Topic: Israeli Hit Squad
CatsLoveMe's photo
Thu 02/18/10 12:09 PM

markumX, could there be a possibility that this was Fatah's handiwork, or are you convinced as I am that it was Mossad? I am still curious how these ghosts got away. Where's the paper-trail? Where did they fly to? Is there no record? How were these fake passports not spotted sooner? It is a mystery, and it isn't. I'm pretty sure it was Israel's Mossad, but where are they, who are they, and how in the heck did they pull this off?

Oh there is a good chance it was Mossad especially since the Israelis neither confirm or deny it - at least they are not denying it.

On the other hand, there is a fair chance it was one of any one of a number of his other enemies.

As Bill Clinton, George Bush and Barak Obama have all said.

"There will be no refuge for terrorists or terrorism."

Did you remember this part of the article?:

"The United Arab Emirates does not accept the notion that its land can be used as a battlefield for settling scores no matter what the causes or affiliations of these involved perpetrators can be."

What ever Mossad's motives were, what they did could be considered either a terrorist act or an act of war. If nothing else, it is a PR nightmare for the Israeli gov't considering that Iran is now building a nuclear weapon. It's powder kegs like these that start wars, and Israel may find themselves in one soon. Stop giving Israel a free pass, they don't deserve it.

InvictusV's photo
Thu 02/18/10 12:34 PM

markumX, could there be a possibility that this was Fatah's handiwork, or are you convinced as I am that it was Mossad? I am still curious how these ghosts got away. Where's the paper-trail? Where did they fly to? Is there no record? How were these fake passports not spotted sooner? It is a mystery, and it isn't. I'm pretty sure it was Israel's Mossad, but where are they, who are they, and how in the heck did they pull this off?

Oh there is a good chance it was Mossad especially since the Israelis neither confirm or deny it - at least they are not denying it.

On the other hand, there is a fair chance it was one of any one of a number of his other enemies.

As Bill Clinton, George Bush and Barak Obama have all said.

"There will be no refuge for terrorists or terrorism."

Did you remember this part of the article?:

"The United Arab Emirates does not accept the notion that its land can be used as a battlefield for settling scores no matter what the causes or affiliations of these involved perpetrators can be."

What ever Mossad's motives were, what they did could be considered either a terrorist act or an act of war. If nothing else, it is a PR nightmare for the Israeli gov't considering that Iran is now building a nuclear weapon. It's powder kegs like these that start wars, and Israel may find themselves in one soon. Stop giving Israel a free pass, they don't deserve it.

"The Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, has accused Israel of killing Mabhuh, 50, and vowed revenge.
Its members have said Mabhuh, who was based in Damascus, was on a visit to Dubai to buy weapons for Hamas’ armed wing, of which he was a founder".

He was in Dubai to buy arms for Hamas.. You think Dubai finds illegal arms dealing acceptable? Maybe.. Maybe Not..

s1owhand's photo
Thu 02/18/10 12:34 PM
What Clinton, Bush and Obama all have in common is that they rightly believe in denying sanctuary to those who intentionally target innocent civilians in mass murder bombing attacks.

According to your argument - that we respect the sovereignty of the terrorist harboring governments, we would never have taken military action in Afghanistan and just let Al-Quaida fester in the warm comfort of their Taliban hosts.

Now the UAE is not Afghanistan but they are providing passage and sanctuary to one of the worlds most vile terrorists knowingly and certainly they cannot be at all surprised that someone has taken the opportunity to rid the world of him.

In fact, they must have *expected* something like this....Hmmm...perhaps they were cordially offering the opportunity to someone to come in and pull this off and now "thou protest too much"?


It is certainly not out of the realm of possibility that the UAE purposefully allowed access in order to give some allies the chance to do away with someone who is causing a lot of destabilization in the region, eh?

So - I don't give Israel a pass necessarily - but I will allow that sovereign nations which harbor terrorists of the ilk of Osama bin Laden or Khaled Mashaal, or Al-Mabhouh cannot possibly be surprised to have someone come after them. In fact, they may be actually cooperating - as in Pakistan for instance or Afghanistan and yet protesting all the while to make it more palatable to their own public.


Yeah - I am hardly outraged.

CatsLoveMe's photo
Thu 02/18/10 12:55 PM

What Clinton, Bush and Obama all have in common is that they rightly believe in denying sanctuary to those who intentionally target innocent civilians in mass murder bombing attacks.

According to your argument - that we respect the sovereignty of the terrorist harboring governments, we would never have taken military action in Afghanistan and just let Al-Quaida fester in the warm comfort of their Taliban hosts.

Now the UAE is not Afghanistan but they are providing passage and sanctuary to one of the worlds most vile terrorists knowingly and certainly they cannot be at all surprised that someone has taken the opportunity to rid the world of him.

In fact, they must have *expected* something like this....Hmmm...perhaps they were cordially offering the opportunity to someone to come in and pull this off and now "thou protest too much"?


It is certainly not out of the realm of possibility that the UAE purposefully allowed access in order to give some allies the chance to do away with someone who is causing a lot of destabilization in the region, eh?

So - I don't give Israel a pass necessarily - but I will allow that sovereign nations which harbor terrorists of the ilk of Osama bin Laden or Khaled Mashaal, or Al-Mabhouh cannot possibly be surprised to have someone come after them. In fact, they may be actually cooperating - as in Pakistan for instance or Afghanistan and yet protesting all the while to make it more palatable to their own public.


Yeah - I am hardly outraged.

Okay you said alot in your comment. Let me try to respond on a few points.

It was alleged that Mabouh was there to buy arms for Hamas. He was not actually witnessed buying arms in Dubai, so he was assassinated for a crime he was about to commit?

UAE is a peaceful Middle Eastern nation and are allies with the United States. And they do not provide safe refuge or harbor or sanctuary for terrorists. And the UAE does not condone or support terrorist activity, any more than Switzerland does.

UAE never expected this attack on their sovereign soil, and they are clearly upset over this breach in their sovereignty by Israel Int. (Mossad.) These 18 thugs will be hunted down and brought to justice as would any other terrorists.

And lastly, you seem to be, perhaps I'm not reading you right, justifying killing with more killing. Murder, death, and destruction only perpetuates the hostility in the Middle East. And Israel is one of the key players.

InvictusV's photo
Thu 02/18/10 12:57 PM

What Clinton, Bush and Obama all have in common is that they rightly believe in denying sanctuary to those who intentionally target innocent civilians in mass murder bombing attacks.

According to your argument - that we respect the sovereignty of the terrorist harboring governments, we would never have taken military action in Afghanistan and just let Al-Quaida fester in the warm comfort of their Taliban hosts.

Now the UAE is not Afghanistan but they are providing passage and sanctuary to one of the worlds most vile terrorists knowingly and certainly they cannot be at all surprised that someone has taken the opportunity to rid the world of him.

In fact, they must have *expected* something like this....Hmmm...perhaps they were cordially offering the opportunity to someone to come in and pull this off and now "thou protest too much"?


It is certainly not out of the realm of possibility that the UAE purposefully allowed access in order to give some allies the chance to do away with someone who is causing a lot of destabilization in the region, eh?

So - I don't give Israel a pass necessarily - but I will allow that sovereign nations which harbor terrorists of the ilk of Osama bin Laden or Khaled Mashaal, or Al-Mabhouh cannot possibly be surprised to have someone come after them. In fact, they may be actually cooperating - as in Pakistan for instance or Afghanistan and yet protesting all the while to make it more palatable to their own public.


Yeah - I am hardly outraged.

Okay you said alot in your comment. Let me try to respond on a few points.

It was alleged that Mabouh was there to buy arms for Hamas. He was not actually witnessed buying arms in Dubai, so he was assassinated for a crime he was about to commit?

UAE is a peaceful Middle Eastern nation and are allies with the United States. And they do not provide safe refuge or harbor or sanctuary for terrorists. And the UAE does not condone or support terrorist activity, any more than Switzerland does.

UAE never expected this attack on their sovereign soil, and they are clearly upset over this breach in their sovereignty by Israel Int. (Mossad.) These 18 thugs will be hunted down and brought to justice as would any other terrorists.

And lastly, you seem to be, perhaps I'm not reading you right, justifying killing with more killing. Murder, death, and destruction only perpetuates the hostility in the Middle East. And Israel is one of the key players.

Hamas said he was there to buy arms.. How is that alleged?

s1owhand's photo
Thu 02/18/10 01:07 PM

I agree with Clinton, Bush, and Obama. I support the hunt for Osama bin Laden even if he cannot be captured and taken alive. The case of Al-Mabhouh is no different.

The UAE was allowing a worlds foremost terrorist sanctuary in their territory - possibly for the purpose of his elimination no matter how strongly they protest.

I do not believe in killing but I do believe in bringing terrorists to justice as in the case of Osama bin Laden as stated above - anytime and anyplace where they can be found. By terrorist I mean those who intentionally try to kill innocent civilians, women and children, by any means to try to advance their political agenda. Such tactics can never be allowed or anyone with a grievance may just start taking hostages and killing people.

Atlantis75's photo
Thu 02/18/10 01:15 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Thu 02/18/10 01:16 PM


I agree with Clinton, Bush, and Obama. I support the hunt for Osama bin Laden even if he cannot be captured and taken alive. The case of Al-Mabhouh is no different.

Is there any proof, that the person in question was a "terrorist" to begin with?

Just because someone is muslim and a palestinian at the same time, that doesn't make him a terrorist.

And then the question..regardless who did it and why, is terrorism should be confronted with terrorism?

That's why USA and Israel is where it is and how it is right now, no other country doing this sort of an ideology.

don306's photo
Thu 02/18/10 01:25 PM
Edited by don306 on Thu 02/18/10 01:26 PM
whats your point, or point of view
what is the basis
i looked at your profile
what is your point
what drives your opinion

s1owhand's photo
Thu 02/18/10 01:30 PM
Edited by s1owhand on Thu 02/18/10 01:43 PM


I agree with Clinton, Bush, and Obama. I support the hunt for Osama bin Laden even if he cannot be captured and taken alive. The case of Al-Mabhouh is no different.

Is there any proof, that the person in question was a "terrorist" to begin with?

Just because someone is muslim and a palestinian at the same time, that doesn't make him a terrorist.

And then the question..regardless who did it and why, is terrorism should be confronted with terrorism?

That's why USA and Israel is where it is and how it is right now, no other country doing this sort of an ideology.

Firstly, the pursuit of Osama bin Laden or Mahmoud Al-Mabhoud to bring them to justice is not terrorism. It is not the intentional killing of innocent civilians. So it is not confronting terrorism with terrorism. It is confronting crimes with justice.

Has nothing to do with why Israel or the U.S. are attacked. Israel is attacked because of a dispute over land and revenge. The U.S. was attacked on 911 on the basis of a holy war of radical Islamists against Western values.

Finally, Al-Mabhouh was targeted because of his leadership of terrorist organizations which have gladly claimed responsibility for thousands of attacks on innocent civilians - terrorist attacks over the years.

YES. He was one of the world's best known terrorists.

He was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, joined Hamas in 1978, and the terrorist group Ezzedeen Al Qassam Brigades consider him as one of its founders in Gaza strip. He was a buyer and arms traffiker for Hamas and has been implicated in many many attacks including coffee shop bombings, Iranian arms smuggling into Gaza and had just met with Iranian consulate.

His leadership in Hamas and Al Qassam alone qualify him.

here is an excerpt from the U.S. State Dept. website:

"HAMAS (Islamic Resistance Movement) a.k.a. Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya, Students of Ayyash, Students of the Engineer, Yahya Ayyash Units, Izz Al-Din Al-Qassim Brigades, Izz Al-Din Al-Qassim Forces, Izz Al-Din Al-Qassim Battalions, Izz al-Din Al Qassam Brigades, Izz al-Din Al Qassam Forces, Izz al-Din Al Qassam Battalions

Description: Formed in late 1987 as an outgrowth of the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. Various HAMAS elements have used both political and violent means, including terrorism, to pursue the goal of establishing an Islamic Palestinian state in place of Israel. Loosely structured, with some elements working clandestinely and others working openly through mosques and social service institutions to recruit members, raise money, organize activities, and distribute propaganda. HAMAS's strength is concentrated in the Gaza Strip and a few areas of the West Bank. Also has engaged in peaceful political activity, such as running candidates in West Bank Chamber of Commerce elections.

Activities: HAMAS activists, especially those in the Izz el-Din al-Qassam Brigades, have conducted many attacks--including large-scale suicide bombings--against Israeli civilian and military targets, suspected Palestinian collaborators, and Fatah rivals.

Strength: Unknown number of hardcore members; tens of thousands of supporters and sympathizers.

Location/Area of Operation: Primarily the occupied territories, Israel, and Jordan.

External Aid: Receives funding from Palestinian expatriates, Iran, and private benefactors in Saudi Arabia and other moderate Arab states. Some fundraising and propaganda activity take place in Western Europe and North America."


CatsLoveMe's photo
Thu 02/18/10 01:38 PM
"He(al-Mabhouh) had travelled to Dubai under another name.

The victim was said to have been in charge of weapons procurement for Hamas and was on a mission in Dubai."

Victim was said to have been charge of weapons procurement? Who said that? Certainly not Hamas. Where is the proof to these allegations? Arms dealing?

"In 1986, US officials, including Oliver North, reportedly used Irish passports to travel to Iran to offer missiles for hostages."

No of course not, Israel and the U.S. "never do" any arms dealing. frustrated frustrated frustrated

In perspective here, Iranian intelligence agents infiltrate into the U.S. and kill a "defector" or enemy of the state in a hotel in New York City. As an American, would you look away and tolerate this sort of act, or would you be the least bit outraged and alarmed by this that it happened here? Now you can see why this Mossad business is very bad for Israel, and why UAE is ticked off.

don306's photo
Thu 02/18/10 01:43 PM
i had more than one passport before i retired
also you can get a fake passport that loks real anywhere

s1owhand's photo
Thu 02/18/10 01:51 PM

"He(al-Mabhouh) had travelled to Dubai under another name.

The victim was said to have been in charge of weapons procurement for Hamas and was on a mission in Dubai."

Victim was said to have been charge of weapons procurement? Who said that? Certainly not Hamas. Where is the proof to these allegations? Arms dealing?

"In 1986, US officials, including Oliver North, reportedly used Irish passports to travel to Iran to offer missiles for hostages."

No of course not, Israel and the U.S. "never do" any arms dealing. frustrated frustrated frustrated

In perspective here, Iranian intelligence agents infiltrate into the U.S. and kill a "defector" or enemy of the state in a hotel in New York City. As an American, would you look away and tolerate this sort of act, or would you be the least bit outraged and alarmed by this that it happened here? Now you can see why this Mossad business is very bad for Israel, and why UAE is ticked off.

I am not convinced that the UAE is really ticked off rather than putting on a show.

Virtually all nations buy and sell arms. Israel and the U.S. do not commit terrorism with their arms. They do not purposefully target innocent civilians with lethal weapons as a military or political strategy. HAMAS DOES.

There is no comparing a "defector" who may have done no one any harm and is only seeking political freedom with someone who buys missiles, aims them at random public neighborhoods and fires them at civilians or someone who provides bombs and assists in placing them in loaded public buses for the purpose of killing as many people as possible etc. etc.

Are you really trying to compare Osama bin Laden with Reagan and North trying to ransom the Iran hostages?


CatsLoveMe's photo
Thu 02/18/10 01:52 PM
"He was suspected for being involved in the 1989 abduction and murder of two Israeli soldiers, Avi Sasportas and Ilan Sa'adon, along with several other attacks. His home in Gaza was reported to have been demolished by Israel in 1989 in response to these attacks on Israel. He had been arrested and released several times by Israel, but at the time of his death was wanted by the Israeli government and living in Syria."

He was "suspected." So not ever prosecuted by the Israeli gov't? Then it goes on to say that he was "arrested and released" several times? And furthermore, al-Mabhouh was wanted once again by the Israelis? He's lived in Damascus, Syria for the last 20 years. Show me what he's done since this accusation in 1989? Where is the paper-trail of these alleged terrorist acts that he was supposed to have done? And especially for the last 21 years? He was a Palestinian that lived in Syria, that was visiting in Dubai. No where is there any proof that he was there to buy arms for Hamas. Only bold accusations. And if he was Hamas, they say he was before 1989, but no proof after, why would Hamas admit to al-Mabhouh being a weapons smuggler/dealer for Hamas?

don306's photo
Thu 02/18/10 01:54 PM
sometimes countries have to say something they dont believe

don306's photo
Thu 02/18/10 01:56 PM
atlantis, whats the deal
no comment

s1owhand's photo
Thu 02/18/10 01:57 PM
Edited by s1owhand on Thu 02/18/10 01:59 PM

i had more than one passport before i retired
also you can get a fake passport that loks real anywhere

I can imagine a meeting between israel, the uae and other countries or parties all of whom wish to get rid of al-mabhouh. The uae would say - "Hey, we will look the other way for 24 hours but in the end we are going to point our finger at the mossad". And the israelis might say - "Sure, anything to get rid of this guy. We will neither take responsibility nor deny it." And then, all the parties would say...."Great! Now that is taken care of, how about a nice coffee and hummus?"



CatsLoveMe's photo
Thu 02/18/10 02:03 PM

"He(al-Mabhouh) had travelled to Dubai under another name.

The victim was said to have been in charge of weapons procurement for Hamas and was on a mission in Dubai."

Victim was said to have been charge of weapons procurement? Who said that? Certainly not Hamas. Where is the proof to these allegations? Arms dealing?

"In 1986, US officials, including Oliver North, reportedly used Irish passports to travel to Iran to offer missiles for hostages."

No of course not, Israel and the U.S. "never do" any arms dealing. frustrated frustrated frustrated

In perspective here, Iranian intelligence agents infiltrate into the U.S. and kill a "defector" or enemy of the state in a hotel in New York City. As an American, would you look away and tolerate this sort of act, or would you be the least bit outraged and alarmed by this that it happened here? Now you can see why this Mossad business is very bad for Israel, and why UAE is ticked off.

I am not convinced that the UAE is really ticked off rather than putting on a show.

Virtually all nations buy and sell arms. Israel and the U.S. do not commit terrorism with their arms. They do not purposefully target innocent civilians with lethal weapons as a military or political strategy. HAMAS DOES.

There is no comparing a "defector" who may have done no one any harm and is only seeking political freedom with someone who buys missiles, aims them at random public neighborhoods and fires them at civilians or someone who provides bombs and assists in placing them in loaded public buses for the purpose of killing as many people as possible etc. etc.

Are you really trying to compare Osama bin Laden with Reagan and North trying to ransom the Iran hostages?


No, dangit. Some are painting al-Mabhouh as the bad guy in all this because they believe he's an arms dealer. Is he? Or are these mere allegations and lies? Yes, us red-blooded patriotic Americans are taught to believe it is politically correct to support Israel and cast no aspersions on "God's chosen people." But if you believe he did buy weapons, then how are the U.S. and Israel not as guilty as anyone else that engages in arms dealing? Alot of deflection and denial here in believing that Israel's wool is pure and white. Mossad are some real bad dudes, and so is the Israeli government's foreign affairs agenda. They are not to be trusted nor ignored. I've seen the lies, the killing, the treachery from Israel, and I refuse to be "politically correct" and coddle such a shameful country.

don306's photo
Thu 02/18/10 02:08 PM
what have you seen
is isreal gonna take over the world
what is it you know no one else does

s1owhand's photo
Thu 02/18/10 02:11 PM
Edited by s1owhand on Thu 02/18/10 02:14 PM

And if he was Hamas, they say he was before 1989, but no proof after, why would Hamas admit to al-Mabhouh being a weapons smuggler/dealer for Hamas?

from the NY Times article - but I don't think anyone is disputing
Al-Mabhouh's leadership in Hamas...

SANA, Yemen — The Palestinian militant group Hamas said Friday that
one of its senior officials was murdered in a Dubai hotel room last
week. Hamas accused Israel of the killing and vowed to retaliate.

The official, Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, 50, lived in Syria and was a founder
of Hamas’s military wing, which has carried out hundreds of deadly
attacks against Israel since the 1980s, Hamas officials said.

Why would they admit his crimes? HAMAS is PROUD of killing innocent
civilians! They publicly take CREDIT for it all the time!


Painting Al-Mabhoud as the bad guy! rofl

He was proud to be one of the leaders of a well known terrorist


You might say we paint Osama bin Laden as the bad guy too!


CatsLoveMe's photo
Thu 02/18/10 02:21 PM

And if he was Hamas, they say he was before 1989, but no proof after, why would Hamas admit to al-Mabhouh being a weapons smuggler/dealer for Hamas?

from the NY Times article - but I don't think anyone is disputing
Al-Mabhouh's leadership in Hamas...

SANA, Yemen — The Palestinian militant group Hamas said Friday that
one of its senior officials was murdered in a Dubai hotel room last
week. Hamas accused Israel of the killing and vowed to retaliate.

The official, Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, 50, lived in Syria and was a founder
of Hamas’s military wing, which has carried out hundreds of deadly
attacks against Israel since the 1980s, Hamas officials said.

Why would they admit his crimes? HAMAS is PROUD of killing innocent
civilians! They publicly take CREDIT for it all the time!


laugh Okay right there: "was a founder
of Hamas’s military wing.." Was. Not an active member of Hamas. Does not orchestrate any acts of violence committed by Hamas.

We can argue that Hamas is a band of terrorists all night long. Well first, it is a political organization, that some Palestinian extremists happen to belong to. So it is unfair to say that all Hamas are violent extremists. They have their hands full with not just Israel who continues to pour gasoline on the fire, but with the Fatah Palestinian faction as well. Violence begats violence, and Israel just keeps chugging along making "friends" in the Middle East. Lest you not forget all the Palestinians that were killed by Israeli attacks. Israel has no interest in peace, they never have, and they'll keep on stoking the fires of hostility by provoking their neighbors.