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msharmony's photo
Wed 12/16/09 03:11 PM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 12/16/09 03:14 PM
Does anyone else find the OVERWHELMING number of females who are unsure of their childs father to be a disturbing sign of how 'casual' sex has become in this society? Or how,there is a direct correlation between the numbers of homes without fathers and any number of and the numbers of malnourished, undisciplined and unstable, suicidal and violent, children?

I cannot prove a cause and effect between the minimalizing of sex and the numbers of broken homes but it is saddening and discouraging to read the numbers.

There is also another disturbing trend, people old enough to MAKE babies but not to understand where babies come from.. that is to say,,people who look at a NEWBORN child and compare features or look at someone elses baby and insist it cant be theirs because of physical features. People still dont understand that a child can look like either parent,,(including that parents race), both parents, or might not look like either parent but a grandparent instead?

I used to get so offended at people determining whether or not MJS kids were his because of what they 'looked' like as babies did not 'look like' me (The adult me)when they were born, although they looked like my baby pics.

Sorry, just venting,,,some other thread put Maury Povich on my mind.

no photo
Wed 12/16/09 03:13 PM
Who that is?,Yo baby daddy.....:banana:

no photo
Wed 12/16/09 03:14 PM
i have always wondered how someone could not know who the father of their baby is. maybe i am wrong but if the woman is out having sex that much and that often...why not take precautions? it only takes less than a minute to put on a condom or do whatever a woman needs to do to not get i right?

msharmony's photo
Wed 12/16/09 03:16 PM

i have always wondered how someone could not know who the father of their baby is. maybe i am wrong but if the woman is out having sex that much and that often...why not take precautions? it only takes less than a minute to put on a condom or do whatever a woman needs to do to not get i right?

I feel you are totally right. I dont understand it either. When I was younger and 'dating' I never ever began a new intimate relationship without having had at least two cycles. (sorry if thats tmi). That some women apparently have unprotected sex with two or more guys in ONE month still astounds me in this day of disease.

no photo
Wed 12/16/09 03:18 PM
that is never can never know enough.

no photo
Wed 12/16/09 03:19 PM
Edited by Calleigh12 on Wed 12/16/09 03:20 PM
You're assuming slutty women are responsible. I've never known any who were. I used to be friends with a woman who had to get a DNA test to find out her who her kid's dad was 'cause she banged two guys- one right after the other and got preggers. ohwell

no photo
Wed 12/16/09 03:20 PM
wow...i have no idea on what to say about that...

Jennerling's photo
Wed 12/16/09 03:21 PM
You are NOT the father:banana: laugh :laughing: rofl

no photo
Wed 12/16/09 03:22 PM

You are NOT the father:banana: laugh :laughing: rofl

Ohhhhh....THANK GOD....:banana:

Jennerling's photo
Wed 12/16/09 03:25 PM
Tee hee

no photo
Wed 12/16/09 03:26 PM

wow...i have no idea on what to say about that... many train wrecks, so little time.....

no photo
Wed 12/16/09 03:29 PM

wow...i have no idea on what to say about that... many train wrecks, so little time.....


no photo
Wed 12/16/09 03:29 PM

...the cause: SELFISHNESS...smokin

Jtevans's photo
Wed 12/16/09 03:30 PM just shows not enough women take it in the screamer....

no photo
Wed 12/16/09 03:31 PM

wow...i have no idea on what to say about that... many train wrecks, so little time.....

whoa scared laugh

no photo
Wed 12/16/09 03:32 PM just shows not enough women take it in the screamer....

hahaha, lol....

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 12/16/09 03:34 PM

Does anyone else find the OVERWHELMING number of females who are unsure of their childs father to be a disturbing sign of how 'casual' sex has become in this society? Or how,there is a direct correlation between the numbers of homes without fathers and any number of and the numbers of malnourished, undisciplined and unstable, suicidal and violent, children?

I cannot prove a cause and effect between the minimalizing of sex and the numbers of broken homes but it is saddening and discouraging to read the numbers.

There is also another disturbing trend, people old enough to MAKE babies but not to understand where babies come from.. that is to say,,people who look at a NEWBORN child and compare features or look at someone elses baby and insist it cant be theirs because of physical features. People still dont understand that a child can look like either parent,,(including that parents race), both parents, or might not look like either parent but a grandparent instead?

I used to get so offended at people determining whether or not MJS kids were his because of what they 'looked' like as babies did not 'look like' me (The adult me)when they were born, although they looked like my baby pics.

Sorry, just venting,,,some other thread put Maury Povich on my mind.


no photo
Wed 12/16/09 03:41 PM


msharmony's photo
Wed 12/16/09 03:47 PM


lol, is that his real number?

wux's photo
Wed 12/16/09 04:03 PM

Does anyone else find the OVERWHELMING number of females who are unsure of their childs father to be a disturbing sign of how 'casual' sex has become in this society?

I don't know your background, OP, or your foreground, but where I live and with the people I interact with, it is never brought up by any woman, "I wonder who the father of my baby is?" I am not saying there is less screwing around here, but people here are more polite than to openly question the bastardness of their own children.

So no, I don't find it overwhelming, the number of females who are unsure of their children's fathers.

Where do you live and who are your friends?

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