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Topic: GOP Budget Proposal "doesn't get the federal budget into sur
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Sun 02/14/10 08:27 PM
What I love about the political threads is when one side calls the other sheeples when in reality the are a sheeple themselves for following the other party!!!


CAN YOU SAY "TERM LIMITS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cashu's photo
Sun 02/14/10 08:46 PM
Edited by cashu on Sun 02/14/10 08:48 PM

GOD you people are pathetic.

Either way, the Republicans are basically being told that they are " dismissed ".

Too bad a whole bunch of Democrats are going to be " dismissed " from office soon.
I wish there was some 3 party canadates that weren't fringe lunatics. The corruption is so ingrained in these trash bags the can't even hear you when you're in their faces screaming. Dum as dirt ... We need moderates without preffences .. equitable for every one and a job for everyone, no one of working age gets a check for not working. And of course we can make a deal with the countrys who gotour jobs for them to take the all american rats who don't like us ...

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sun 02/14/10 08:46 PM

What I love about the political threads is when one side calls the other sheeples when in reality the are a sheeple themselves for following the other party!!!


CAN YOU SAY "TERM LIMITS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well actually the term "Sheeple" I started using years ago to describe the sheep under the steeple, then people who didn't like it
tried to change the meaning...I don't use it anymore.

While I am at it, when the RW nutbaggers use the term "lemmings"...referencing lemmings jumping off a cliff to commit suicide...buuuut that was really from a Disney documentary where the crew chased them off the cliff then claimed that they jumped on their own.

Lemming suicide is not real...yet the RW nutbags love the term. When I see it used I immediately know the level of the person I am debating.




I agree with the 3rd party systemw, that will delute the conservatives further thus keeping them out of power long enough to repair the damage they caused.

Quietman_2009's photo
Sun 02/14/10 08:51 PM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Sun 02/14/10 08:51 PM
I want REAL democracy

put a "yes/no" button in every home and present the bills and proposals on TV once a week and let em vote

or would that be real anarchy?

Dragoness's photo
Sun 02/14/10 08:59 PM
My issue with all the third parties out there though is that they all seem to be a little off about some things.

I have tried to find one that I can stand with but I haven't found one yet that doesn't have some kind of crazy notion of some kind that is their main issue. Fanatics in other words.

Republicans have proven to me they are hatefilled and not really for the average people. So that leaves me the Dems for now. I will watch them and see how they do and if they prove they are no better than the Repubs, it won't hurt me because I am unaffiliated anyway.

DaveyB's photo
Sun 02/14/10 09:00 PM

I want REAL democracy

put a "yes/no" button in every home and present the bills and proposals on TV once a week and let em vote

or would that be real anarchy?

Sad part about that is most people would still have no idea what they were voting for or against.

Quietman_2009's photo
Sun 02/14/10 09:01 PM

I want REAL democracy

put a "yes/no" button in every home and present the bills and proposals on TV once a week and let em vote

or would that be real anarchy?

Sad part about that is most people would still have no idea what they were voting for or against.

like they do now?

DaveyB's photo
Sun 02/14/10 09:19 PM

I want REAL democracy

put a "yes/no" button in every home and present the bills and proposals on TV once a week and let em vote

or would that be real anarchy?

Sad part about that is most people would still have no idea what they were voting for or against.

like they do now?

lol, nope that was the point. Most people haven't a clue what's happening they just do whatever their party or whatever tell them is the thing to do. It's why we're in the condition we're in now.


Thomas3474's photo
Sun 02/14/10 10:43 PM
I am wondering how the Democrats know what the Republicans ideas are when the Democrats slam and lock doors and won't even allow the Republicans in their meetings.I have listened to the for a few years now and so far the only good idea they have come up with is the cash for clunkers program.Our country is a mess and bleeding red ink like a severed artery.If the Republicans have some ideas we should hear them.I'm getting sick of hearing this Democrats have all the answers nonsense when in reality they have no answers,no direction,and no respect for the Republicans.

no photo
Mon 02/15/10 06:19 AM

I am wondering how the Democrats know what the Republicans ideas are when the Democrats slam and lock doors and won't even allow the Republicans in their meetings.I have listened to the for a few years now and so far the only good idea they have come up with is the cash for clunkers program.Our country is a mess and bleeding red ink like a severed artery.If the Republicans have some ideas we should hear them.I'm getting sick of hearing this Democrats have all the answers nonsense when in reality they have no answers,no direction,and no respect for the Republicans.
Respect is EARNED NOT GIVIN!!!.....You know the Dems are doing this as you say? HOW????? Could be the dems have tried and the repubs refuse to compromise...Do you really know or is this what you heard of Fox news???????? I dont know and dont claim to know!!!!!

Quietman_2009's photo
Mon 02/15/10 06:40 AM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Mon 02/15/10 07:32 AM
what we need in out govt is not someone who can earn respect

but someone who can command respect

think of John Wayne, or Clint Eastwood, or Ronald Reagan, or Kissinger, or Norman Schwarzkopf (sp?),

or Colin Powell is a good example

you may not agree with em or even like em. But just their presence in a room commanded respect

we havent had anybody like that in a long time

Obama kinda might could. He has a certain dignity. But he is really still kinda young to have developed that kind of presence

TJN's photo
Mon 02/15/10 06:50 AM
Edited by TJN on Mon 02/15/10 06:50 AM

Respect is EARNED NOT GIVIN!!!

Would it be so wrong to give respect until someone shows they don't deserve it.

DaveyB's photo
Mon 02/15/10 09:56 AM

Respect is EARNED NOT GIVIN!!!

Would it be so wrong to give respect until someone shows they don't deserve it.

Kind of the way it has to be when speaking of a changing entity as opposed to a human. Beside no one human or entity can earn respect if they haven't been given the opportunity.

no photo
Mon 02/15/10 10:45 AM

Respect is EARNED NOT GIVIN!!!

Would it be so wrong to give respect until someone shows they don't deserve it.
Like I said "you know" that the dems havnt given the right the respect they deserve or maybe they have and there was no respect in return...How do you know this????? Could be the dems gave the right every oppertunity to compromise and they refused...How Do YOU know?????? Fox news????? Cnn??????

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