Topic: In Moderation, I guess...
AndyBgood's photo
Thu 02/25/10 09:34 AM
Edited by AndyBgood on Thu 02/25/10 09:34 AM
Now I have heard that there are working girls that ply dating web sites to get clients. No I am not talking about doctors or investment clients but those seeking a more temporary form of relief from the daily pressures of life. So what estimated percentage of accounts on this site do you suspect of being wolves in sheep's clothing (NOT COUNTING SCAMMERS!)?

In case you don't get what I am asking her it is in a more blunt format...

How many of the accounts here are prostitutes and how many are real people looking for love?

YEP! Damn messed up question, right?

Well... someone had to ask it!

So what are your answers?

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 02/25/10 09:36 AM
hmmmmmmm honestly I don't know and couldn't even guess at it. I do know this site is one of the best at busting these types, so I would think it would be low

lilott's photo
Thu 02/25/10 09:40 AM
I have never met one on here but I have in other sites.

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 02/25/10 09:41 AM
Hummmm and why is this only a one sided question?

Like it is only a women thang.............

Shshshshs I find there are more guys just looking for a FWB then women trying to up their business.........noway

So as far as your question I would say very little since the site does not allow such practice.

LewisW123's photo
Thu 02/25/10 09:42 AM
Hopefully none.

I'd hate to think I struck out with a bunch of prostitutes, as well.

no photo
Thu 02/25/10 09:44 AM
No clue. I've never really thought about it.

RKISIT's photo
Thu 02/25/10 09:44 AM

Hopefully none.

I'd hate to think I struck out with a bunch of prostitutes, as well.
rofl rofl rofl rofl yeah i might as well become a monk if that was the case

FearandLoathing's photo
Thu 02/25/10 09:44 AM
Edited by FearandLoathing on Thu 02/25/10 09:46 AM

Hopefully none.

I'd hate to think I struck out with a bunch of prostitutes, as well.

Would be damning, wouldn't it?laugh

no photo
Thu 02/25/10 09:45 AM
wow...surprised .....

CatsLoveMe's photo
Thu 02/25/10 09:46 AM
You should be more afraid of scammers and hackers than you should be of ho's. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

no photo
Thu 02/25/10 09:55 AM

Hopefully none.

I'd hate to think I struck out with a bunch of prostitutes, as well.

whoa :laughing:

no photo
Thu 02/25/10 10:05 AM
I really think there are a lot of other sites better suited for that sort of thing....!

And if/when they show up here, and reveal themselves, I predict a rather limited lifespan for those accounts....!

no photo
Thu 02/25/10 10:06 AM

I really think there are a lot of other sites better suited for that sort of thing....!

And if/when they show up here, and reveal themselves, I predict a rather limited lifespan for those accounts....!

I can think of one right off hand, ewww I shiver when I log on there....

skydancingA's photo
Thu 02/25/10 11:01 AM

Hopefully none.
I'd hate to think I struck out with a bunch of prostitutes, as well.

:banana: hahahahahahahahaha :banana:
Where is the market?
The guys at this site are here because they don't want to pay for it.
I can't see a hooker getting all techie when a street corner requires no skills.
So I think there are none :-)
Supply and demand.

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 02/25/10 01:51 PM
Come on, I am not supposed to bash Obama so no haten' here. Working girls need love too! I had a couple of friends in my past who were and there was nothing wrong with them. They paid their bills like any one else (with money). Some 'professionals' actually are smart enough to make good use of the internet avoiding the usual harassment by local PD officers whop are not getting freebies. I just was curious if they were trolling around here as well. Like not everyone can be a doctor or mechanic so it is with girls choosing to intermediate upon men's physical needs. If a guy wants to pay for release who are any of us to criticize? None of us walk on water.

I personally do look down on men who have to pay to get laid though. Weak sauce!

Dragoness's photo
Thu 02/25/10 02:07 PM
Maybe in those folks who are on here for just intimate encounters there may be a few but I don't see them getting the response they could get from say Craigs or something like that.