coverage will be thrown under the bus..

I guarantee that budgeting will occur with or without reform and that if it is NECESSARY (as in California) it will indeed happen that some difficult choices about 'cuts will take place, but stopping reform won't stop that process. Cuts will have to take place, with or without reform, they have taken place in the past before reform and always will. Compromise and hard choices are a part of budgeting a household and a nation. and what does selective breeding have to do with reform?

I'm sure you are familiar with the survival of the fittest.. Where do you think eugenics came from? The aged are not the fittest are they?

msharmony's photo
Mon 03/15/10 09:41 AM
I dont think the president proposed anything supporting such a philosiophy.

His basic proposal was/is

If You Have Health Insurance
More Stability and Security

• Ends discrimination against people with pre-existing conditions.
• Prevents insurance companies from dropping coverage when people are sick and need it most.
• Caps out-of pocket expenses so people don’t go broke when they get sick.
• Eliminates extra charges for preventive care like mammograms, flu shots and diabetes tests to improve health and save money.
• Protects Medicare for seniors and eliminates the “donut-hole” gap in coverage for prescription drugs.

If You Don ’t Have Insurance
Quality, Affordable Choices for All Americans

• Creates a new insurance marketplace – the Exchange – that allows
people without insurance and small businesses to compare plans and buy insurance at competitive prices.
• Provides new tax credits to help people buy insurance and to help small businesses cover their employees.
• Offers a public health insurance option to provide the uninsured who can’t find affordable coverage with a real choice.
• Offers new, low-cost coverage through a national “high risk” pool to protect people with preexisting conditions from financial ruin until the new Exchange is created.

For All Americans
Reins In the Cost of Health Care for Our Families,
Our Businesses, and Our Government

• Won’t add a dime to the deficit and is paid for upfront.
• Creates an independent commission of doctors and medical experts to
identify waste, fraud and abuse in the health care system.
• Orders immediate medical malpractice reform projects that could help doctors focus on putting their patients first, not on practicing defensive medicine.
• Requires large employers to cover their employees and individuals who can afford it to buy insurance so everyone shares in the responsibility of reform.

I am 100% behind the President's proposal, 100% opposed to eugenics, and 100% in favor of ALL americans having affordable health coverage(regardless of 'fitness')

no photo
Mon 03/15/10 09:46 AM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Mon 03/15/10 09:49 AM
Well, since you're all "I am 100% behind the President's proposal", don't be comin' around a-whinin' when the information you've been provided with becomes reality and your Mom suddenly has to start lookin' ... and you have to start going to 'end-of-life-counseling' sessions with her 'cuz she's too 'old' and is taking 'health care' away from some young illegal who's more 'deserving' ... Think that ain't gonna happen ... ? Better start doin' some serious research instead of just enjoyin' that Obama Kool-Aid ...

msharmony's photo
Mon 03/15/10 09:48 AM

Well, since you're "I am 100% behind the President's proposal", don't be comin' around a-whinin' when the information you've been provided with becomes reality and your Mom suddenly has to start lookin' ... and you have to start going to 'end-of-life-counseling' sessions with her 'cuz she's too 'old' and is taking 'health care' away from some young illegal who's more deserving ... Think that won't happen ... ? Better start doin' some serious research instead of just enjoyin' that Obama Kool-Aid ...

there is no mandatory end of life counseling,, who is drinking the kool aid here,,,?

no photo
Mon 03/15/10 09:50 AM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Mon 03/15/10 09:51 AM
You really haven't done any research on this, have you ... ? You're in for such a surprise ... and then it'll be too late ...

msharmony's photo
Mon 03/15/10 09:56 AM

You really haven't done any research on this, have you ... ? You're in for such a surprise ... and then it'll be too late ...

Oh, I wont be surprised, I do due dilligence,,,,

from politifact.com,, regarding death counsels or end of life counseling

For our ruling on this one, there's really no gray area here. McCaughey incorrectly states that the bill would require Medicare patients to have these counseling sessions and she is suggesting that the government is somehow trying to interfere with a very personal decision. And her claim that the sessions would "tell [seniors] how to end their life sooner" is an outright distortion. Rather, the sessions are an option for elderly patients who want to learn more about living wills, health care proxies and other forms of end-of-life planning. McCaughey isn't just wrong, she's spreading a ridiculous falsehood. That's a Pants on Fire

no photo
Mon 03/15/10 10:01 AM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Mon 03/15/10 10:17 AM
Let's do a real simple Q & A here ... are you aware that 'DeathCare' ALSO has a little piece of legislation that's gonna be passed CONCURRENTLY with it that will give 'government' [sic] control of 80% of the STUDENT LOAN market and force 80% of PRIVATE lenders out of business? The 'interview' procedure will go something like this: "Let's see - you have an excellent GPA, you attended a fine school, you've really achieved a lot. Sorry, but you don't qualify. You've already had a 'privilege' life, and now it's time to give that money to someone who hasn't had the advantages you've had. Next ... " ... I suppose you think that's gonna be fine, too ... Good luck, and enjoy the Kool-Aid ...

msharmony's photo
Mon 03/15/10 10:16 AM

Let's do a real simple Q & A here ... are you aware that 'DeathCare' ALSO has a little piece of legislation that's gonna be passed CONCURRENTLY with it that will give 'government' [sic] control of 80% of the STUDENT LOAN market and force 80% of PRIVATE lenders out of business? The 'interview' procedure will go something like this: "Let's see - you have an excellent GPA, you attended a fine school, you've really achieved a lot. Sorry, but you don't qualify. You've already had a 'privilege' life, and now it's time to give that money to someone who hasn't had the advantages you've had. Next ... " ... I suppose you think that's gonna be fine, too ... Good luck, and enjoy the Kool-Aid ...

are you aware that the FFELP and the DLP (government loan programs) already make up more than 80 percent of student loans? Seems like just another smokescreen to avoid the issues to me.

no photo
Mon 03/15/10 10:18 AM
Oh. My bad ... (PBUH)

Etrain's photo
Mon 03/15/10 10:39 AM
I can't help but laugh....the ignorance from this thread reminds me of the movie "Deliverance." You sure got a purty death panel....bet you can squeal like a pigslaphead rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Etrain's photo
Mon 03/15/10 10:49 AM
Most of the energy of the last administration was about retaining the power to retain power. Of course, if you fear intelligent people as many Americans are now trained, what chance do we have of ever doing anything right. If anything right ever happens Americans begin smelling the proximity of elitists. The conservative book-of-the-month instructs them how to handle these cases - deny, deny, deny. And if intelligent thought persists try this:

1. fantasize
2. spread fear over the fantasy
3. smear intelligent people
4. repeat

And that's the formula of every successful Republican since Bob Dole's defeat.
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

markumX's photo
Mon 03/15/10 01:58 PM

Well, since you're all "I am 100% behind the President's proposal", don't be comin' around a-whinin' when the information you've been provided with becomes reality and your Mom suddenly has to start lookin' ... and you have to start going to 'end-of-life-counseling' sessions with her 'cuz she's too 'old' and is taking 'health care' away from some young illegal who's more 'deserving' ... Think that ain't gonna happen ... ? Better start doin' some serious research instead of just enjoyin' that Obama Kool-Aid ...

and the so called end of life counseling was first introduced under jr. spin that

no photo
Mon 03/15/10 04:23 PM
Edited by voileazur on Mon 03/15/10 04:26 PM

Most of the energy of the last administration was about retaining the power to retain power. Of course, if you fear intelligent people as many Americans are now trained, what chance do we have of ever doing anything right. If anything right ever happens Americans begin smelling the proximity of elitists. The conservative book-of-the-month instructs them how to handle these cases - deny, deny, deny. And if intelligent thought persists try this:

1. fantasize
2. spread fear over the fantasy
3. smear intelligent people
4. repeat

And that's the formula of every successful Republican since Bob Dole's defeat.
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

... and, the bill being on its final straight, the most 'powerful lobbies' around are sparing no expense in
... spreading fear,
... spreading fantasies,
... smearing intelligent people,
all of it ON HYPER DRIVE, in a last ditch attempt to maintain their fiefdom!!!

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