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Topic: Turn the other cheek
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Fri 06/08/07 09:32 AM
Jesus taught the following lesson

Matthew 5:38-39
You have heard that it was said, 'AN EYE FOR AN EYE, AND A TOOTH FOR A
TOOTH.' But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever
slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.

This verse has many different interpretations, but only one translation
that takes into account the rest of the Bible.

Luke 22:36
He said to them, "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag;
and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.

Matthew 5:38-39 tempers Luke 22:36 and Luke 22:36 clarifies Matthew

There is also the fact that Jesus said "You have heard" instead of "It
is written". These scriptures put together reveal the true meaning
behind what Jesus taught.

Luke 22:36 reveals that Jesus gives us the right and responsiblity to
protect ourselves and others. Matthew 5:38-39 shows that when a life
isn't in danger, we should not use force. Because Jesus said "You have
heard", we know that Jesus wasn't talking about what the Torah teaches,
he was speaking out against vigilantism. The Laws were given to Israel
the nation, not the Israelite people. It is the government's place to
enforce the laws, but each person has a right and responsilbity to
protect human life. Jesus teaching people to "Turn the other cheek" is
not a repudiation of the Law. Jesus believed in the Law, because he
wrote it. He was telling the people that the government enforces the
law, not the individual people.

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Fri 06/08/07 09:36 AM

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flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou :heart: :heart:

no photo
Sun 06/10/07 03:56 PM
umm kay

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sun 06/10/07 04:06 PM
do you actually do it on a daily basis?
do you actually follow the teachings of Our Lord day by day?



no photo
Sun 06/10/07 04:07 PM
do you?

no photo
Sun 06/10/07 05:47 PM

I'm 6'4" and 280 pounds and I'm a computer programmer. It's been a long
time since anyone decided to strike me, but I have always refused to
fight. My high pain tolerance and high testosterone levels makes most
fights unfair. But, I think you are talking about verbal assault,
right? Jesus verbally assualted people who deserved it throughout his
recorded life. Jesus had a very sharp tongue. Now, I realize that
Jesus taught us to always interact with others in love. I try, I really
do. But I'm still human. Jesus has made amazing changes to my life,
but I'm not perfect and never will be. All I can do is what I can do,
if you know what I mean. I think my temper improves with every day that
I walk in Christ, but I still sometimes fall. You know what the nice
thing is about Jesus? No matter how many times that I fall, the fall
isn't what matters, the fact that I TRIED is what matters to Him.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sun 06/10/07 06:07 PM
1. I don't because I'm human, I will fail over and over. What my Lord
meassures is my will and how hard I fight myself.

2. If we recognize we christians are not perfect, who gave us moral
authority to be judges of those who don't believe in CHrist as his/her
Why do we say "You sinner recognize Jesus as your savior or you will got
to hells."
WHy do we get sarcastic when somebody post something that goes against
our believe in the Lord?
Are we really giving the other cheek?
Are we really being a Christ's follower?



no photo
Sun 06/10/07 06:18 PM

Q: Why do we say "You sinner recognize Jesus as your savior or you will
got to hells."

A: Because Jesus told us to. If your neighbor's house was burning down
with him in it, would you not tell him because he might be offended?

Q: WHy do we get sarcastic when somebody post something that goes
against our believe in the Lord?

A: I don't know that we do. I know that I have attacked back when
Christianity was attacked, on occation. I see attacks against Christian
beliefs on here daily and rarely respond. The most important thing is
that we try.

Q: Are we really giving the other cheek?

A: As much as is possible for us, being flawed humans.

Q: Are we really being a Christ's follower?

A: Yes, I think so. We are perfected in Christ, that doesn't mean we
are perfect.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sun 06/10/07 06:22 PM
I will just address one point.
When Our Lord JesusChrist was being judge by the roman emperor, and he
was being humilliated did he attack back?



TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sun 06/10/07 06:23 PM
call somebody pathetic, is not defending my faith.
it's a direct attak to that individual

no photo
Sun 06/10/07 06:30 PM

No, he didn't.

I agree, it's not a positive behavior and does not reflect well on

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sun 06/10/07 06:31 PM
God bless u my brother spider

creativesoul's photo
Sun 06/10/07 06:35 PM
May God bless you friends

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sun 06/10/07 06:36 PM
the same for u creativesoul

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sun 06/10/07 07:22 PM
just for the sake of my credibility
i didn't mean "roman emperor"
I meant "roman governor"

A_Midsummers_Dream's photo
Sun 06/10/07 07:33 PM
Through this thread I am some what confused. I don't know what TLW's
religion is and I do not know what Spider's religion is, but what I am
hearing from both men is that they believe in a God who understands that
mistakes can be made. Very rarely do people truely live their life to
the T of what we are taught God wants. Any God who is suppossed to be
all forgiving and aawwwwww inspiring should understand in the end that
the belief in anything is what matters, regardless of the name one
chooses to worship it bye.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sun 06/10/07 07:36 PM
I'm a catholic
And the only thing I stand for is the fact that each individual is free
to choose his/her beliefs regardless if this belief is different from
mine. HE or she still will be my brother or sister.
ANd just the mere fact that he or she does not believe in the same as me
does not means that he or she is going to hell.
Therefore, I try to be more open to new knowledge.



A_Midsummers_Dream's photo
Sun 06/10/07 07:49 PM

with minds like yours,ABs, and many more, this world might began to
understand that the boundries they place on things like religion and
race are placed there by themselves. Perhaps with more like you they'll
began to remove these boundries that have been there for generations and
we will form a more unified world.



no photo
Sun 06/10/07 07:55 PM

Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.

Non-Christians are a law unto themselves.

I don't know what the second part means completely, but I would guess
it's possible for some non-Christians to come into Heaven. What I do
know is that Christians have their sin debt paid by Jesus, so far more
Christians than non-Christians will enter Heaven.

Also, you have to understand this: The Law and the teachings of Jesus
are supposed to be an unattainable goal. Who has never lusted? How has
never been angry with someone? Who has never looked at something I
wished it was yours? Who has never been jealous. "Let him without sin
throw the first stone", but what does that tell us? That NOBODY is
without sin. The Law is there to break you, so that you will admit your
weakness and give yourself to Jesus. You should try to live your life
by the Law, but you should understand that you will fail.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sun 06/10/07 07:58 PM
Spider Jesus is universal
not just for a class

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