Topic: Israeli Hit Squad
CatsLoveMe's photo
Thu 02/18/10 02:28 PM
Edited by CatsLoveMe on Thu 02/18/10 02:30 PM
So, if I founded a militia group way back in 1989, but this militia group (We'll call them the Rocky Mountain Rebels) carries out an attack in 2010, I am somehow responsible, even though I've lived in Florida for the last 20 years and had nothing to do with RMR? Where are these acts that Mabhouh carried out? These were allegations by the Israeli gov't, and he was never brought to justice for any of them. And it was Hamas that carried out the attacks, not Mabhouh, nor did he have any influence in said attacks.

s1owhand's photo
Thu 02/18/10 02:37 PM
Edited by s1owhand on Thu 02/18/10 02:40 PM
if one kills women and children?

he was an active Hamas leader. he orchestrated attacks at the highest
level. he was an active arms dealer. he was meeting with iranians right
up to the very end.

now, let's get bin Laden!

don306's photo
Thu 02/18/10 02:44 PM
is any of this gonna change what we have for dinner tonight

CatsLoveMe's photo
Thu 02/18/10 02:45 PM

if one kills women and children?

he was an active Hamas leader. he orchestrated attacks at the highest
level. he was an active arms dealer. he was meeting with iranians right
up to the very end.

he was brought to justice. whoever did it.

Okay, but you're not mediating here. Why was he arrested/released so many times by the Israeli gov't? Did they ever prove he was responsible for those attacks in the 1980s? They couldn't even nail him on the two Israeli soldiers in '89. Where does it say that he was meeting with Iranian officials at "the very end?" Where is the record of these arms deals he was doing so "actively?" There aren't any. Interpol certainly never has verified any. Neither has the State Dept. And there is no "justice" in sending armed assassin hit squads into a sovereign nation to kill someone because he is an enemy of the state.

markumX's photo
Thu 02/18/10 02:47 PM
"Israel and the U.S. do not commit terrorism with their arms. They do not purposefully target innocent civilians with lethal weapons as a military or political strategy. HAMAS DOES."

This comment's an utter joke. I guess you also take pride in the amount of kills Israel deals to Palestinian civilians. Even if Hamas was there to buy arms, they have every right to do so to defend the illegal occupation of their land. People like you spout that Israel has a right to defend themselves..what about us? We didn't initiate any conflict, Israel started the war when it violated the treaty agreement in 1967 and started occupying land that wasn't theirs. Both america and Israel are the biggest exports of terrorism just ask the Phillipines, Nicaragua, Panama, Iraq

markumX's photo
Thu 02/18/10 02:52 PM

markumX, could there be a possibility that this was Fatah's handiwork, or are you convinced as I am that it was Mossad? I am still curious how these ghosts got away. Where's the paper-trail? Where did they fly to? Is there no record? How were these fake passports not spotted sooner? It is a mystery, and it isn't. I'm pretty sure it was Israel's Mossad, but where are they, who are they, and how in the heck did they pull this off?

There's a possibility. The reason Hamas and Fatah are in conflict with one another is because there's massive corruption in Fatah that side with Israel. They buy each other off out of greed. They are willing to accept anything that Israel proposes even if it means living as slaves. Hamas refuses this notion as should anyone, the grounds Israel proposes is outright b.s. Israel loves this because they cause division among the arab people.

don306's photo
Thu 02/18/10 02:58 PM
we as every country do what we need to do
its that simple
you threaten me, i do what i have to do
a country just does it in a bigger way

InvictusV's photo
Thu 02/18/10 03:19 PM

"He(al-Mabhouh) had travelled to Dubai under another name.

The victim was said to have been in charge of weapons procurement for Hamas and was on a mission in Dubai."

Victim was said to have been charge of weapons procurement? Who said that? Certainly not Hamas. Where is the proof to these allegations? Arms dealing?

"In 1986, US officials, including Oliver North, reportedly used Irish passports to travel to Iran to offer missiles for hostages."

No of course not, Israel and the U.S. "never do" any arms dealing. frustrated frustrated frustrated

In perspective here, Iranian intelligence agents infiltrate into the U.S. and kill a "defector" or enemy of the state in a hotel in New York City. As an American, would you look away and tolerate this sort of act, or would you be the least bit outraged and alarmed by this that it happened here? Now you can see why this Mossad business is very bad for Israel, and why UAE is ticked off.

"The Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, has accused Israel of killing Mabhuh, 50, and vowed revenge.
Its members have said Mabhuh, who was based in Damascus, was on a visit to Dubai to buy weapons for Hamas’ armed wing, of which he was a founder".

I posted this earlier.. Doesn't say alleged...

Atlantis75's photo
Thu 02/18/10 03:21 PM

is any of this gonna change what we have for dinner tonight

The atom bombs are piling up in the factories, the police are prowling through the cities, the lies are streaming from the loudspeakers, but the earth is still going round the sun.
--George Orwell

InvictusV's photo
Thu 02/18/10 03:37 PM
"A prisoner of war is a man who tries to kill you and fails, and then asks you not to kill him".

Winston Churchill

s1owhand's photo
Thu 02/18/10 03:39 PM

"Israel and the U.S. do not commit terrorism with their arms. They do not purposefully target innocent civilians with lethal weapons as a military or political strategy. HAMAS DOES."

This comment's an utter joke. I guess you also take pride in the amount of kills Israel deals to Palestinian civilians. Even if Hamas was there to buy arms, they have every right to do so to defend the illegal occupation of their land. People like you spout that Israel has a right to defend themselves..what about us? We didn't initiate any conflict, Israel started the war when it violated the treaty agreement in 1967 and started occupying land that wasn't theirs. Both america and Israel are the biggest exports of terrorism just ask the Phillipines, Nicaragua, Panama, Iraq

Israel has proven time and time again that they go out of their way to avoid harming innocent Palestinians even while they are forced to undertake military actions in populated areas in which Hamas rocket launchers shield themselves.

Israel won the war in '67 when they were threatened by a military buildup on all sides. Terrorism is not justified because of border disputes. Terrorism is never justified.

If Hamas stopped firing rockets and sending bombers to Israel then there would have been no operation in Gaza for example. Hamas is taking offensive not defensive actions against Israel. If Hamas truly committed to not attacking Israel the war would be over tomorrow, there would be peace and everyone knows it.

So yes indeed, Hamas fires rockets into cities indiscriminately. They bomb buses and try to maximize casualties to innocent civilians just like the 911 bombers of Al-Qaida. Israel does not do this nor do they condone it. Much to their credit.

CatsLoveMe's photo
Thu 02/18/10 03:53 PM

markumX, could there be a possibility that this was Fatah's handiwork, or are you convinced as I am that it was Mossad? I am still curious how these ghosts got away. Where's the paper-trail? Where did they fly to? Is there no record? How were these fake passports not spotted sooner? It is a mystery, and it isn't. I'm pretty sure it was Israel's Mossad, but where are they, who are they, and how in the heck did they pull this off?

There's a possibility. The reason Hamas and Fatah are in conflict with one another is because there's massive corruption in Fatah that side with Israel. They buy each other off out of greed. They are willing to accept anything that Israel proposes even if it means living as slaves. Hamas refuses this notion as should anyone, the grounds Israel proposes is outright b.s. Israel loves this because they cause division among the arab people.

I wish more people would see this instead of buying into the "politically correct" bull the Israelis and Western propaganda we are spoonfed in the United States. Make a decision "yourselves." Not what they tell you to think. Is that really too much to ask? People stick up for Israel and all they can say is terrorism terrorism terrorism without acknowledging the money that Israel is raping the United States for, and the attrocious acts it has committed over the last 49 years, most importantly, this latest thuggery by Mossad in Dubai, and its general disregard to it's Middle Eastern neighbors.

s1owhand's photo
Thu 02/18/10 03:58 PM

if one kills women and children?

he was an active Hamas leader. he orchestrated attacks at the highest
level. he was an active arms dealer. he was meeting with iranians right
up to the very end.

he was brought to justice. whoever did it.

Why was he arrested/released so many times by the Israeli gov't?

Did they ever prove he was responsible for those attacks in the 1980s?

Where does it say that he was meeting with Iranian officials at "the very end?"

He was probably released as a misguided prisoner swap and then carefully monitored by Israeli intelligence.

He was one of the heads of Al-Qassam who claimed credit for many attacks therefore he was obviously as responsible as Bin Laden is for the Al-Qaida attacks. Proven. Happily taking responsibility
for his crimes against humanity.

In several news articles it describes him as meeting in Dubai's Iranian consulate according to "Intelligence Online" from Paris
just before he was killed.

s1owhand's photo
Thu 02/18/10 04:02 PM
Edited by s1owhand on Thu 02/18/10 04:07 PM

markumX, could there be a possibility that this was Fatah's handiwork, or are you convinced as I am that it was Mossad? I am still curious how these ghosts got away. Where's the paper-trail? Where did they fly to? Is there no record? How were these fake passports not spotted sooner? It is a mystery, and it isn't. I'm pretty sure it was Israel's Mossad, but where are they, who are they, and how in the heck did they pull this off?

There's a possibility. The reason Hamas and Fatah are in conflict with one another is because there's massive corruption in Fatah that side with Israel. They buy each other off out of greed. They are willing to accept anything that Israel proposes even if it means living as slaves. Hamas refuses this notion as should anyone, the grounds Israel proposes is outright b.s. Israel loves this because they cause division among the arab people.

I wish more people would see this instead of buying into the "politically correct" bull the Israelis and Western propaganda we are spoonfed in the United States. Make a decision "yourselves." Not what they tell you to think. Is that really too much to ask? People stick up for Israel and all they can say is terrorism terrorism terrorism without acknowledging the money that Israel is raping the United States for, and the attrocious acts it has committed over the last 49 years, most importantly, this latest thuggery by Mossad in Dubai, and its general disregard to it's Middle Eastern neighbors.


Right. The tiny country Israel surrounded by hostile neighbors hell bent on Israel's destruction firing missiles randomly at their cities, bombing their cafes and buses and Israel is the aggressor?!?! Ahhhh Hahahahahaha...


I do agree however that Fatah would have happily helped in this
operation and apparently a couple of Palestinians were detained.

Like I said, it is no more thuggery than going after Bin Laden in
Pakistan or Afghanistan.


Atlantis75's photo
Thu 02/18/10 04:09 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Thu 02/18/10 04:12 PM

"A prisoner of war is a man who tries to kill you and fails, and then asks you not to kill him".

Winston Churchill

Churchill failed with that quote. A "man of war" is sent to wage war for a government who wants to kill the other poor bastard who was set by his government. Without their government and leaders' war monger, these guys could be sitting in a bar and drinking a beer.

"Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."

-Herman Goering, Commander of the Luftwaffe, 1945

CatsLoveMe's photo
Thu 02/18/10 04:18 PM

markumX, could there be a possibility that this was Fatah's handiwork, or are you convinced as I am that it was Mossad? I am still curious how these ghosts got away. Where's the paper-trail? Where did they fly to? Is there no record? How were these fake passports not spotted sooner? It is a mystery, and it isn't. I'm pretty sure it was Israel's Mossad, but where are they, who are they, and how in the heck did they pull this off?

There's a possibility. The reason Hamas and Fatah are in conflict with one another is because there's massive corruption in Fatah that side with Israel. They buy each other off out of greed. They are willing to accept anything that Israel proposes even if it means living as slaves. Hamas refuses this notion as should anyone, the grounds Israel proposes is outright b.s. Israel loves this because they cause division among the arab people.

I wish more people would see this instead of buying into the "politically correct" bull the Israelis and Western propaganda we are spoonfed in the United States. Make a decision "yourselves." Not what they tell you to think. Is that really too much to ask? People stick up for Israel and all they can say is terrorism terrorism terrorism without acknowledging the money that Israel is raping the United States for, and the attrocious acts it has committed over the last 49 years, most importantly, this latest thuggery by Mossad in Dubai, and its general disregard to it's Middle Eastern neighbors.


Right. The tiny country Israel surrounded by hostile neighbors hell bent on Israel's destruction firing missiles randomly at their cities, bombing their cafes and buses and Israel is the aggressor?!?! Ahhhh Hahahahahaha...


I do agree however that Fatah would have happily helped in this
operation and apparently a couple of Palestinians were detained.

Like I said, it is no more thuggery than going after Bin Laden in
Pakistan or Afghanistan.


So I was right then. You sympathize with Israel. They are the "victims" in all of this. Is that about right? Mossad basically has a carte blanche to go around killing people in other countries? Can't bring him to trial so we'll just kill him. On and on it goes, Israel attacks Palestine, Palestine attacks Israel, back and forth. When is tiny little Israel going to realize it is surrounded by neighbors who hate them because of all the hostility they've unleashed? Israel needs to stop the violence and the killing, and they are just as guilty as any Hamas or Hezbollah. It is state sanctioned terrorism any way you look at it.

s1owhand's photo
Thu 02/18/10 04:32 PM

So I was right then. You sympathize with Israel. They are the "victims" in all of this. Is that about right? Mossad basically has a carte blanche to go around killing people in other countries? Can't bring him to trial so we'll just kill him. On and on it goes, Israel attacks Palestine, Palestine attacks Israel, back and forth. When is tiny little Israel going to realize it is surrounded by neighbors who hate them because of all the hostility they've unleashed? Israel needs to stop the violence and the killing, and they are just as guilty as any Hamas or Hezbollah. It is state sanctioned terrorism any way you look at it.

I DO sympathize with Israel. They are right and the terrorists are wrong in this instance. I think terrorists like Al-Mabhouh or Bin Laden should be brought to justice. Absolutely.

Capturing or taking out Bin Laden is not terrorism neither is
capturing or taking out Al-Mabhouh.

Israel's neighbors have hated them for just being there and having
a different religion. It is "You're in MY spot!" It was like this from the beginning and is not due fundamentally to any action on Israel's part actually.

Israel gladly lives peacefully, leaves areas such as Gaza and many West Bank settlements voluntarily and does not attack civilians.

So, there will never be an equivalence between Hamas and Hezbollah who attack innocent people with bombs and missiles and Israel which does not. Yes, I admire the Israelis and despise terrorists like Bin Laden and Al-Mabhouh, Al-Qaida and Hamas and Hezbollah. Everybody should admire and support Israel and despise the terrorists. It's it's....NONCONFORMIST bigsmile

InvictusV's photo
Thu 02/18/10 05:19 PM
"Without their government and leaders' war monger, these guys could be sitting in a bar and drinking a beer".

people don't need government or leaders to hate someone enough to kill them.

Atlantis75's photo
Thu 02/18/10 05:27 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Thu 02/18/10 05:28 PM

"Without their government and leaders' war monger, these guys could be sitting in a bar and drinking a beer".

people don't need government or leaders to hate someone enough to kill them.

And tell me what makes you hate the next guy 15,000 miles away? Hate him enough to kill him? And his family?

InvictusV's photo
Thu 02/18/10 06:09 PM

"Without their government and leaders' war monger, these guys could be sitting in a bar and drinking a beer".

people don't need government or leaders to hate someone enough to kill them.

And tell me what makes you hate the next guy 15,000 miles away? Hate him enough to kill him? And his family?

You can peruse the internet and see enough that makes you want to travel 15000 miles away and smash someones face in.

You can read a book on a historical period or event and resent something that someone did 1000 years ago.. Muslims certainly bring up the crusades every chance they get. Were any of them there? No.. Does it matter? No..

If you want to hate someone or something you don't need a government or leader to do so..