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Topic: Met someone from Tell us your story!
vanchau's photo
Thu 10/05/06 05:04 PM

If has helped you meet someone special, please let us
know. We're looking for a few paragraphs to use as testimonials in a
page to help promote the site.

You don't need to mention names, just talk about your experience.

You can post here or send me an inbox message.


jen36's photo
Thu 10/05/06 05:48 PM
before i came to this site i was a lonely single mother of 2 boys.
now i have met the guy that makes me smile. i have just say hi to thank
for that. i continue to use the site to keep in touch with friends that
i have made on here and will continue to do so..thank you for having
such a wonderful site.

Ghostrecon's photo
Thu 10/05/06 08:48 PM
Hey! I've met a lot of good people here. I know that's probably isn't
the same but just thought I say its been a great experience just meeting
people from all walks of life. And no one has kicked my ass yet. LOL


Sportychic's photo
Thu 10/05/06 08:52 PM
should we be kicking your ass?

Ghostrecon's photo
Thu 10/05/06 09:33 PM
Hi Sportychic " should we be kicking your ass? "

It would probably be an improvement. LOL

Peachiepoohie's photo
Thu 10/05/06 09:37 PM
well, we could all probably use a good ass-kicking now and then...let's
you know you're still alive.

Never met anyone in person...yet. I will say that the people that I
have gotten to know on here are great, and I am glad that I decided to
check this site out. Sometimes it's nice to have the safety and
anonymity(sp?) of the internet.

no photo
Fri 10/06/06 12:04 AM
FullMetal says...

"I've only been with Just Say Hi for a short time, but I've already met
a number of very cool people on here... And with more features coming to
make people meeting, friend making and relationship creating even more
easy and accessible, I'm glad I signed up!" -=x

Peachiepoohie's photo
Fri 10/06/06 12:05 AM
Peachie says, after reading Full Metal's response:


no photo
Fri 10/06/06 12:15 AM
"Peachie says, after reading Full Metal's response:

"GAG!" "

lmao! Shush, woman...I get paid good money to shill for a product...and
this is a freebie! -=p

But seriously, what I said was true...I can't help it if my gawd honest
testimonial sounds like an ad campaign! -=x

no photo
Fri 10/06/06 12:16 AM

Peachiepoohie's photo
Fri 10/06/06 12:17 AM
Full Metal:

seriously...gag. love ya, but gag.

no photo
Fri 10/06/06 12:18 AM
GO 4 IT.

vanchau's photo
Fri 10/06/06 10:05 AM
Hey! Don't hijack my topic!

Please post "success" stories here.


Nervesgone's photo
Mon 04/16/07 09:41 AM
I was digging around some old post and thought I would comment and get
this one back up to the top. I have made a bunch of friends here. I have
not actually been eye to eye with anybody here. I have talked to a few
on the phone and still do occasionally. I mainly keep in touch right
here in the cyber world. Any way, I know a few here have actually met
and are still together or have plans of meeting with someone. Maybe Van
will tack this up for a while if some one dosent hi-jack it!

LMAOlaugh laugh

Sorry Van, guess I hi-jacked it. Maybe we can put a section on the site
for sucess stories. Just a thought.

drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

oldsage's photo
Mon 04/16/07 10:39 AM

I am a 56yr. old man, widowed almost 10yrs. I have bounced around
these "Dating Sites" for 6-8 yrs. I had just about given up, as it
seemed all of these sites were full of people looking to play games,
scamm people & B.S. people. I stumbled across "Just Say HI" & it struck
a note in my mind. I am not looking for a relationship/sig. other, just
want to meet people for good chat & friendship; all at a distance.
Seems I have found close to that in JSH. It is a group of all ages,
reasonable intelligence, well run & fun site. I have reccommended it to
several friends & recently a large group from another site have joined,
simply because they seem to like JSH better. I plan on staying & cudo's
for creation of a great site. JUST SAY HI.

no photo
Mon 04/16/07 10:44 AM
Ive belonged to other sites but have never met better people than I have
here. Young and old(ER) male and female everyone has a snse of
friendship and respect for the others on this site!! You acn find serius
discussions or just plain fun talk, I would reccomend it to everyone I

oldsage's photo
Mon 04/16/07 11:25 AM
Come on folks, lets see some GOOD comments in here & help the guys out.
They take good care of us, don't wee owe them our support?

purplecat's photo
Mon 04/16/07 12:15 PM
Hi guys .............

Well I met my soul mate here , He IM"D me ,,lol ,,, so lucky I answered
too cause some of those IM"z turn out to be such monsters ,,lol.. but I
answered ,,awww he was sooo sweet ,, we became fast friends , I think it
was love at first sight , but we talked as friends for weeks , till the
subject came up and we discussed that we where a little more then
friends just attracted to one another , we where falling madly in love
with each other ,, well now we are MADLY in love , talk every day and
are trying to plan for the future , and sort out how,, and where,, in
the world we will be together ....
we are far from each other but our hearts are together thanks to you
guys ( Vanchau and Mike ,at, Just say Hi ,it has made a new life for me
and I am very thankful to you guys !! ) I have hope ,,and someone who
cares very dearly for me and my family ,,you cant imagine how empty and
lonely I was,,,I'm disabled , an orphan ,,, and like has not been to
kind to me ,,thank you ,,((AGAIN)) my life has been enriched in many
ways here at Just Say Hi ,,I have soooooooooooo many wonderful friends
here too !! great support network !! oh I could go on and on ,,,lol ,,,

want more?? I am a great writer ,,and truly enriched ,,thanks


tantalizingtulip's photo
Mon 04/16/07 12:28 PM
ok I willflowerforyou when it happens

newguy's photo
Mon 04/16/07 12:46 PM
This sight is like no other that I've seen on the internet. I've been a
member for close to 9 months, and in that time I've met some pretty
amazing people from all walks of life. Male and female...young and old.
This sight allows us all to be on the same level...the human level.
I have made some great freinds on here and I've also found a certain
young lady here that's made my heart sing again. If it wasn't for
JSH...I don't think I would have ever found her. And to think she's only
a short 3 hour drive from me.
Thanks JSH.

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