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Topic: Massive Quake in Chile - Hawaii Tsunami Warnings!
skydancingA's photo
Sat 02/27/10 04:49 PM

Tsunami warning was called off for Hawaii. happy

drinker ... HURRAH!!!
:heart: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :heart: .

Sweet :heart:

damnitscloudy's photo
Sun 02/28/10 12:31 AM
I have an extended family down there, and luckily most of major damage was 200 miles from them.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 02/28/10 07:25 AM

Tsunami warning was called off for Hawaii. happy

Nothing better then good news watched the news till it was called off.

Then they said that Japan may be hit and they were getting ready just in case.

willing2's photo
Sun 02/28/10 07:37 AM
I was kinda' hoping to witness Southern California slide off into the ocean.sad

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sun 02/28/10 07:41 AM

I was kinda' hoping to witness Southern California slide off into the ocean.sad


skydancingA's photo
Sun 02/28/10 09:21 AM

I was kinda' hoping to witness Southern California slide off into the ocean.sad


Oh come on.
You don't want to see The Terminator battle the
demons from the deep??
You know he will win. Through at least 3 sequels.
Then he will want to annex MY state just for some terra firma.

willing2's photo
Sun 02/28/10 09:37 AM

I was kinda' hoping to witness Southern California slide off into the ocean.sad


Oh come on.
You don't want to see The Terminator battle the
demons from the deep??
You know he will win. Through at least 3 sequels.
Then he will want to annex MY state just for some terra firma.

But, I have ocean front property in Arizona!!tongue2 smokin

Jess642's photo
Sun 02/28/10 11:31 AM

I can't decide whether to bail or not.
I am on the beach at 8 feet above sea level.
Oregon coast.
Supposed to hit us between 2 and 3pm today.
What to do..

Maybe just tuck the photos and the important paperwork into the car, and go for a drive, inland?

I'm a thinking about it...and I have approx 2 hours to go....shocked

... sad2 ...Well???

:heart: :heart: ... Let a twin flame know already, wouldya St Knickerless? ... think

... smooched ... Stay Safe Sweets!!! ... :thumbsup:

'Twas but a mere ripple on the pond....although the chooks looked pretty great in their floaties...:wink: laugh

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