Topic: Unusually Blunt - part 2 | |
Is it all about drugs? |
It's about an addict, but the story rambles on, with no point. It's just depressing, no message in it, the worst part is that exactly what happens in the movie happens everday in real life with no exaggeration, just sad.
Ever see Boyz n The Hood? |
yep, great movie
ever walk into a glass door? |
Of course!
Have you ever tripped on your foot? |
almost a daily occurence
ever rip the butt out of your pants when you were far from home? |
![]() ever had someone stick something gross on you without you knowing? |
yep...friend stuck his finger in sour cream ran it down my back, I was wearing a black jacket....I looked like a 200 lb skunk lol
ever have a bird drop one on you? |
yep...friend stuck his finger in sour cream ran it down my back, I was wearing a black jacket....I looked like a 200 lb skunk lol ever have a bird drop one on you? OMG lolololol ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Have you ever had a blind date? |
yes just once and it made me wish I was blind.....and deaf
ever drop your keys down a hole? |
yes just once and it made me wish I was blind.....and deaf ever drop your keys down a hole? roflmao oh boy! ![]() Yes unfortunately and... go ahead guess...!! (It was a truck key that there was only ONE of... '67 Dodge Powerwagon 4X4 I'll never forget... lol). Have you ever been holding a baby at a family reunion or such, and had her/him pee or get sick on your nice fancy dressed self? ![]() |
Yes!....I have 3 son's it's like they know when you just bought new clothes!
ever open a diaper only to realize in horror that he's not finished as the fountain of youth nails you? |
Yes!....I have 3 son's it's like they know when you just bought new clothes! ever open a diaper only to realize in horror that he's not finished as the fountain of youth nails you? roflmao... lollolol I have FOUR! How about sleding... have you ever crashed bad while sleding? |
Came flying off right near the bottom, was layin there sucking wind and my kids were already halfway back up the hill yelling at me to hurry up lmao
if you fall and land on your butt which are you more concerned about 1: checking to see if your hurt 2: looking around to see if anybody saw you wipe out |
![]() Was in Kent,Ohio at a bar called Filthy McNasty`s. Snowed like hell all day. My buddy and I were leaving the bar at closing time. I fell flat on my azz. My buddy was laughing so damn hard he could not help me up off of the ground. In fact it was the night the American hockey team beat the Russians at Lake Placid in the 1980 winter olympics. Ever do that in front of people? |
I think I can remember a few nights like that.
Ever been too tired to sleep? |
About twice a week, lol.
Ever moved too much heavy stuff and cannot walk the next day? ![]() |
Yeah, once you hurt your back, it's never right again
Ever have a goal that you try to reach, but life just keeps throwing you obstacles? |
Yep. Owned a locksmith business and wanted to be able to hire a helper. I'd save enough to bring one in and some emergency would come up and I'd have to use the savings.
Do you try things you've never done before just for the experience? |
Back in the day. Yes.
Now. no. Ever been to a toga party? |
Ever help someone pee? |