Topic: Gaza | |
---|---|,,30200-1270455,00.html Hamas is in the process of violently taking over the Gaza strip. They are dragging members of Fatah into the streets and killing them. What will this mean for the peace process, is it over? What does this mean to the Palestinian people? |
you are being a bit
those they dragged into the streets were done illegally and by a specific person who was extracting revenge for attrocities even worse from those people. the news wants you to think all kinds of things...wait and listen they are sensationalizing and deliberately trying to instigate somethin akin to civil war ...but it is not civil war...not yet... and it is not as it appears respectfully ![]() |
it may not be as it appears
but it sounds as if you are supporting vigilante justice ----------------------------- what makes that any differnt than the assumption of wmd and extermination of Iraqi people by their the iragi govt and the united states not caring whether there was a world judgement against them or not other than the scale the process seems the same ---------------------------------------- i am not condoning everything the united states does but lets not condemn the states and then praise another that does the same |
Can you suggest a news source where I can get the truth from? I
honestly can't believe that every news feed is lying, but I guess it could happen. If you google gaza right now, they are saying that Gaza is almost completely under Hamas control now and that people are being dragged out of their homes and killed in the streets. I haven't seen a single source that suggests it was a one time incident or that it was an act of retribution. I have seen quotes from Hamas supporters who are calling for the deaths of the "collaborators". ------------------------------------------------------------- What is happening in Gaza today is political immorality in the real sense of the word on the part of both Hamas and Fatah. People are taken from their homes, killed and thrown to the street. Others are thrown off high-rise buildings alive. Hamas is busy talking about "traitors" and Abu Mazen is warning against a "collapse." What treason and what collapse could be worse than what we are seeing in Gaza today? The death toll on both sides is well above fifty. Fighting has even reached hospitals for example in Beit Hanoun Hospital. On account of the dangerous situation, humanitarian organizations ceased to provide aid, describing what is taking place as “war crimes.” Just think about one atrocity committed in Gaza, which was the killing of Mohammed Sweirki. With his hands and legs tied, the 28-year-old cook for the President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, was thrown off the roof of a 15-storey building. ------------------------------------------------------------- So respectfully, from what I've read, I am not being dramatic. Please, if you have anothe source, share it. |
no , not another source... and i don't condone what they do.
that was not my point. my point was mostly there is much more going on. remember i was Maronite/ political affiliations were also brutal back in the day, the Phalangists were quite a far as i am concerned it is just what humans do ...Fatah and Hammas are cut from the same cloth as Hezbollah...all supported by syria...but now we have fatah sleeping with isreal and so hammas got upset...but all of them are no better than each other....sigh |
from where i sit it's the bad guys against the bad guys
so let them go at it. no one ever cares about the innocents ![]() |
previous post
those they dragged into the streets were done illegally and by a specific person who was extracting revenge for attrocities even worse from those people. ------------------------------- sorry but read this as support for what they were doing again sorry if i was wrong |
yeah, it is a mess.
Parts of the story we are not routinely seeing being reported: 1. Black teams operating in Gaza that provoke 'sectarian' fighting (same as the black teams that did that between Sunni and Shi'i in Iraq -- wait until they start in on the Kurds) 2. The complicity of the international community in making it impossible for HAMAS, the duly elected party, to run the Palestinian government. Under the Quartet and the US, the Palestinian government was starved of funds, trans-border movement was essentially stopped between Gaza and the West Bank, the intrenational banking community was bullied into dropping Palestinian accounts, and HAMAS was told that they would be isolated until they accepted Israeli demands of the Palestinians. These two elements are key to understanding why the rage has built up in Gaza. Remember, it is the most densely populated area in the world; it is in effect a concentration camp run by the Israelis. Of course we are outraged by the killing, -- of course -- but I suggest that the outrage should more properly be applied to the international community that has allowed these conditions to exist for decades, and to those who sneak in and light the fuse. ![]() Oceans |
they have so many plots against one another ...oh oh oh you have no
idea how the Arabic minds work...they are so devious and extracting, that's more than half the problem, each of the factions involved have become so enmeshed, with wounds on both sides/all sides to children and family and loved ones...and so everyone is fueled by grief and pain and outrage.... it's a horrible mess... and no one forgets...they are passionate people all of the middle eastern people are amazingly wonderful and generous, what you have here is what happens to people who are so attached to their passions , who are locked in beliefs and blinded by pride.... as beautiful as one can be so can they be evil, it's the level that you play on...and they invented this game so i guess it's no wonder they have us playing on their board. Syria , just the name alone conjures mysteries still for me and the madness of the markets and the life that sprawls out in webs and labyrinths, with ancient smells and noises and songs and wails and lovers all tangled in the whispers of ancestors...she was always sinister to me even as a child before the rumours and the assurances... when we call out a country or a people for their crimes, we have to remember it is also true that a whole underground system works to manipulate governments and or even work apart and covertly , so i can't say Syria is the evil monster , but i can say the factions running their own agendas from within syria are making her complicit and she will have to rein in her instigators now and try to look like she had no involvement. kinda like the US in Irak, with contractors that seek and destroy . then the US is not responsible for how they do it and they get paid not to get caught.lot's of collateral damage here. sigh when so much blood is spilled over and over and over it becomes harder and harder to cut your losses and swallow your pride, especially when they are SO PASSIONATE. so the moral of the story it wasn't worth it. find another way to honor your dead rather than killing in their name. |
the world is afraid of committing to anything specifically if it may become violent everyone is concerned about the one that may get hurt that are not involved (i agree this is terrible thing) but what about the many many more that will be hurt if situations around the world are not brought under control no tot a one world government but a multinational force to police atrocities against humanity such as genocide of a sect of people in a country if the world would begin worrying about the world and all supplied manpower and equipment in percentage of their population and land mass then maybe just maybe there would be enough money left to help with disease and hunger but hey what do i know |
bravo bravo
very good post alex hugz if you accept them |
"find another way to honor your dead rather than killing in their name" Well said.... Adj: an international police force/peace-keeping. Yup; let's learn a lesson from the Canadians, who know how to do this.... ![]() ![]() ![]() Oceans |
Re. the international police force/peace-keepers...
The Palestinians have many times going back years begged for such a force, but Israel has refused. Oceans |
The takeover looks pretty violent to me. I would think it is
unacceptable for Hamas to behave in such a way. To condone it is much like condoning the ayatollah takeover in Iran so many years back. I do not consider that to have been acceptable either. But the world permitted it to occur and permitted it to remain in place. Have a look at the place it has brought us to now. Looks pretty bad from my perspective. If the world allows this violent coup to stand the situation will become worse and worse. Already Hamas refuses to deal with Israel, even as Israel has made efforts to find a peaceful solution. The Palestinians have never bargained in good faith, now as they get closer Hamas can not accept progress. Nobody here can see the hand of Iran in this, or in Lebanon or in Afghanistan or in Iraq. Only by stopping Iranian support for these regional conflicts will the tension be reduced and there is only one way to stop Iran. Just a hint here for the pacifists, negotiation is not going to do it. It is like a bully on the street. Somebody has to take some action. When they do take action do not be so fast to accuse the police of being the bully. I say that with very little hope that can occur. If the United States takes some steps to clean up the Iran problem, people will line up to say the US was wrong for doing so and even to blame the US, calling it evil this and that. It is shameful, but it will happen. Right now I feel sorry for the Palestinian people. With no real sources of food and resources in their own land, and with isolation because of the violence, I suspect many innocent people there will be starving and going through numerous hardships related to the situation. Hamas seems to have no regard for any of this. This is all opinion of course. |
Are you familiar with the Taba 2000-2001 events? ![]() Oceans |
The US has killed far more Iraqis and the Israelis far more Palestinians than Hamas is killing Fatah members. Would you then agree that those are not acceptable and should not be allowed to stand either? Horrible as it is, the Hamas action against Fatah members is not a 'coup' -- Hamas runs the government. It would be more accurate to say that Hamas is suppressing a rebellion. ![]() Oceans |
i think i need enlightened oceans
Regarding Iran: are you a supporter of the Shah and SAVAK? ![]() Oceans |
"It would be more accurate to say that Hamas is suppressing a rebellion." That is a really strange position, since Hamas attacked first. I just can't get my mind around the mindset of people who willingly support genocidal and murderous madmen. |
peace process?! what a joke. this war has been going on since the 40s
many would say even earlier)and has never stopped. it is the Hatfields and the McCoys - only less civil and with two divisions of Keystone Cops fighting each other, and the Three Stooges who keep swapping sides every other day. OMG pointless and tragic |