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Topic: What is Christianity good for?
Ruth34611's photo
Fri 12/25/09 07:24 AM
Sorry about the title...but if I posted something nice, no one would look here. :tongue:

In honor of the Christian holiday, Christmas, I would like to take the time to say what I think are some of the good things Christianity has brought to the rest of the world.

I think Christianity has inspired some of the most beautiful and breathtaking pieces of music and art I have ever seen. I can sit for hours at the museum looking at the beautiful paintings based on Biblical stories, Jesus, God and the Virgin Mary. And, Handel's Messiah is one of my all time favorite pieces of music. This year I have been listening to Bach's Christmas Oratorio. love

If you would like to contribute to this thread, please do so, but no comments about what is bad about Christianity.

And, to all those who went out of their way to wish me a Happy Yule/Winter Solstice and to Christians everywhere.......MERRY CHRISTMAS! flowerforyou

Fri 12/25/09 07:30 AM
Merry Christmas Ruth !flowerforyou

tanyaann's photo
Fri 12/25/09 08:25 AM
Happy WS! smooched

And thank you for wanting to celebrate the good in mine and other's holiday! bigsmile

msharmony's photo
Fri 12/25/09 08:57 AM
christianity, that is to say loving christ and following his word, brings a foundation of love and compassion and charity to many communities. It also brings a structure within the family which contributes to strong communities and healthy children and productive adults.

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 12/25/09 10:49 AM

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 12/25/09 06:31 PM
Bumped for the last couple hours of Christmas Day. :smile:

Dragoness's photo
Fri 12/25/09 06:46 PM
There are a few doctrines in Christianity that are positive and conducive to good interactions with others.

As for Christ's birthday, it isn't actually on the 25th of December, that idea just came up because they wanted the pagans to convert since they already celebrated on the winter solstice.

I was raised on Christmas and Christianity so I do have memories from it that are good.

Whoever created the story of Christ's birth was a genius, it is a moving story so that is a good thing.

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 12/25/09 06:52 PM

There are a few doctrines in Christianity that are positive and conducive to good interactions with others.

As for Christ's birthday, it isn't actually on the 25th of December, that idea just came up because they wanted the pagans to convert since they already celebrated on the winter solstice.

I was raised on Christmas and Christianity so I do have memories from it that are good.

Whoever created the story of Christ's birth was a genius, it is a moving story so that is a good thing.

You get an "A" for effort! :tongue: laugh flowerforyou

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 12/25/09 06:54 PM
Edited by CowboyGH on Fri 12/25/09 06:57 PM
christianity is good for giving us the knowledge of what we are to be, what we are to do, and how to do it to recieve the greatest blessing of all ........ going to heaven after we pass away here on earth.

Christmas is a good thing that came of christianity but it's been over taken by communistic money grubbers. That's why they invented Santa Clause and all that, so that non christians can still celebrate there own form of christmas.

But it all still boils down that Christmas is the celebration of Jesus our savior.

Christianity teaches us how to look at the blessings in life rather then that bad things that happen in our lives. And how to handle the bad things that happen so that something good comes of it.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 12/25/09 06:55 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Fri 12/25/09 06:56 PM

There are a few doctrines in Christianity that are positive and conducive to good interactions with others.

As for Christ's birthday, it isn't actually on the 25th of December, that idea just came up because they wanted the pagans to convert since they already celebrated on the winter solstice.

I was raised on Christmas and Christianity so I do have memories from it that are good.

Whoever created the story of Christ's birth was a genius, it is a moving story so that is a good thing.

You get an "A" for effort! :tongue: laugh flowerforyou

slaphead :wink: :thumbsup:

EquusDancer's photo
Sat 12/26/09 01:56 AM
And of course, Happy Birthday to Sol Invictus and Mithra, who's birthdays actually WERE celebrated on Dec 25th by the Romans, before the Church thieved it away!

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 12/26/09 02:10 AM
Those I know who are true in their religious/Christian convictions are generally happy people. They have a faith in something that brings them comfort and peace. I would be the first to say that if your happy and at peace with something, then by all means it has been a good thing for you.

michiganman3's photo
Sat 12/26/09 02:59 PM
Various Christian Churches and organizations provide no cost-low cost services to the needy and poor in almost every community they present in.

When I was hungry, you fed me,
When I was thirsty, you gave me water,
When I was in jail, you visited me,
Naked you clothed me.

For what you do to the least of you, you do unto me also.

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 12/27/09 10:08 AM

Various Christian Churches and organizations provide no cost-low cost services to the needy and poor in almost every community they present in.

When I was hungry, you fed me,
When I was thirsty, you gave me water,
When I was in jail, you visited me,
Naked you clothed me.

For what you do to the least of you, you do unto me also.


Yamin's photo
Sun 12/27/09 07:29 PM
Edited by Yamin on Sun 12/27/09 07:34 PM

X-Tianity brainwashes people and turns them into idol worshipping zombies. It casts it evil spell on the unsuspecting eager and gulleable worshipper with its man made traditions and customs,mesmerizing them while filling their itchy ears with sweet and cuddly teddy bear lies of doctrines of demons. No wonder the Most High Command in the book of revelation "come out of her my people lest you share of her sins and plagues" X-Tianity is riddled with homo pastors and priest who have no business on the pulpit calling themselves to do the Master's work.what an abomination. christian woman usurp the authority over man with positions of leadership praying and prophsying with their head uncovered.The greedy pastors steal money from their congregants growing richer while their church members get poorer. and they dont offer money when someone needs help.The woman come to church poorly dressed, half naked jumping up and down fallin out all over people. the entire church take trips to casinos and gamble all their tithe money away.pastors become multi millionares ,they church grows bigger and they con money out of people makin them feel guilty if they dont give anything. what a joke. Is this what you call religion. Is this what will get you into heaven. I dont think so. wake up people those blind pastors leading the blind flock right into the hot pit.

The thread was not meant to be negative. People are flawed and therefore make mistakes, whether they claim Christianity or not. But there are doctrines of Christianity that encourage love, charity, and responsbility that are good philosophies regardless of who takes credit. As for me, I do not care how rich someone becomes so long as they are using their riches to help others and bring them closer to God.

you live in a bubble that will one day burst explode and then your eyes will truly be opened.

msharmony's photo
Sun 12/27/09 07:32 PM

X-Tianity brainwashes people and turns them into idol worshipping zombies. It casts it evil spell on the unsuspecting eager and gulleable worshipper with its man made traditions and customs,mesmerizing them while filling their itchy ears with sweet and cuddly teddy bear lies of doctrines of demons. No wonder the Most High Command in the book of revelation "come out of her my people lest you share of her sins and plagues" X-Tianity is riddled with homo pastors and priest who have no business on the pulpit calling themselves to do the Master's work.what an abomination. christian woman usurp the authority over man with positions of leadership praying and prophsying with their head uncovered.The greedy pastors steal money from their congregants growing richer while their church members get poorer. and they dont offer money when someone needs help.The woman come to church poorly dressed, half naked jumping up and down fallin out all over people. the entire church take trips to casinos and gamble all their tithe money away.pastors become multi millionares ,they church grows bigger and they con money out of people makin them feel guilty if they dont give anything. what a joke. Is this what you call religion. Is this what will get you into heaven. I dont think so. wake up people those blind pastors leading the blind flock right into the hot pit.

The thread was not meant to be negative. People are flawed and therefore make mistakes, whether they claim Christianity or not. But there are doctrines of Christianity that encourage love, charity, and responsbility that are good philosophies regardless of who takes credit. As for me, I do not care how rich someone becomes so long as they are using their riches to help others and bring them closer to God.

you live in a bubble that will one day burst and then your eyes will truly be opened.

I live in the world that you do,, hopefully all our eyes will be opened while there is still time

Yamin's photo
Sun 12/27/09 07:33 PM
X-Tianity is good for nothing.devil

Yamin's photo
Sun 12/27/09 07:38 PM

X-Tianity brainwashes people and turns them into idol worshipping zombies. It casts it evil spell on the unsuspecting eager and gulleable worshipper with its man made traditions and customs,mesmerizing them while filling their itchy ears with sweet and cuddly teddy bear lies of doctrines of demons. No wonder the Most High Command in the book of revelation "come out of her my people lest you share of her sins and plagues" X-Tianity is riddled with homo pastors and priest who have no business on the pulpit calling themselves to do the Master's work.what an abomination. christian woman usurp the authority over man with positions of leadership praying and prophsying with their head uncovered.The greedy pastors steal money from their congregants growing richer while their church members get poorer. and they dont offer money when someone needs help.The woman come to church poorly dressed, half naked jumping up and down fallin out all over people. the entire church take trips to casinos and gamble all their tithe money away.pastors become multi millionares ,they church grows bigger and they con money out of people makin them feel guilty if they dont give anything. what a joke. Is this what you call religion. Is this what will get you into heaven. I dont think so. wake up people those blind pastors leading the blind flock right into the hot pit.

The thread was not meant to be negative. People are flawed and therefore make mistakes, whether they claim Christianity or not. But there are doctrines of Christianity that encourage love, charity, and responsbility that are good philosophies regardless of who takes credit. As for me, I do not care how rich someone becomes so long as they are using their riches to help others and bring them closer to God.

you live in a bubble that will one day burst and then your eyes will truly be opened.

I live in the world that you do,, hopefully all our eyes will be opened while there is still time

if your not willing to take your shades off glasses in the dark , then how can you truly see.lest your vision is distorted.

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 12/27/09 07:51 PM
Why should I be surprised? ohwell

The fighting will never end. The hate, the back stabbing and the tearing of people to shreds will never end. There isn't enough love in the world to balance out the hate. :cry:

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 12/27/09 07:52 PM
for what it is worth Ruth, I thought this thread was a wonderful sentiment flowerforyou

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