Topic: Another Conversation With Myself
RawB's photo
Sat 01/09/10 09:15 AM
Logic- I've noticed you haven't been commenting on others poems and works
Greed- That's because I only care about mine... HELLO
Logic- But it's like they say, do onto others as you wish be done to you
Greed- or take it how it comes
Logic- Well that's neither fair nor logical
Anger-Would you PLEASE be quiet Einstein
Fear- ohh no, why are we always fighting, this is bad, very bad
Humor- HAHA I find it very amusing
Anger- AHH clowns, the lot of you!
Logic- I believe that it phrased, you are all clowns
Anger- Shut your mouth when you speak to me
Logic- How does that make any sense?
Depression- Just end it all, woe is me
Greed- No way, I have way too much to live for
Anger- Oh yeah, there's so much here for you, like a knuckle sandwich
Peace- Peace be with you brothers, let us take a deep breath and...
Logic- why must you always bash him?
Anger- you're the genius here, figure it out
Humor- Haha, me thinks someone has his underpants in a twist because Daisy over there always ends up winning the arguments with Einstein HAHA
Anger- I will ruin you joker, I will obliterate every thing that is you AHH dskfjgshfgu!
Humor-HAHA was that english or did logic just leave the building haha
Fear- oh no, omg omg omg ahHH
Courage- Be not afraid little Fear, for I am here (trumpets play)
Love- Greetings courage, we sure swept those damsels off their feet the other night
Logic- well of course, his strong jaw line and confidence with your passion
Greed- Sounds like my kind of odds
Anger- They didn't even get any, stop bragging you twits
Courage- How dare you speak to me in such a tone, let us settle this outside
Fear- oh no, oh no, very bad
Peace- How about lets all give each other a great big hug and..
Humor- muwahahAHAHA the suspense is killing us
Greed- I have $20 on Courage, Anger always blanks out and go down in the second
Logic- I'll take that bet, might as well live a little
Depression- I can't handle it, day after day, waisted
Anger- oh no no no, those four years you had control was the waist buddy, you have no more say here, I can't believe I had to drop kick you out of the chair
Logic- I still don't understand why I should not be the one in charge here
Anger-oh and what, walk around all day like a robot, all beep beep bop like, NO WAY!
Greed- I say leave it to me, I'll handle this
Logic- Not going to happen
Fear- please don't pick me, please don't pick me
Courage- I vote me
Peace- Only with me can we be truly happy
Humor- Haha, now that's funny
Love- I love it
Anger- AHHH!!!! Dr.Seuss over here is going to get a beat down
Courage- Fear not I will protect you
Fear- Oh no, don't mention me, no no no
Logic- That's it, I'm out of here
Humor- That's the smartest thing you've said all day HAHA!


tanyaann's photo
Sat 01/09/10 09:24 AM

Xposed75's photo
Sat 01/09/10 09:46 AM
Ur pic reminded me Raiden from Mortal Combat 2 when he communicated with the Gods....sigh

Tbh with u..with so many diferent guys for a discusion, ur mind will blow up. U should have a chancellor to cordinate the discusion...

I vote for Logic.

I hope when u taking a decision... u dont have all these guys whispering to ur ear..

Imagine u bring the lady home after a nice 1st date dinner. U stop the car and she tells u "well... was lovely 2night" and she stares at u. In that momemt comes the dilemma... kiss her or not? I dont wona think how long is gona take ur council of feelings to come to a decision.

Thats why u need a chancellor.