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Topic: Do you think I need a
markc48's photo
Sat 12/05/09 06:34 PM
Haircut to go on Judge Judy.

ujGearhead's photo
Sat 12/05/09 06:35 PM
Nah. Just ponytail it. You wouldn't be seeing me get a haircut for court!

seamac's photo
Sat 12/05/09 06:37 PM
Pony tail.

cherie091279's photo
Sat 12/05/09 06:38 PM
Pony tail for sure..don't cut it.

no photo
Sat 12/05/09 06:39 PM
Pony Tail!drinks

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 12/05/09 06:50 PM
Tie it back with a pretty ribbon...:wink:

chickayoshi's photo
Sat 12/05/09 06:50 PM
Are you going on Judge Judy?

TxsSun's photo
Sat 12/05/09 06:51 PM
I love Judge Judy. Can I go with you?

juniemoon2001's photo
Sat 12/05/09 06:52 PM
Definitely a neat pony tail. Oh, and a suit!

ujGearhead's photo
Sat 12/05/09 06:53 PM

Tie it back with a pretty ribbon...:wink:

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sat 12/05/09 06:54 PM
If you are going on Judge Judy you need more than a haircut... Oh.. Never mind, I was thinking more of Jerry Springer.

LewisW123's photo
Sat 12/05/09 06:55 PM

Haircut to go on Judge Judy.

Nah, just a perm.

markc48's photo
Sat 12/05/09 06:58 PM
I got a letter from them. So I think the lady I'm suing contacted them. I didn't. The show pays the airfare, hotel, meals, and I beleive the award. If you didn't know just winning a smalls claim case is one thing. Collecting the money is another. I got alot things going. But I love those shows. And think it would be fun. This is a one in a million chance to be on tv.

no photo
Sat 12/05/09 07:00 PM
Yes, your appearance in the court room shows respect for the legal system and the judge.

no photo
Sat 12/05/09 07:00 PM
notoriety is overrated.

markc48's photo
Sat 12/05/09 07:01 PM

If you are going on Judge Judy you need more than a haircut... Oh.. Never mind, I was thinking more of Jerry Springer.
I'd rather be on Jerry Springer.:wink: and I could bring my own pole dancer.laugh

markc48's photo
Sat 12/05/09 07:03 PM

Yes, your appearance in the court room shows respect for the legal system and the judge.
I get alot of respect from the judge here in Jackson. And never lost a case.

Tazz42's photo
Sat 12/05/09 07:04 PM

I got a letter from them. So I think the lady I'm suing contacted them. I didn't. The show pays the airfare, hotel, meals, and I beleive the award. If you didn't know just winning a smalls claim case is one thing. Collecting the money is another. I got alot things going. But I love those shows. And think it would be fun. This is a one in a million chance to be on tv.

Make sure that you put your hair in a tight pony tail! Judge Judy isn't concerned with your appearance as much as the PROOF you have to win your case........she gets really pissssssed at unorganized people without proof!
Best of luck to ya! She is tough!

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 12/05/09 07:04 PM
This is my boy a couple years ago when he was 16, gets stink eye all the time... Don't cut your hair for anyone but yourself!

markc48's photo
Sat 12/05/09 07:09 PM

I got a letter from them. So I think the lady I'm suing contacted them. I didn't. The show pays the airfare, hotel, meals, and I beleive the award. If you didn't know just winning a smalls claim case is one thing. Collecting the money is another. I got alot things going. But I love those shows. And think it would be fun. This is a one in a million chance to be on tv.

Make sure that you put your hair in a tight pony tail! Judge Judy isn't concerned with your appearance as much as the PROOF you have to win your case........she gets really pissssssed at unorganized people without proof!
Best of luck to ya! She is tough!
One bad check for $575.00, and I could get 3x that.

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