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Topic: I had to keep my mouth shut
Fanta46's photo
Wed 12/16/09 10:08 PM
We could compare this mans predicament to the Health Care debate.

By denying Equal Health Care to all. Limiting it instead by whether or not a person can afford it or not, we are effectively imprisoning a very large percentage of people simply because of their social position.

Isn't that what happened to the man in the story?
His social standing prevented him from obtaining adequate legal protection and he was unjustly imprisoned.

Fanta46's photo
Wed 12/16/09 10:10 PM

He deserves every penny he gets........smokin

It's a start anyway!

How do we value a life?

Many in the AMA want to limit Medical liabilty law suits at $250 k.
Regardless of whether their incompetence killed a patient or not.
the problem is tho that the cost of insurance for doctors gets so high because of so many frivilous lawsuits that they can't even afford to practice.

Have you ever tried to bring a medical law suit against a Dr.?
It's not so easy.
Frivolous law suits are just an excuse for incompetence.

Drs., just like the courts don't want to be held accountable for their incompetence.

Not easy???

Dude, there are sleazy lawyers out there who will sue for ANYTHING at the drop of a hat because they know if they beat the doctor, they'll get a nice fat commission from it.

Cant bring a case to court without just cause.
It can't happen.

Fanta46's photo
Wed 12/16/09 10:13 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Wed 12/16/09 10:14 PM
If the drs actions result in the death of your loved one, a child, mother, father, brother, sister, etc., who has the right to put a monetary limit on that life or call it frivolous?

JustAGuy2112's photo
Wed 12/16/09 10:15 PM
Edited by JustAGuy2112 on Wed 12/16/09 10:15 PM
Average Malpractice Insurance Premiums for Doctors in DC...Maryland and Virginia.

General surgery D.C. $69,270 Maryland $64,919 Virginia $56,163

Ob-gyn D.C. $139,528 Maryland $143,477 Virginia $85,297

Orthopedic surgery D.C. $94,362 Maryland $64,919 Virginia $72,029

Neurosurgery D.C. $140,532 Maryland $94,359 Virginia $115,388

Is it any wonder why Doctors have to charge so much for their services??

Jill298's photo
Wed 12/16/09 10:16 PM

If the drs actions result in the death of your loved one, a child, mother, father, brother, sister, etc., who has the right to put a monetary limit on that life or call it frivolous?
people die. They go into hospitals and die all the time. If the hospital or doctor caused the death of that the patient, then by all means... sue away.

Fanta46's photo
Wed 12/16/09 10:33 PM

If the drs actions result in the death of your loved one, a child, mother, father, brother, sister, etc., who has the right to put a monetary limit on that life or call it frivolous?
people die. They go into hospitals and die all the time. If the hospital or doctor caused the death of that the patient, then by all means... sue away.

They don't die naturally from the things the Dr's are being sued for.
For instance, it isn't natural for a child to die when they are given an adult dose of medication.
It isn't natural for a patient to die because a surgical instrument is left in their body after an appendectomy.
It isn't natural for a person to die because their good left kidney was removed instead of their bad right one.
Etc. Etc. Etc.

Isn't it kinda hypocritical to say that this man deserves to be payed for the courts mistake and that a Dr. shouldn't be when he kills a patient?

I know a young woman who has walked around for 24 yrs with a scar on her face. A scar caused because a Dr. performing an unnecessary C-Section, he had a golf game to get to, cut to deep.

Or not?

Fanta46's photo
Wed 12/16/09 10:34 PM

If the drs actions result in the death of your loved one, a child, mother, father, brother, sister, etc., who has the right to put a monetary limit on that life or call it frivolous?
people die. They go into hospitals and die all the time. If the hospital or doctor caused the death of that the patient, then by all means... sue away.

They want to limit that life to $250k though.

Maybe that's all this man should get too?

Fanta46's photo
Wed 12/16/09 10:39 PM
At least the guy had 28 years of good health care.
Many in America never get that!

JustAGuy2112's photo
Thu 12/17/09 08:34 PM
I know a young woman who has walked around for 24 yrs with a scar on her face. A scar caused because a Dr. performing an unnecessary C-Section, he had a golf game to get to, cut to deep.

Or not?

Ummmm...considering that C Sections aren't performed on a woman's face....yeah......

That one would probably be pretty frivolous.

InvictusV's photo
Thu 12/17/09 09:15 PM

$50k for each year is NOTHING for that, for the most part. I sure as hell wouldn't take that kind of money for losing what could have been the best years of my life! But, how was he doing when he got arrested? Was he a drop-out, druggie welfare bum and slim chances of going anywhere or had an impressive education and making $250k per year and only going up? If up to that point his whole life consisted of nothing but public assistance and at best part time at McD's, it's a toss up. There's no doubt though, SOMEBODY(s) should be held accountable for the whole thing and should come back to THEM! An innocent man should not be put away for 28 years(or any amount of time) without repercussions. Most of us know that our legal system is WAY FLAWED and there are only so many excuses for that!

Happens more than most realize...

It sure does, especially after 9/11. Currently there's over 1500 sitting in GTMO that were picked up AKA kidnapped for doing nothing other than being arab and muslim. The most famous case, is one in Canada that was released 2 years ago that was picked up in in 2002 on no charges, no evidence, and tortured just because he had a similar name to a "suspected" member of Al Qaeda and all the Bush admin had to say was "my bad"..no compensation..nothing. At least this man was compensated, most aren't that get in his situation.

are you referring to Maher Arar? the US had no idea who he was until canadian intelligence officers passed along falsified information about him. maybe when you discuss the "most famous case" be a little more accurate in relating the true story.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 12/17/09 09:25 PM

I know a young woman who has walked around for 24 yrs with a scar on her face. A scar caused because a Dr. performing an unnecessary C-Section, he had a golf game to get to, cut to deep.

Or not?

Ummmm...considering that C Sections aren't performed on a woman's face....yeah......

That one would probably be pretty frivolous.

The young woman was the baby.
The Dr. cut too deep and the girl was born needing stitches!

JustAGuy2112's photo
Thu 12/17/09 09:28 PM

I know a young woman who has walked around for 24 yrs with a scar on her face. A scar caused because a Dr. performing an unnecessary C-Section, he had a golf game to get to, cut to deep.

Or not?

Ummmm...considering that C Sections aren't performed on a woman's face....yeah......

That one would probably be pretty frivolous.

The young woman was the baby.
The Dr. cut too deep and the girl was born needing stitches!

Ah ok.

Well...the fact is that plastic surgery works wonders. The doctor should have been held responsible for those costs and a reasonable amount for injury.

What would be reasonable?? Beats me.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 12/17/09 09:36 PM
The courts told the baby's parents they couldn't sue.

Like I said, the case has to be accepted by the court first.

The court said it would be up to the baby to sue when she turned 18, and then she would have to show just cause.

The young lady is one of my nieces.
The scar is still visible although she has never sued.
She's happy, attractive, and now has two daughters of her own.

The Dr died about 10 years ago anyway.

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