Topic: FUNNY PIC contest~ | |
Ok SheNerd and Bored which one of you lives closer to me Im near
Pittsburgh....we can't get together and make chocolates until we know where at.... |
I'm afraid he'll find out I sniffed all his coke...
I'm in Fatalville, home of the SheNerd and the 82nd Airborne...
what in the world is that yello pic supposed to be Bored
Bored, where are you when you're not in the catbox???
It's either an elephant or a very happy giraffe...
No, bc, that's my big boy!...a huge puppy
snuggles it's an elephant in a rain jacket!
am i missing sumthin
Oh geeze I think I need new glasses
Doctor you mean to tell me that is a REAL dog!? Wowwwwwwww
Hey snuggles and shenerd contact me by email regarding my location I'm a safe net geek |
hi itslaughable
Bored, do you actually know my ex-mother-in-law or did you just find her
picture in the Circus World magazine? |
so---what's the winner gonna get if the person wins first place?
yep....a big fur ball!
Will do that Bored, heading off for now, might be back later, just
feeling very tired tonight. hugs |
you come back snuggles!
Lex check this pic out |
Doctor I still can't believe that's a real dog..cute but creepy wowwwww
Everybody stnd back, she's gonna blow!!!