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Topic: uncaring hospital employees
Duffy's photo
Tue 12/15/09 01:14 PM
this is not about healthcare....

this is about a medical care facility that did not adequately do their job, and a little girl who could have been put in ICU or neo natal incubator, but she died. who is at fault here?

can u be pregnant and not know it...well plenty of people have been pregnant, and then give birth....

the question is here did she know it or not....only she knows, and her medical records....pitchfork such a pity..tears

willing2's photo
Tue 12/15/09 01:19 PM

people have to keep in mind

there is no such thing as quick care in a hospital emergency room

they are over crowded and swamped with people using them as a primary care physician.

I agree she should have been seen quicker. but for anything thats not life threatening a 8 hour wait is average

Reasons for healthcare reform with a public option.

Ok, so adding 12 million illegals to the line awaiting helthcare is going to make ER's less crowded? *sigh*...

$.02 drinker

That will not be affected one way or the other by the public option or healthcare reform.

No illegals are covered under the healthcare reform so they will still be showing up at the hospitals to be treated.

If we don't stop the employers from hiring them here, this problem will never end.

Tell Hussein to tell Napalatino to enforce the freakin' Law.

Duffy's photo
Thu 12/17/09 12:28 PM
well let us ask the question again....

how many out there in mingle2.com have been pregnant and did not know it?
me, i have birth to a 9 l/2 lb pound girl, and i will tell you one thing, from the night we plunked, i knew there was something different. hell, i was pregnant on the first boink that is what was different.
then, i started feeling funny...urpie is more like it. now what could that be...well an alien hiding in my body.
then, my stomach started to pooch like a balloon, and i knew something was in there, but i kept telling myself, well i have put on some weight here. nah i can't be for i am a nice unmarried girl, and this could not happen 2 me. WRONG.

then, when the puking started, i definitely knew that something was amiss, and by that time, my pants would not close. and then, i could not bend over, because i felt faint. so i tried to wear my famous hollywood girdle that held it all in, and faint i did in church. by this time, she started to grow, and she did not like being confined by that girdle. sometimes, she did not like the food i ate, so she would make me throw it up, because she had lots of hair. and she did not like spicy foods, but she liked cottage cheese. sound familiar. definitely hated pickles and ice cream.
what i am trying to relate is that even with a l lb baby, the body goes through changes, and the mother knows there is something lurking in there.
jesus mary and joseph. u put something in, something comes out.
the mother had to have known something was amiss...

Fanta46's photo
Thu 12/17/09 02:48 PM

that is partly the hospitals fault

and partly the couple's fault

the emergency staff should have attended to them a bit quicker but she wasn't in actual life threatening danger until the moment of the actual birth

but the couple should have stayed there and waited for the system to process them. It was mostly their impatience that killed the baby

I understand that except it happened here in Las Vegas and the UMC in question is a QUICK CARE facility, there is no way they should have made this couple believe they could potentially wait six I hours.I think lots of heads will roll on this one.

Wait. If Obummercare passes, it'll get a lot worse.

I dont think the issue of reform or non reform has anything to do with the existence of uncaring people in the medical field.

I don't see proof that they were uncaring.

msharmony's photo
Thu 12/17/09 03:09 PM

that is partly the hospitals fault

and partly the couple's fault

the emergency staff should have attended to them a bit quicker but she wasn't in actual life threatening danger until the moment of the actual birth

but the couple should have stayed there and waited for the system to process them. It was mostly their impatience that killed the baby

I understand that except it happened here in Las Vegas and the UMC in question is a QUICK CARE facility, there is no way they should have made this couple believe they could potentially wait six I hours.I think lots of heads will roll on this one.

Wait. If Obummercare passes, it'll get a lot worse.

I dont think the issue of reform or non reform has anything to do with the existence of uncaring people in the medical field.

I don't see proof that they were uncaring.

I was not there and am only going by 'witness' accounts myself. The woman was apparently in intense pain moaning and crying enough for other PATRONS to be concerned,,but the attendants didnt even bother to just take a MOMENT to check her. It would not have hurt and if nothing was serious they could have let her sit down and continue working. I know at my hospital they would have done so. I find the attitude they appeared to have 'too bad , sit down and wait' to be uncaring.

markumX's photo
Thu 12/17/09 03:18 PM
I wonder if people like Glenn Beck's ever been to medical facilities outside of the U.S. They love to preach that medical staff will be mediocre if reform is passed and claim universal hc is subpar to ours..not true, in France i got care and didn't pay a dime and everyone was so nice..noone walked around with a stick up their arse. People here in the states are rude and misdiagnose all the time. They misdiagnosed when i had a staph infection in my foot and almost died because of it.
A month ago i was in a motorcycle wreck where i was hit by a hit and run driver, and my bills have piled up...my PRIVATE insurance stated because i knew the dangers of riding a motorcycle, i wouldn't be covered..only my medication will i have a co pay...if this had happened in France, Sweeden, or England...i'd have no bills whatsoever.

Duffy's photo
Fri 12/18/09 03:29 PM
well back to medical malpractice lawsuit we go.

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