Topic: Could i have been "misdiagnosed" | |
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Sat 02/13/10 07:23 AM
I mentioned that i have aspergers. Well, i found out something interesting. It seems to me that my mom can convince others that i have aspergers....but i cant. Here's the story on how it went down.
Back in 2002, there was a fight between me & my mom it resulted in me staying in what they called a "Pavilloin". ive been tested, we saw the results of the test..the only thing i remember it said about aspergers was they didnt rule it out...THAT DOES NOT MEAN I HAVE IT! And they suggested more tests, but my mom didnt wanna pay the money so she and the rest of my family just assumed i had it, because they didnt "rule it out". When i tried to explain this to so called "friends" in a chatroom...let's just say i was made out to be a "troll". Last night i was in a dating chatroom and the subject came up again. I was just concerned about what if we start dating and she finds out i live with my mother, and the conversation escollated into why i was, and i told them i have disability, blind in 1 eye, aspergers. In the chatroom was a woman who had a friend who's son had make a long story short, i was again judged as a "troll". Somethings not right here. Howcome my mom has no trouble convincing others i have aspergers, but when i try to claim...i'm a "troll"? The docters wanted more tests, it woulndve hurt to have more tests done. I have a doomed feeling that my mom depends onme depending on her. Im at my wit's end here. |
if you feel that you have been misdiagnosed, you should get retested.
I was mis-diagnosed with body dysmorphic dis-order for years...and treated thusly with an anti-depressant called Anafranil for about a 10 year period. The stuff spaced me out. Consequently...I have barely any memories of the 90's, right? So...when I's say the treatment wasn't working...they'd just increase the dose. I moved, found a new Dr. who put me on Zoloft. In the end I was on 275 mg's of the stuff...50 more mg's than are allowed by law, right? Obvious a quack. Went to another Dr. that fed me Adderall and turned me into an amphetamine addict.... diagnosis is OCD and I manage well on Prozac. But ...Damn...those Dr's goofed me up..... |
I was mis-diagnosed with body dysmorphic dis-order for years...and treated thusly with an anti-depressant called Anafranil for about a 10 year period. The stuff spaced me out. Consequently...I have barely any memories of the 90's, right? So...when I's say the treatment wasn't working...they'd just increase the dose. I moved, found a new Dr. who put me on Zoloft. In the end I was on 275 mg's of the stuff...50 more mg's than are allowed by law, right? Obvious a quack. Went to another Dr. that fed me Adderall and turned me into an amphetamine addict.... diagnosis is OCD and I manage well on Prozac. But ...Damn...those Dr's goofed me up..... Yes you certainly can be misdiagnosed. These doctors hand out these antipsychotic drugs like they are candy. I have seen someone take 1 pill and went literally insane. These types of medicines change the chemical makeup in your head. Be careful if they are prescribed.. |
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Tue 02/23/10 02:06 AM
I was mis-diagnosed with body dysmorphic dis-order for years...and treated thusly with an anti-depressant called Anafranil for about a 10 year period. The stuff spaced me out. Consequently...I have barely any memories of the 90's, right? So...when I's say the treatment wasn't working...they'd just increase the dose. I moved, found a new Dr. who put me on Zoloft. In the end I was on 275 mg's of the stuff...50 more mg's than are allowed by law, right? Obvious a quack. Went to another Dr. that fed me Adderall and turned me into an amphetamine addict.... diagnosis is OCD and I manage well on Prozac. But ...Damn...those Dr's goofed me up..... Yes you certainly can be misdiagnosed. These doctors hand out these antipsychotic drugs like they are candy. I have seen someone take 1 pill and went literally insane. These types of medicines change the chemical makeup in your head. Be careful if they are prescribed.. Develope a relationship with your pharmacist. They know medicicne better than any md. Mine will tell me 'you can't take this, it will interact with...'. Pick their brain, they love to show what they know. I had the same problem when would say something wasn't working, what is it with those people? Cymbalta really works for me at this point, remember our chemistry inside changes as we age also. We get accustomed or tolerant of medicines. I know they say don't self medicate but I adjust my meds until I feel they are good, even take the lowest dose until I know if what it's doing, then tell the doctor after a few weeks if it's going good. They immediate jump you to what your mood is that day (especially when you're frustrated that the rx isn't working), usually the highest possible. Quacks. ![]() |
Develope a relationship with your pharmacist. They know medicicne better than any md. Mine will tell me 'you can't take this, it will interact with...'. Pick their brain, they love to show what they know. A good pharmacist is so much better about the medication side of it than any doctor I've ever been to. They are usually very happy to talk to you about the meds, too. This is really good advice. ![]() |
My mum was like yours, diagnosing already, before any actual diagnosis was confirmed. I understand how angry you may have felt about it. It's bad enough just having test after test, really. Just try and not get worried about it. Some parents think they know before a proper diagnosis is made, but imho i think they should wait until a dr has results.
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Tue 08/30/11 07:28 AM
I dont know how having Aspergers even means you are a troll..... but anyhoo, you could say, I have unusual behaviors, but have no diagnosis of anything (other than the vision issue). You could go on to say, "Some people beleive I have aspergers, but unless I submit to a battery of tests, I cant know for sure what I have". February 2010!? Dangit. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Dear DBR70,
Are there any other syndromes that are similar to Asperger's that you think may be a possibility? Unfortunately misdiagnosis happens more often than we realize. It always helps to do your own research and ask for another opinion. Do you have insurance? Can you seek out a different doctor? |
Hmm. As far as I am aware of..there is no real diagnostic test for that. It is mainly judged by a panel of people who would include your physician, school teachers and parents. I directly work with people/kids who have this... they are no more trolls than you are and if someone is judging you this way... get away from them. I will go a bit further to tell you.. you are a genius. That is very sexy and don't you let anyone tell you anything bad about it. I have to say..that is lack of education on their behalf and you do not need to sit around and educate someone stupid enough to call you names when you are far more intelligent than they are.
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The exact cause is unknown, although research supports the likelihood of a genetic basis; brain imaging techniques have not identified a clear common pathology.[3] There is no single treatment, and the effectiveness of particular interventions is supported by only limited data.[3] Intervention is aimed at improving symptoms and function. The mainstay of management is behavioral therapy, focusing on specific deficits to address poor communication skills, obsessive or repetitive routines, and physical clumsiness.[9] Most children improve as they mature to adulthood, but social and communication difficulties may persist.[6]
Some researchers and people with Asperger's have advocated a shift in attitudes toward the view that it is a difference, rather than a disability that must be treated or cured WIKI That last sentence is rather interesting! If true,they have been screwing up people's Brains for time with un-needed medications! |