Topic: Tiage's story. | |
This is part of the story I am writing for an online role play game. If you would like to join the game email me an I will let you know how to join in. Hope you like this. Its a little long but I am no where near done yet. This is only the first part. Let me know what you think. Thank you
![]() *As Tiage sits in the Inn in the dark corner she thinks bout her past.* That day I was changed started pretty good, on my way to pick up my wedding dress. Only 1 more day till I become Mrs.Waylander, oh how great it would have been. Live my life with Kernn maybe some kids, maybe not. But after I dropped my dress off at home I was on my way to the party but something went horrible wrong. I got lost, like always. Cutting through a dark ally way to make up for lost time, "This should be ok" As I start bout the dark path I hear soft foot steps behind me, as I turn to see who it may was gone. I turn back around with a shrug an then I am looking in the red glowing eyes of my attacker.Fear came over me, my heart beating fast, blood flowing fast through my veins. He can sense this, his evil smile grows much larger. "Lost my child?" he says to me. I can not speak, I see his fangs as he talks. A chill runs up my spine, I have heard bout vampires but only thought there were child's was I wrong. I turn to run but he was already in front of me as I turned. Nowhere to go, this man traps me. I try to scream but the fear has a tight hold on me,or maybe it was his power? He grabs my head pushing it to the side to expose my neck. He hovers around my neck for a while, I can hear him breath deeply. He can sense my blood,"oh my god..what do I do? I can't go out like this!" My body switches to fight mode, I slap him as hard as I can, of course he just laughs, the hit did not even move him. "Well that didn't work out the way I planned, now I just made him angry." He still hovers around my neck, with one movement he is now on top of me on the ground. I try to get out from under him but he pins me down harder to the ground. His eyes glowing even brighter as a"hiss" leaves his pale lips. At that point I knew I was done for, he was getting ready to kill me. He moves his lips to my ear an softly says,"My child, you will make a great accessory." With that said his razor sharp teeth pierce my neck, my soft screams turn to moans. The vampire endorphins fill my body; the endorphins are like a high you have never felt before.My eyes roll to the back of my head; before I want to finish he is done with me. My body limp on the ground, he stands above me. My eyes closed, I think he carried me to his castle I was out cold from the blood lost. I wake tied to a bed, naked. I start to feel intense pain, a burning deep within. As the door opens I see my killer. *Tiage sits up coming out of her daze, looking around to see if anyone has noticed. With a sigh she lays her head down. Trying to hind the tears. She can still feel that pain.* |
I look forward to reading the rest...Very good...Only one critique...Spelling mistakes with a few words, otherwise you did well girl....
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really.. I checked it with word. My bad sorry.
Sorry Redhead, it is just me...I am a proof reader and can't help but pick mistakes out of text...Sometimes that one sp. mistake can change the whole course of a story...
Its ok, I would rather someone read through it an point out mistakes. Just let me know an I will fix it.
Here is pt 2. Still got a while to go. *As the rage slowly built in Tiage she had to leave. She stands an storms out of the Inn, walking into the forest. She finds a tree deep within, sitting under the branches. Her mind once again starts to wonder, bring her to where she left off.* As the door opens I scream, the pain is too much. “Please make it stop! The burning, my blood!” He walks over to me with a wide smile “Oh my child the pain will stop..sometime. But I can get your mind off of the pain.” He lays next to me, I know what he wants just by the way he licks his lips looking over me. His cold hands runs down my naked body, I start to scream once again. He laughs, “Why must you do that? No one can hear you my child.” I stair up to him as he gets on top of me, he made love to me. The pain was unbearable the sex only made it worse. I scream in pain, he just laughs. I pass out from the pain, only to wake only now tied to a white chair. He did dress me sometime during the night, he put me in a silk black dress with diamonds across the chest. My stomach starts to growl and I wonder just how long I had passed out for. As I look around the room, the sun is high in the cloudy gray sky. I can see a rather large bed with red velvet cover, the room covered in bookshelves. “Why would anyone need that many books?” I think to myself. Beside the bed there are black roses along with a Bible. “Well there is something you don’t see everyday..a vampire with a bible.” I say giggling to myself. I start to feel a need for something I have never needed before…..blood. “Oh my god…what happen? Wait…if I am a vampire why is the sun not hurting me?” So many questions ran through my head that day, waiting for him to come back. Shortly after the sun had set I hear footsteps, a small-framed woman enters the room her head held low not making eye contact. “You have to help me..get me out of here!” She says nothing, she pulls out a small dagger and cuts her wrist. She lets the blood drain into a wine glass, I can smell the blood it fills the room. I feel the hungry grow more with each passing moment. A hiss builds deep in my chest “well this is new.” The hiss leaves my lips before I notice it. I need the blood more then anything. The small framed lady sits the glass on the table beside me, an leaves the room. The hungry takes over, as I break free from the chair, reaching for the glass I down it all. I can feel strength entering my body. “This is my time to get out of here!” Picking up the small table I throw it at the window with full force, nothing happens. Maybe the glass was made out of some kind of bulletproof industrial-strength stuff..the table well hell if I knew. It was one piece of wood and showed no signs of splintering, even after what I’d just put it through. I kept trying to break the glass thinking maybe..just maybe. I always did things that were not reasonable. Looking down I could see I was pretty high up maybe 4 floors. Just then I heard the door handle, this was my only chance to get away. I can hit or even kill who or what came through that door. Spinning around, I kept a hold of the table and charged the door. It opened, and I slammed into the intruder, with the table’s legs pointing out. It was that man. The same fear ran through me an up my spine. He shoved me back and I staggered, still holding the table. I kept my balance and charged once more. This time, when we collided, he grabbed a hold of the table and ripped it from my hands. He tossed it into he wall like it weighed nothing. Without a weapon, I was relying on my own body’s strength. “Tiage” He said, deflecting one of my kicks effortlessly. “You’re just wasting time my child.” Out of breath I feel to the floor “what do you want with me.” As I spoke I could feel something sharp in my mouth…my new fangs have come in. I poked at them with my tongue. Cutting my tongue, of course. I got to my feet and put my fists up “Bring it old man!” “Now, now my child. Puts those down, lets talk.” He tells me as he takes a seat on the bed, he pats the open spot next to him. My arms folded across my chest I stand in front of him. “What do you want?” His eyes glowed in the night “My name is Dimitri.” I’m not sure why but his accent stuck out more to me this time, a very tick Russian accent. With a name like Dimitri I would not doubt it. “Ok Dimitri…what do you want?” All I wanted was the answer, why is that so hard for him to answer? Before I could blink he was behind me, holding tight onto my hips. His lips right by my ear “ Little Tiage, you are one of us now, if you couldn’t tell. Do not fight and you shall be very strong like myself. You will go far if you follow me.” Chills run up an down my spine again, the smell of his breath was sweet. “You want me to follow you?” “Yes my child. You have special powers.” I tilt my head “What? What powers?” *The tears start to pour from Tiage’s eyes as she recaps all the memories. She stands an walks deeper into the woods.* |
I'm loving it...
working pt 3 now and loving the way its coming out!!
Tiage pt 3
*As Tiage walk through the woods, her mind still racing bout her past. Coming to a small river she sits on the bank tossing rocks.* Dimitri smiles, still holding on to my hips “You are still half human Tiage, this means you can have best of both worlds. You can enjoy food along with blood, you can enjoy the sun on your face. Come with me.” He pulls me by my hand to the huge metal door; he enters some code into the door key lock. “He is holding me here and there is no way out, the door is locked by some key code and the windows will not break, perfect.” I think to myself. After we go through the first door there is another door with the same type of key lock. As we leave my “jail” of a room, the hall is covered with red walls, lights ever few feet and random pictures of landscapes and people. Dimitri has a tight hold on my hand as we walk; other vampires and some humans roam the halls. Like I thought I was 4 floors up, we walk down 4 flights of stairs the whole way Dimitri never says a word to me, just dragging me along with him. The main floor is the most beautiful room I have ever seen, flowers and pictures everywhere, huge stain glass windows, the room is a dark shape of red. The moon shines through the windows making the room light up with many colors. The colors dance across Dimitri making him seem more human, he is striking for a vampire. His skin is a milky white, light brown hair bushed back into a pony tail a few pieces hang in his face, his eyes now a bright pale yellow, not the red I saw before. He is rather tall, probably close to 6’3, his touch is cold yet inviting. As we walk outside the pale moon hangs in the dark night sky, owls and crickets heard in the background. It’s not to cold out tonight; a light breeze makes the trees rustle. We walk into a small garden of flowers I have never seen before, the flower’s scent fill the air. “Tiage, my child. Do you know why I chose to turn you?” He stops and places his hands lightly on my hips and spins me around to face him, I got lost in his eyes and cannot speak. His smile takes my breath away. Moving his left hand to my face, he cups my check lightly, cresting it. “You are the most stunning female I have ever come across. My lust burns for you like the intensity of a thousand flames. “ He lightly pulls my face up to his, his lips touch mine and I lose all control. My arms rap around his neck and pull him closer to my body. He pulls away too soon; a smile plays across his lips as he looks down at me lovingly. “What am I doing? He tried to kill me! He turned me into this monster. Ah get yourself together Tiage!” My mind tells me. “With the right training you can be so powerful. We can take over this land, just you and me. You have great passion about you; I have been watching you for some time now. As I saw you turn down that dark ally way I could not fight the desire any longer. I had to make you mine.” He says looking away; he knows it was not right to turn me. “ I did not want to become this monster, you took my life from me. Do you even understand what you did?” The angry drips off my words. His grip tightens on my hips “Do you not get it? I need you, in more ways then you can imagine. You must forgive me and start this new life with me.” I turn my head to escape his eyes; if I look I will lose all train of thought. “ I am stuck this way till the end of time, or someone kills me. The blood lust is unbearable; I do not want to live my life like this. Always on the hunt for blood, killing people. Its not who I am.” He picks me up with one quick movement carrying me into the woods near by; I don’t try to fight him he is a lot stronger then I am. He lays me on the ground and gets on top once again. Well you can guess what happen next. We walk back to the castle, back to my jail room. He leaves a wine glass of blood as he leaves the room before the sun rises again. I play with a glass of blood swishing is around in the glass watching the way it sticks to the sides. After drinking it I head to bed, not noticing the pain my body is putting me through, hitting the window has made my body weak. “ I wonder what he has is store for tomorrow eve.” Was the last thought before sleep washes over my body. *Tiage lays down beside the river remembering those days, her eyes shutter closed and she drifts into sleep* |
![]() Here is what Dimitri looks like. |
Awesome Redhead...I'm loving Dimitris eyes too...
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You are doing a fab job...Doesn't matter that noone else can be bothered reading or commenting...Don't let that put you off...Keep on keeping on...
Edited by
Fri 03/12/10 11:07 PM
Pt 4, does get sexual so if you that type of thing upsets you then don't read it. Enjoy!
*As Tiage drifts into sleep she dreams of the old days with Dimitri. Tossing and turning this dream seems real.* He never came the night, or even the next. I waited, time looking through my room, finding dresses of all kinds.I shower and put on the dresses as each day passes hoping Dimitri will come back. “Maybe he found someone better, maybe he does not want me anymore.”Thoughts run through my head as I stare at myself in the mirror, just then I hear the door swing open I run out of the small bathroom to the door only to see a man I have not seen before. He stares me down, death in his eyes. He has long brown hair; the hair is down to the middle of his back. His eyes a light blue with red around the pupil. He is rather small for a vampire, small framed and stands bout 5’8. ‘Tiage, I have heard so much about you. I am Denis I am your trainer.” He tells me with a smile. I stand back, raising my eyebrow at him “Trainer for what?” He just laughs “what the hell is with these male vampires laughing at me?” I think to myself. “Well child, you know nothing of be vampire or how to fight from what Dimitri has told me. I will teach you the ways of a vampire and how to fight using your extra strengths.” He walks slowly over to me, looking me up and down, feeling uncomfortable I cross my arms across my chest. “Go change into something you can fight in, a dress will only get in your way.” With a sigh I go into the other room picking out sweat pants and a plain gray t-shirt. “You will need blood before we can start, follow me to the feeding room.” I tilt my head “Feeding room…what the hell?” I think to myself. We walk into a dark room with small booths set up in neat rows, at each booth there is a different person, whether human, elf, dwarf or something else. All Sitting waiting for the next bite, bite junkies. “ This is where you can come to get blood.” He tells me as we walk through the hall “These are the feeders, they live for the bite of a vampire. As you know you get a high from the bite.” He walks to one female elf. “Hello Jennett, how are you today?” She says nothing, just smiles and moves her head to the left exposing her neck to him. He sinks his teeth into her neck, her eyes roll to the back of her head as he drinks. After he is done we walk to a rather small male elf. “Here is your feeder Tiage. Fill up without killing him,we don’t want to replace him just yet.” I just stand looking at the little man shaking my head. Denis gives me a push towards him, with a sigh I get my fill.After the feeding I feel a lot stronger. “Time to train now young Tiage.” He tells he grabbing my hand pulling me along. Walking up to the 2nd floor, we enter a small gym. Blue padding on the walls, gray concrete floor, looks like it will hurt pretty badly if you fall. I stand in the middle of the gym as Denis walks to the wall; all of a sudden he attacks. Grabbing my legs and pulling them from under me “Yep…just like I thought. It hurts if you fall.” The wind is knocked out of me and I just lay on the ground staring up at him. “Ass hole!!” I scream to him, of course he smiles and guessed it,laughs. “You must always be ready for an attack no matter where you are or who you are with. Whoever you are with may not be able to help you.” This “training”goes on for about 4 hours, by the time we are done my body is killing me and I have seen more of the floor then anything. I painfully walk back to my room, Denis beside me shaking his head. After we enter the room he leaves, telling me to rest up more training to come tomorrow night. The next couple of days I have training, slowly getting a little better. I am able to block most of his attacks. Still seeing more of the floor, this is going to take a while. Later that night Dimitri comes to see me; it has been a week or more. He gives me a smile as he sees me try to get off the chair and walk over to him. It hurts to move, hurts to do anything these days. He meets me half way and wraps him arms around my waist pulling me close to him. Our lips meet and I melt into his kiss, letting myself go I jump into his arms still locked in our kiss. He carries me to the bed, laying me down softly; he gets on top of me. Kissing down my neck, he puts a free arm under my head pulling me closer to him. His other hand finds its way up my shirt as his kisses become harder his hand caresses my left breast. I moan softly under the kiss, he breaks away to pull his and my shirt off. He opens my legs in one fast stern movement, lay between my legs we lay bare chest to bare chest. He starts to kiss down my chest as he takes my pants off, along with my panties. He starts to rub my robbing cl*t, he can feel just how wet he makes me. I moan louder as he moves his fingers deep in me, working them in and out softly. Dimtri takes his pants off with one fast movement, he pushes hard and deep inside, I gasp as he enters. Starting slow at first working faster and harder, I start to scream as I cum. His breath comes heavy and loud as he joins, filling me. He collapses onto my chest, hold me as we lay in each others arms for a moment. Before I want him to leave he jumps up getting dressed and leaves without a word. I just watch, as he leaves not saying that I want him to stay with me. Its lonely in this room, I spend most of my days alone..well when I am not training. Denis lets me take a couple days to rest. Anyway, I laying the bed looking at the ceiling, tears rolling from my eyes. “I can’t stay here like this, I have to leave.. get out of here I do not want to live like this as Dimitri’s play toy.” I lay thinking of ways to get out, just then it hits me “That female knows the code to get out!” I get an evil grin as I make a plan in my head. I know I will not be in training tomorrow and Dimitri will not come back, tomorrow I break free! * Tiage awakes with tears in her eyes she remembers that day. The hate she has for Dimitri starts to fill her again as she stands, walking into the river for a bath. She washes up and swims around for a while thinking bout everything. * |
Awesome Redhead...
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Edited by
Sun 03/14/10 01:12 PM
*As Tiage starts to swim her past floods back to her. Remembering that day, the day that would also chance her life forever.*
I didn’t get much sleep that day, I was bust making my plan happen. I know that women would come to my room at 11:15pm like she did every night. As I wait for her I practice the moves I have learned from Denis. Kicking the crap out of the bed and chair, I was getting pretty good. As rage pools through my veins I start to scream with each punch. I just then hear the door open “Well, this is it. Here goes nothing.” I sneak around the corner checking to make sure it is the women. She looks around the room, probably trying to find me. Little does she know what is about to happen. As she turns to look my way I jump at her, kicking her in the head bringing her down. She screams as I get on top of her punching her face repeatedly, rage in full force. I had to stop myself remembering I need her alive so I can get that code. I pull her up with my by her hair “You know that code! Give it to me or I kill you right here!” “If she didn’t give me the code I could kill her but then what I say to Dimitri about the body?” I think to myself. Didn’t really think that one through, oh well I know she will give the code. She stares at me wide eyed, terror in her eyes. She shakes her head no at me so I punch her in the face once more with all I have. Blood pours from her face, the blood lust starts up but I must remain in control till I get out of here. With a whimper “5,3,8,1,6” she tells me covering her face. I pat her head with my free hand,other hand still holding her by her hair. “Good girl.” I start to punch the code in; as the door opens I drag her with me. “Next code! Now!” She says nothing at first, I raise my fist and she speaks “5,9,8,3,0” I enter that number, the door opens I cover her mouth so she can’t scream down the hall and give me away. I pop my head out from the doorway looking up and down the hall looking to see if anyone is around. No one is in the hall that I can see but I hear voices. “Great!” I moan to myself. Still having the woman’s hair in my fist I push her in front of me as we run down the hall, I keep pushing her trying to make her move faster. Its only a matter of time before some one sees she is not back. As we come to the main floor Dimitri is standing by the door smoking. “Damn it to hell!” I whisper. Just then he starts to head our way, I start to panic and push the women out into the main floor. She falls and starts to say something in Russian pointing tome “Stupid *****!” I say out loud. I make a run for it, running as fast as I can. Making it to the door, I try to open the door “Son of a *****, its locked!” I scream. I turn back and see Dimitri walking over to me, “****…now what?” I think to myself. I turn back to the door punching the small window in.I manage to claim out just as Dimtri grabs my foot, I start kicking “Let me go *** hole!” I scream out. I believe I kicked him in the face; my foot is free as I fall onto the ground. Standing I run even faster pushing myself, Dimtri chasing after me. All I can see is trees surrounding the castle. “Shit, ****, **** where do I go?” I say to myself. So I guess and start to run south, Dimtri right on my heals. As I enter the woods he starts to call my name “Tiage, there is no where to run too,where do you think you are going to go?” As I run I can see a shadow in front of me, panic now becomes higher. I spot a large tree and start to clime up to the middle, hoping he won’t find me. He runs a little past the tree and stops looking around, smelling the air. “Tiage, I know you are around here I can smell you child. You have much to learn. Come out now and I will not hurt you, I promise.” I jump out of the tree and land on him; I start punching whatever I can. He grabs my fists and laughs.“There you are child, now come back!.” He says as he starts to drag me back toward the castle. “No, no, no.” I tell him. His grip tightens on my hands,digging my own nails into my hand drawing blood. “I will not go out like this! Not this time!” With everything I have I kick his knee out, he falls to the ground letting go of my hand I make a break for it and start running again. Dimtri stands and chases me once again, “Tiage! Your dead when I find you!” As I run I can see lights over the horizon, not sure what town that is but it has to be better then this place! As I head toward the lights I fall into a small creek. Dimtri stands at the bank stare down at me. I go to stand but fall once again; I managed to twist my ankle when I fell. He can see I am hurt so he starts down toward me, I mange to stand, I start to run down the creek bed up a head I can see a small bridge. “ If I can get up there I will make it!” The creek is rather steep so claiming over the edge will take to long. Dimtri fast on my tracks, I make it to the bridge I start to clime up. I do make it to the top but Dimtri has already beaten me up. “****!” I say to him, he smiles and shakes his head at me again. “Tiage, why must you run from me? I hope you are ready to die.” He says as he pounces at me, he hits and we both fall back into the water under the bridge. His hand in my hair pulling my head to the side, his fangs showing gas he hisses. Nowhere to turn, nowhere to run, trapped by this man again and this time he will kill me. At a loss of what to do I kick my knee up hitting him between the legs, he lets out a scream just long enough for me to reverse the roles. This time I am on top pinning him to the ground holding his head to the side, a loud hiss is heard, not sure if its mine or his. I bite hard into his neck, draining him of blood. “Tiage.” Is the last word he will ever speak. I stand, kicking his body deeper into the water his body washed down stream. I fall onto my knees and start to cry. My body hurts, my ankle throbbing I killed the man I love. After I pull myself together I wash my bloody face off in the creek. I claim back to the bridge and start my way to the lights. After a short while I find a road, following the road I spot a rather small sign its not in English but it points to the lights and says 10K, doing the math in my head that’s about 6 miles. “Great!” I limp my way up the road more before falling from exhaustion. My body gives way from under me “Ok I will rest here for a little but I must keep going, the others will be looking for me.” I close my eyes, letting my body rest. The sun starts to rise which seems way to soon, I stand feeling my body objects that idea but I fight through the pain and keep walking following the lights. * Tiage claims out of the river, letting the water drip off her. She walks deeper and deeper into the forest trying to forget what happened that night. She killed the man she loved, tears rolling from her eyes.* |
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*Bows* I am sorry for the mistakes. I tried to remember what my friend said was wrong! lol Got part 6 done an will post it after she reads through it. I am so glad you are enjoying this. :)
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*Bows* I am sorry for the mistakes. I tried to remember what my friend said was wrong! lol Got part 6 done an will post it after she reads through it. I am so glad you are enjoying this. :) When someone puts their heart into writing a story, it is always a pleasure to read their work... ![]() |
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