Topic: Unusually Blunt - part 2 | |
None! 75 today!
Should gay marriage be legal? |
If the church recognizes it as such. The government has no right to tell us what is moral and not moral.
Do you think we will ever have another e-commerce boom? |
I have no clue, sorry.
Do you buy kleenex? |
Only their paper towels
Do you think it's possible for them to plow WITHOUT blocking my car in with all the snow? |
You'll have to let me know... lol! How much snow do you have? |
a few feet atleast
Will go into work for me, so I can go back to bed? |
Sure, I have a 4X4
What time? |
Ya don`t gotta cover me, I`m laid off.
Do you like working second shift? (afternoons) |
It's OK, I get to sleep in and it's more relaxed than 1st, but they're going to put me back on 1st once the new guy is trained.
Why does Google think I'm in chicago right now, when I'm in Northeast Ohio? Wait, where am I? |
Sure, I have a 4X4 What time? You have about 25 minutes, but you'll need my left index finger and my card. |
Sure, I have a 4X4 What time? You have about 25 minutes, but you'll need my left index finger and my card. I can't stand the sight of blood... sorry Don't work too hard and God speed! |
That's OK, it wouldn't have been very fun for you today anyway.
How many brothers fell victim to the streets? |
too many
how much do you really care? |
enough to worry, but not to tear.
Does ur bestfriend know u fart in the tub? |
If I rip them with him in the truck with me and the windows are rolled up, I'm sure he knows I would fart alone in the tub.
If you could get earned income credit for it, would you take in a homeless family? |
perhaps if I had an extra house..not in the house I live in
Do you talk to yourself? |
That is how I get some of my best answers.
Do you listen to the little voices? |
only the good voices
Ever scratch your butt and then end up with a brown stinky substance under your nail? |
Are farts lumpy? |
No, that would be a shart
Ever see the movie Cocaine Angel? |