Topic: Tiage's story. | |
Edited by
Sun 03/14/10 08:28 PM
* Tiage falls to her knees crying, she cries out into the night sky*
Tiage slowly walks up the road, each step hurts. She falls ever couple feet, giving time for her ankle to rest she stands back up, keeps pushing herself. About half way a small dwarf jumps out in front of her making her jump herself. “Where are you going? And why are you going there?” He asks. She raises her left eyebrow starring at the little man. “Why do you care?” She asks with her hands on her hips. “You must pay to walk on my road!” Tiage rolls her eyes and keeps walking, stepping over him. “I am Sir Kerhin Kerhin! You must stop!” He says running behind her. She turns around to face him, he runs into her knee. “AH! Yes stop and pay me! Or I must kill you!” He says pulling out a rather small dagger, it looking like a small tooth pick. Tiage just laughs and kicks him sending him through the air; he lands in the woods with a “thud.” Tiage laughs as she keeps walking; all of a sudden she feels a small sharp pain in the back of her knee. She turns to see Kerhin running behind shooting arrows at her knee “Are you kidding me?” She asks herself. She gets to her knees waiting for the small dwarf to catch up. “ Look here little man, I am not going to pay you anything to walk this road. You couldn’t even kill a fly, how do you expect to even hurt me? I am three times your size.” She tells Kerhin picking him up by the back of his shirt. He drops the crossbow, spinning around swinging his fist. “Put me down vampire! I will call the others and we will kill you!” Tiage had enough of Kerhin, she uses her nail pushing it into his neck, as she pushes her nail in he eyes widen, grasping for air. As his blood runs down her finger she licks it off then throws Kerhin into the woods and pushes forward. As she walks she can hear something in the woods following her, she keeps looking over only to see nothing. “Hmm.. If it was another vampire they would have attacked already.” She shrugs it off and keeps walking forward. She can hear hoofs on the road behind her, looking back she sees a mulatto half human half donkey. She keep walking “Hey!! You up there.” He speaks out “Great another a$$ to deal with.” She thinks to herself turning around to face him. “What do you want?” She calls out folding her arms across her chest. The mulatto trots up to her, with his head tilted to the side. “Jennett do you not remember me? Its me, Chris, we spoke a couple days ago.” I scold at him “Who the hell is Jennett?” I say out to him as he walks up to me with his head still tilted. “Your Jennett you silly. But I don’t remember you being a vampire…when did this happen?” I scratch my head staring at him. “Look jack a$$ I have no idea who or what you are talking bout, did you drink to much elfin wine or something?” He just looks at me and shakes his head. “ I guess you must be Tiage then. Do you not know you have a twin?” My mouth drops open. “Wait! What? A twin?” I ask. “Yes her name is Jennett your twin. How can you not know you have a twin?” He says with a laugh. At a loss I turn back around to walk but as I turn I see myself standing in front of me, like looking into a mirror. “ Tiage, when did you get turned into a vampire? That was not the plan! Dimitri was mine! You stole him from me!” I can’t think of what to say, I just killed him. That image running through my head, the look in his eyes as I drained him of blood. Jennett folds her arms across her chest, rage building in her eyes. “I don’t know what you are talking bout.” Is all I can mange to get out. Jennett starts to tap her foot at me shaking her head “You stupid b!tch! You know what you did! You stole him, just like you stole my parents! They gave me away and kept you! Leaving me to waste away. You will pay for all you have done taking everything from me. You stole my life you f***ing b!tch!” She yells to me. So many thoughts running through my head. “ You have no idea how they were! They beat us, making us do everything! Your lucky you didn’t have to go through that. They killed our two younger brothers!” I yell back to her through tear filled eyes. Chris starts to back away slowly, feeling the fury building up between us. Jennett jumps at me, crushing into me we fall to the ground. She starts to throw punches hitting my face, blood starts to ooze from my nose, I try to fight back but she is rather strong. I mange to get her off long enough to get a couple swings in. She lays on the ground blood also oozing from her nose. I stand over her breathing heavy; I extend my hand to help her up. She hits my hand away and stands on her own. “Your nothing but a waste of flesh!” She says spitting on me. I close my eyes and sigh; I can feel the anger taking over me. I try to remain in control “ Look we can stand here and yell at each other or we can work something out, we are family! You choose, either we work this out or I kill you.” Jennett laughs at me shaking her head. “What makes you think you can kill me? Your still a new vampire.” She says to me bringing out a small dagger. I do not know what takes control but I jump at her with a hiss, bring her to the ground, I get over her, hissing showing fangs. Grabbing her hair pulling her head to the side, I hover around her neck pinning her down. She dropped the small dagger when she hit the ground she is defenseless now. A wicked smile plays a cross my lips as she realizes what just happen. She begins to shake with fear, begging me to stop, I let go and stand. She follows standing in front of me brushing herself off. “Fine! We work together!” Jennett and Chris follow as I keep walking toward the city. * Tiage curls into a small ball on the ground, tears falling onto the ground. * |
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Edited by
Sat 03/27/10 07:11 AM
* As Tiage lays in a ball on the ground memories flood back to her. *
Jennett, Chris and myself walk in silence for half a mile, then Chris speaks up “So where we going anyway? Won’t you need to feed Tiage? What are you going to eat?” I mumble under my breath “Stupid ***, you will be lunch.” I stop looking back at him with a smile. “We will worry bout that when the times comes.” Chris looks between Jennett, and myself with a stupid look on his face. Jennett rolls her eyes “Why are we taking him with us anyway?” Chris’s mouth drops as Jennett asks. I laugh “He may be a good meal if we can’t find anything.” I say with a small smile. Chris starts to back away from us, so Jennett jumps out at him grabbing his neck; she pulls out a rope wrapping it around his neck. She grabs the other ends and pulls him as we keep walking. I can’t help but laugh at the site. We are now about half a mile from the city, blood fills the air the closer we get. My eyes start to glow a red as the blood lust takes over, I realize I have not had any blood for a couple days now. Jennett and Chris both notice my eyes glowing red as I stop and start looking around, “AH I wish you two didn’t smell so damn good! I need blood and fast!” I tell them as I start into the woods. “Drink from me and give me what I want!” Jennett yells out, just then I snap around to look at her. With a blink of an eye I am standing in front of her. “Do you not understand what this is like?” I ask her moving my hands down my body. “ You know I want that! You already took it from me, don’t do it again…” Before she could finish Chris pushes her out of the way, Jennett falls to the ground. “ NO!! Me… turn me!” As Jennett stands she pulls on Chris’s tail making him cry out in pain. I roll my eyes at the two. I turn back to the woods again “I am not turning anyone!” I call out. I spot a small rabbit hopping through the woods. “Yum…rabbit.” I say to myself turning my nose up, I have never had animal blood before, can’t taste any different. I crouch down getting ready to pounce on the small animal, just before I pounce Jennett jumps on my back pulling me down. “Turn me or…or.. I will kill you!” She yells now stand over me with her foot on my chest. She pulls a cross and hovers it around my head. I start to shake and hiss, making her believe it can hurt me. I grab her foot; pulling her leg out from under her, bring her to the ground. I reverse the rolls, now Jennett on the ground with my foot on her chest. She throws the cross hitting me in the head. I laugh, “You really think a cross with save you? You have a lot to learn.” Jennett then pulls out a rather small dagger plunging it into my foot; I let out a scream as I push harder onto her chest. “With a little effort I can snap your ribs and kill you here and now!” I hiss to her. Chris standing behind me with his mouth open starring at us, “You two do not play very fair.” He speaks up, I reach behind me punching his nose. He starts to have a sneezing fit. Jennett looks up to me with fear in her eyes, “I just want to be like you! Why is that so hard for you to understand.” I roll my eyes and grown letting her up, I remove the small dagger, putting it away. I turn and walk back to the dirt path, towards the city. Jennett and Chris start to bicker with each other about who should be turned first. I roll my eyes and keep walking toward the city. As we enter the city we get a lot of looks from other people. I spot a small Inn called “The Green Dragon’s Inn” As we enter the Inn the room falls silent, all eyes on us as we walk up to the bar. Asking for a room to fit the three of us. We get to our room and once again both of them beg me to turn them. With a sigh I agree since we have this room, away from other eyes. “ Fine I will turn you but you must know it will hurt and I will have to tie you down and cover your mouth so don’t scream out from the pain.” They both nod their heads in agreement. I tie Jennett to the bed and find a cloth to cover her mouth, I move to Chris tie him to the leg of the bed and cloth over his mouth. I get on top of Jennett “Are you 100% positive you want this?” She winks and nods her head. I sigh as I pull her head to the side sinking my razor sharp fangs into her neck; she lets out a small moan. I drink from her leaving only a small amount of blood left; she turns pale her eyes slowly close. I hop off wiping the blood from my mouth as I move over to Chris. “ Are you 100% positive you want this? It’s going to hurt, a lot.” He gives me a dumb look and nods as well. I roll my eyes at him, sinking my fangs into his neck; he also lets out a moan. I drain him of blood leaving a small amount left. His face turns pale, his eyes wide then shut close. I stand, walking to the bathroom to wash up. After I wash the blood and dirt off, I walk back to the two tied up, with a small smile I grab the key and leave, locking the door behind me. I walk down stairs, taking a seat in the dark corner. Looking around at the others, I see a man looking at me. He has long blonde hair, pale blue eyes his beauty is breath taking. He wears a green tunic, a cross bow across his back, arrows in a small bag on his back. We lock eyes; I keep my eyes on his, a smile comes across his face. I return the smile and wink at him. He stands and walks across the room to where I am sitting; he takes a seat near me. “You must be new here, I have not seen you before. Welcome, my name is Kieran Windsong.” * Taige pulls her knees to her chest as she remembers Kieran. A small smiles plays cross her lips. * |
Edited by
Sat 03/27/10 07:12 AM
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Edited by
Fri 06/25/10 07:08 PM
* Tiage still in a ball on the ground she closes her eyes as tears falls. She remember Kieran*
I smile at Kieran “ Yes I am new to the area. You been here long?” He runs a hand through his hair as he answers, “I have been here for 2 new moons.” I nod my head as he talks, I find myself getting lost in his pale blue eyes. Kieran starts to make a face as his pointed ears start to twitch “Do you hear that?” He asks me standing, he slowly walks to the stairs “Its coming from up there.” Fear runs through my body “ I think your just hearing things. I have to get to bed.” I tell him running past him up to my room where the screaming is coming from. As I open the door I find Jennett standing over Chris, the screams are gone. My mouth drops as I see blood spilled on the floor Jennett covered in blood, fangs out she turns to me hissing. “What have you done? Are you ****ing mad?” I yell. She charges at me as she hits me we fall to the floor. She is pulling my hair exposing my pale neck, I fight back trying to get her off me. Just then the door flies open as Kieran runs in pulling Jennett off me, he pulls a silver knife and slits her throat. Blood pours down her chest as she falls to the floor. I stand brushing myself off looking at Kieran; I shake my head at him. “You’re a vampire.” He tells me as he takes out a cloth from his small bag, wiping his knife clean. I hang my head, looking to him from under my eye lashes “Yes..yes I am.” A shy smiles comes across his lips “ Its ok, I will not tell anyone else. But what are you going to do with her?” He says pointing down to Jennett, just then he sees Chris. He shakes his head “Why did you try to change them both at the same time? This all could have been avoided.” As my body shakes, I fall to my knees “I don’t know” I managed to get out. Kieran kneels next to me with his hand on my shoulder “ I will help you clean this up, just don’t kill me.” He says with a small laugh. “Ok now how to move the bodies without anyone noticing, this will be a little hard.” Kieran says as he stands and walks around the room. I stand and sit on the bed my head in my hands as I still cry. “This women was your sister! She looks just like you.” He says as he rolls Jennett’s body over. Kieran pulls out his knife again “Looks like we have to cut them into chucks so they will fit into our bags.” I keep my head down as I hear bones snap and a “thud” as chucks of body hit the floor. “How can you do that without getting sick?” I yell out as I run to the bathroom. Kieran laughs “ This is what I do for a living.” I stand at the small sink washing my face off with cold water “I don’t even want to know.” By the time I get back to the room the bodies are gone, all blood washed up. By the door there is three large bags soaked with blood. I sigh as he picks up two, “Can you carry the last bag?” All I can do is nod my head as I pick up the bag. We managed to sneak out the back door, walking deeper and deeper into the forest I try to keep up with Kieran. “God this bag weights a ton! Can we rest?” He laughs and nods his head; I let the blood soaked bag fall off my shoulder onto the forest ground. “So you never told me your name vampire.” He tells me as he sits on a moss covered rock. “Ah..Tiage.” He tilts his head “Did you not want me to know what you’re called?” I sit on the ground with my knees pulled to my chest letting my hair fall into my face, I don’t answer him. Kieran again kneels next to me brushing my hair out of my face, placing his warm hand on my chin he pulls my head up to look him in the eyes. “I know this is hard but you must trust me. No one will ever know about this I promise you.” I can’t hold his gaze; I look away to the rather large tree to my left. Kieran’s ears start to twitch again his eyes on the same tree. All of a sudden Kieran knocks me to the ground as a 8-point throwing star hits the ground I was just sitting on. Kieran jumps up pulling a sword, I also jump up drawing my sword. We are back to back doing circles looking around us. Out of nowhere a rather tall man dressed in all black, gloves with throwing stars on the sides, his face is covered except for his eyes. His eyes are piercing blue, eyes that look right through you. Kieran and I are now side by side looking into the eyes of this man. He starts to shake his head and laughs “Ah vampire, Dimitri has been looking for you. He will be surprised I find you here with some elf.” My mouth drops as I drop my head “That’s impossible, I killed him!” As I look up, Kieran is tied to the tree with his mouth covered. The man is now standing in front of me with his black sai pointed to my face. “You failed!” My eyes grow wider “Oh my god..I didn’t kill him! He is still out there and now he has men trying to kill me. Well this puts a damper on things.” I think to myself. His hand moves to his side bring out a chain whip, as he turns to face Kieran the whip wraps around his body some how not even touching him. The whip cracks as it hits Kieran across the face, Kieran screams out in pain, blood running down his face. The man brings his arm back to crack the whip again on Kieran. I jump out on him landing on his back yet he does not move. The whip hits my back before hitting Kieran once again but this time its hits his legs. I fall to the ground looking up to this man as he stands over me, Kieran screaming in the background. “You are making his harder then it has to be vampire! After I kill his elf you’re next!” He then pulls out a sword, thrusts it into my left leg pinning me to the ground. As I cry out in pain, I hear the whip hitting Kieran over and over again. His cries are the last sound I hear before the pain takes over causing me to black out. I then awake in a rather small room, tied to a chair. My left leg wrapped in clothes. A dark figure stands in the corner, the door opens and red eyes glair to me. * Tiage stands brushing herself off as she remembers Shun and all that he has taught her.* |
* Tiage carries on deeper into the woods. Spotting a small deer she makes her kill draining it of all blood. As she drinks her mind moves back to the time in her own prison.*
“Shun I told you to bring her to me unharmed, you fool! I want to make her death slow.” Dimitri says out loud as he walks to the dark figure in the far corner, a smack rings through the small room. My breathing speeds up as Dimitri turns and walks over to me, hate in his eyes. He takes my chin in his cold large hand forcing me to look into those red eyes “Tiage, Tiage, when will you learn? I made you, I am stronger then you. I can and will kill you child.” He lets out an evil laugh as his hand works up my face to my hair, pulling my hair exposing my milk white neck. He gets inches away from my ear, his breath smells of a fresh kill “ You see, you could have joined me, we could have ruled this world together. But you had to run and make me do something I did not want to do. You just had to run.” Just then Dimitri pulls out the same chain whip that man used to kill Kieran. I close my eyes as he lets go of my hair pushing my head away. All I can do is hold my breath and await the whip, a million thoughts race through my head. Dimitri grabs my left leg putting pressure on where the knife once was causing me to scream out in pain, he rips off the clothes. He pulls out a dagger; he kneels next to me and runs the dagger in my leg slowly reopening the wound. I cannot scream or make a noise my breath leaves me. The pain is too much for me to handle, tears are streaming down my face. Dimitri takes pleasure in knowing the pain he is causing me. He stands leaving the dagger in my leg; he brings his arm back with the whip. He cracks the chain whip hitting me across the chest, blood splatters on the ground. I look over to the dark figure, tears still streaming down my face. “Help me,” I whisper to this figure. “Shut up *****!” Dimitri yells as the whip hits my face, pulling skin off and cutting my right eye. Blood covers the ground, more still dripping of my body. I start to whimper as Dimitri raises him arm back again, he jerks forward as his eyes grow wider. Blood dripping from his mouth, his arm falls letting go of the whip. Dimitri falls to the ground face first in to the pool of my blood. I watch in horror as the dark figure walks towards me, pulling a 8-point star out of the back of Dimitri’s neck, he whips the blood off on his black gloves. I look up to the dark figure and see the same man who just killed my friend Kieran. No emotions on his face as he kneels down next to me, he pulls a knife. “NO please! I will do anything, don’t kill me!” I plea with him, just then he cuts the rope letting my hands free. He stands in front of me still no emotions on his face; he pulls the daggers out of my leg. I let out a scream. “I will set you free but you must stay with me. This dungeon we are in is covered with other bloodsuckers. We can get out only if you don’t **** up!” He starts to pick up his weapons. “What the hell do I do? Do I trust the man who just killed my friend and risk getting killed myself?” I think to myself. He sighs “You can trust me Tiage, I was only doing my job. Your friend was only in my way.” “Shit he can read my mind!” I think again to myself. “Yes I can read your mind. Now are you going to come with me or let another bloodsucker come in here to kill you? Or you can trust me and get out alive. Its your call bloodsucker. My name is Shun, in case you didn’t catch that.” My mouth hangs open, I have no idea what to say or even think of Shun. “He just killed Kieran and now Dimitri, what the **** do I do? Why is he now saving me? Why not just kill me and get away by himself? “ Shun starts to shake his head “What part of I can read your thoughts do you not understand? Last chance, are you coming or not! We don’t have time to sit here and fight bout all of this. I will explain later!” Shun tells me now standing at the door. “You just stay out of my head! That is really annoying! Fine untie my legs and lets get the hell out of here!” Before I can finish my sentence I am untied. “Wow, you’re really fast. What are you like a ninja or something” I say with a small laugh. “Yes. Now follow me!” Shun grabs my hand and we are head of the small room. I limp my way down the hall with Shun yelling at me to “hurry the **** up.” Men! I am going as fast as my body will let me. The halls are covered in large gray stones small torches every 10th stone. Shun rounds each corner throwing an 8-point star at each vampire guard, killing them instantly. Every throw hits a guard between the eyes, as he walk past each one he takes his star whipping the blood off on his glove. As we get to the top floor there are vampires everywhere. “Shit!” Shun whispers under his breath. “Wait here! Do not move.” He yells back to me as he runs into the crowd of vampires throwing stars, pulling his sai out stabbing some in the heart. The vampires drop like flies and all I can do is watch with my mouth hung open looking like a child. “Tiage! NOW! Run to the door. NOW!” I pull myself together and do as I am told. Half running half limping I make it the door, slamming it closed behind me. I can hear screaming and more bodies hitting the ground inside. I pick up a small flowerpot and hide by the door. “Ok when Shun comes out I will hit him with this pot and get out of here…where ever I may be.” Just then the door flies open and Shun steps out grabbing my arm with the flowerpot in it. “Did you forget already? Nice plan though. Did you really think a flowerpot would bring me down?” He is covered in blood, his blue eyes showing a little glimmer of humor. “Now come on little bloodsucker. Lets get out of here.” He tells me as he walks away, I follow limping behind him. “So umm. Why did you save me? I thought you wanted to kill me?” He says nothing and keeps walking into a near by forest. “Shun! Well? You said you would explain all of this to me.” I snap at him. He stops suddenly and turns around to face me as I run into him. “Yes, I did. But I said I would later. Now is not the time.” I sigh as he continues to walk deeper into the woods. We come to a huge cliff; he looks around as we stand near the edge. “You have got to be kidding right? There is no way we will make it!” Just then voices and rustling is heard behind us. Shun extends his hand to me, determination in his eyes. “Do you trust me?” I have no time to think bout this “Yes.” I tell him as I put my hand in his. The voices we heard are now standing right behind us; more vampires and they look pissed. He slowly walks to the edge of the cliff pulling me even closer to him; he puts his arm around my waist. “Here we go.” He says as we jump. * Tiage sits on the ground near the dead deer, cutting it into small chucks of meat for later. She gets a small as she remembers Shun. * |
* After Tiage cuts the meat up she places it in her small bag. Throwing the bag over her shoulder she continues on into the woods. *
As we fall I can’t help but hold onto Shun, grabbing his shoulders burring my head into his strong chest. Shun wraps his arm around my waist even tighter as he draws his chain whip. He cracks the whip wrapping it around a near by tree limb, we swing through the air. Landing on a thick branch, with one movement the whip is on his hip and he releases his grip on me. I still hold onto him, face in his chest. “Tiage..uh you can let go now.” “Oh ah.. Yeah… right.” I say with a laugh while letting go, brushing myself off. We lock eyes are a brief moment then he pulls out cloth and a small vile filled with a glowing blue liquid. I watch as he splashes some of the blue liquid on a cloth “Sit down and give me your leg.” I tilt my head to the side “Ah. Why?” Shun rolls his eyes “Just do it. This will heal the leg. I will also use it to heal the other cuts as well, if you trust me.” Without another word I do as I am told, sitting on the tree branch I extend my left leg out to him. As he lays the cloth on my leg I can feel it getting cold. “Give it a couple minutes that was a really deep wound.” “ think? You’re the one who stabbed me. Pinning me to the ground if I may add! It went through my leg *** hole.” Shun rolls his eyes again “Look I told you I was just doing my job! I am already going against everything I was brought up to be by helping you out. So if you want to live keep your mouth shut, I can tune out your thoughts if that will help.” As he speaks he removes the cloth from my leg and adds more liquid to it and starts to softly rub the cuts on my face. I look into his eyes as he focuses on my face he looks so sensitive, his eyes strong yet caring. “What do you mean going against everything you were brought up to be?” His eyes snap up to mine, he hold his stare for several minutes before moving to my chest. “ Nothing, don’t worry about it bloodsucker. Its nothing you have to worry bout..right now.” After he is finished with the cloth I am healed just like he said, I look over my body and where the cuts used to be. “Wow that stuff really works, I feel amazing!’ Just then the blood lust starts to take over, my eyes turn to a bright red. I put my hood up trying to hide my eyes from Shun but it’s to late, he already saw. Shun’s hand is at his side, fingers wrapped around the handle of his sai. “ AH why must humans smell so damn good? You smell amazing.” “Don’t even think bout it! I don’t want to kill you. I just went through hell to save you.” Just then I jump my way down the tree running into the forest looking for food. Shun shakes his head “Wow. She’s fast.” He makes his way down the tree just in time to meet back up with me. I smile as I wipe fresh blood from my lips; I drop a small rabbit in front of Shun “You must be hungry. Build a fire while I cut this up for you.” He nods and sets off to find wood. As I get bout half way through the rabbit I hear rustling “That was fast Shun, did you get enough for a fire?” From behind me a hand wraps around my mouth, an arm around my neck. “One noise and your dead bloodsucker! Shun can’t save you now. He is already dealt with.” My eyes grow wide as 5 humans dressed just like Shun surround me. Rope wraps around my waist tieing my hands behind my back and around my ankles so I cannot run. A sword in the middle of my back as we walk deeper into the forest. Up ahead is a small cottage covered in vines. We walk through the trees to an opening; in front of us I see Shun tied the same way. As we enter the cottage there are two wooden chairs and a small fireplace with a roaring fire, a bearskin lays in front of the fireplace. Shun and myself are tied to the wooden chairs facing each other. I stare into Shuns eyes looking for some kind of answer. “Shun you are a disgrace to this family! Why on earth would you save a bloodsucker! Do you not understand all we have taught you?” The tallest man says while hitting his hand with a small dagger. Just then it hits me “You’re a ninja assistant, meant to kill vampires.” I think in my mind giving Shun a look of disgust. He hangs his head as he shakes his head yes. The tall man kneels in front of me “And you! You disgust me, killing people like they are nothing but a meal.” I spit in his face “Like you have room to talk ****er! You kill my people like we are nothing!” “You are nothing!” He yells to me. He places the dagger to my neck “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kill you right now.” Shun jumps on the man bring him to the ground, now the dagger is at the man’s neck. No one moves. * A smile plays on Tiage’s lips as she remembers all Shun has done for her.* |