Topic: Mental Health Community - A new excuse,er, illness?
msharmony's photo
Fri 02/12/10 08:55 AM

Kristie Rutzel was in high school when she began adhering precisely to the government food pyramids. As the Virginia native learned more about healthy eating, she stopped ingesting anything processed, then restricted herself to whole foods and eventually to 100% organic. By college, the 5-ft. 4-in. communications major was on a strict raw-foods diet, eating little else besides uncooked broccoli and cauliflower and tipping the scales at just 68 lb. Rutzel, now 27, has a name for her eating disorder: ORTHOREXIA, a controversial diagnosis characterized by an obsession with avoiding foods perceived to be unhealthy.

Read more:,8599,1963297,00.html#ixzz0fLEVW4x8

isaac_dede's photo
Fri 02/12/10 08:57 AM
let's classify everything....that way we can have an excuse for making stupid decisions.....

Quietman_2009's photo
Fri 02/12/10 08:59 AM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Fri 02/12/10 09:01 AM
America in the 21st century

no one is responsible for or to themselves

can't make it in the workforce? then society is to blame and the government owes you a living

obese? its society's fault

kids grow up feeling entitled to everything without having to earn it

and then in China, they just work their azzes off and beat us at everything from science and research (most new patents have Chinese surnames on them)

they beat us in exporting every year

and our trade deficit with China is in the billions

me personally I think America is at about the same stage as the Roman Empire right before they collapsed

no photo
Fri 02/12/10 09:07 AM
Mmmmmmmm~Does the body good.:tongue: drinker

Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 02/12/10 09:20 AM
It's a distortion of the truth..people get carried away. I would think there must be some illness (mentally) to do such a thing to themselves.
I'm a vegetarian, I use supplements, I don't eat dairy..I have made choices by learning what works best for my body. Not by what the food pyramid or anyone else tells me. If I ate according to the food pyramid I would be as big as the broad side of a barn door..and wouldn't feel well most of the time.

LewisW123's photo
Fri 02/12/10 01:43 PM

America in the 21st century

no one is responsible for or to themselves

can't make it in the workforce? then society is to blame and the government owes you a living

obese? its society's fault

kids grow up feeling entitled to everything without having to earn it

and then in China, they just work their azzes off and beat us at everything from science and research (most new patents have Chinese surnames on them)

they beat us in exporting every year

and our trade deficit with China is in the billions

me personally I think America is at about the same stage as the Roman Empire right before they collapsed

I didn't feel she was blaming the government for her eating disorder, just stating her eating disorder started at a young age, and she used the pyramid as a guideline, initially.

But I agree with everything you said.

Quietman_2009's photo
Fri 02/12/10 01:45 PM

you're right

I didnt read it close enough

don't blame me it's society's fault

LewisW123's photo
Fri 02/12/10 01:47 PM


you're right

I didnt read it close enough

don't blame me it's society's fault

We call that "white-man-rage disorder" where I come from

Dict8's photo
Fri 02/12/10 01:54 PM
Sometimes these "newly named diagnosis" can be very dangerous and harmful cuz' they candy-coat other more serious conditions. Anybody remember "chronic fatigue syndrome" from the late 80's...early 90's? The "yuppie" disease"? Yea...that diagnosis masked a whole slew of other possible and more serious conditions...severe depression...drug addiction...etc. Nobody likes the stigma of a stigmatized lable , right? Some people get their denial officially justified.

Dict8's photo
Fri 02/12/10 02:25 PM
So...if yr not cool with the truth...find the Dr. that'll agree with you, right?

I'd rather go with the truth myself....or else why bother seeking help, right?

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 02/12/10 03:27 PM

So...if yr not cool with the truth...find the Dr. that'll agree with you, right?

I'd rather go with the truth myself....or else why bother seeking help, right?


Ruth34611's photo
Fri 02/12/10 03:30 PM
Just because they come up with a name for something doesn't mean it's new. And, being diagnosed with something doesn't relieve the person of the responsibility to deal with their problem.

Quietman_2009's photo
Fri 02/12/10 03:33 PM

So...if yr not cool with the truth...find the Dr. that'll agree with you, right?

I'd rather go with the truth myself....or else why bother seeking help, right?

screw the truth

just give me drugs

Dict8's photo
Fri 02/12/10 03:39 PM

So...if yr not cool with the truth...find the Dr. that'll agree with you, right?

I'd rather go with the truth myself....or else why bother seeking help, right?

screw the truth

just give me drugs
laugh Unfortunately...many times THAT'S the problem...see? Drud addiction is not a friendly diagnosis now, is it? :tongue:

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 02/12/10 03:41 PM

FORTHOREXIA, a controversial diagnosis characterized by an obsession with avoiding foods perceived to be unhealthy.

All this really is is Anorexia in a person who has OCD.

Quietman_2009's photo
Fri 02/12/10 03:42 PM

So...if yr not cool with the truth...find the Dr. that'll agree with you, right?

I'd rather go with the truth myself....or else why bother seeking help, right?

screw the truth

just give me drugs
laugh Unfortunately...many times THAT'S the problem...see? Drud addiction is not a friendly diagnosis now, is it? :tongue:

I'm not addicted


I'm purely recreational

Dict8's photo
Fri 02/12/10 03:43 PM

FORTHOREXIA, a controversial diagnosis characterized by an obsession with avoiding foods perceived to be unhealthy.

All this really is is Anorexia in a person who has OCD.
..or Body Dysmorphic Dysorder. All of which...if undiagnosed and not treated...can be fatal.

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 02/12/10 03:46 PM

FORTHOREXIA, a controversial diagnosis characterized by an obsession with avoiding foods perceived to be unhealthy.

All this really is is Anorexia in a person who has OCD.
..or Body Dysmorphic Dysorder. All of which...if undiagnosed and not treated...can be fatal.

Yep. I'm surprised they came up with a special name for it. But, I guess it makes it easier for them to treat if they do that.

no photo
Fri 02/12/10 08:16 PM
THIS will probably start a new FAD and I smell a couple of best sellers here,,,,,sniff,sniff,,,,,laugh
PLUS, her OWN SHOW,,,as to stay FIT with Orthorexia!!!!
laugh laugh :banana: :banana: :banana:

Shasta1's photo
Wed 03/10/10 10:55 PM

It's a distortion of the truth..people get carried away. I would think there must be some illness (mentally) to do such a thing to themselves.
I'm a vegetarian, I use supplements, I don't eat dairy..I have made choices by learning what works best for my body. Not by what the food pyramid or anyone else tells me. If I ate according to the food pyramid I would be as big as the broad side of a barn door..and wouldn't feel well most of the time.

Or the portion sizes, don't forget that.
Learning to listen to your bodys' need instead of what commercialism attempts to instill in us. Haven't eaten 4 leggeds in 35 years, don't carry 3-4 lbs of unprocessed (by the body) of meat in my lower digestive system- frees up the rest of it to do it's job right. (Notice how alot of older people have a bulge in their lower abdomen?)
No one can tell others how to eat, I'm not a label watcher except for the fats and amount of chemicals. Know this sounds like a 'I'm smarter than you' statement, but it's not really. Just realized early how hard it is for our bodies to deal with all that red stuff. Disovered a long time agao that even our teeth are set up as grinders, we still have our incisors, left over for survival. JMO, not trying to get a veg/meat arguement started.