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Topic: Does anyone reply anymore?????
born4more's photo
Wed 12/02/09 12:13 PM
Although I rather new and things take time, I'm wondering if other guys or gals are sending out friendly hello's only to find your inbox stays empty.What's up with that?

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 12/02/09 12:14 PM
I try to talk to everyone....but I'm just me bigsmile

Be patient and post in the forums a lot. That way you get noticed and make lots of friends

franshade's photo
Wed 12/02/09 12:15 PM

Although I rather new and things take time, I'm wondering if other guys or gals are sending out friendly hello's only to find your inbox stays empty.What's up with that?

you'll have more luck with the hellos and meeting more people in the forums

hello, welcome and good luck

ledi180's photo
Wed 12/02/09 12:15 PM
I have to admit I didn't always reply but now I've been friendlier :smile: YellowRose is right, hang out in the forums and make friends. As far as emails go, keep trying and you'll find your gal flowerforyou

PATSFAN's photo
Wed 12/02/09 12:16 PM
It's the internet no one reply's..well hardly ever! The key is to put up a pic of a really hot person & then lie a bit in your profile..whammo filled in box!

born4more's photo
Wed 12/02/09 12:17 PM
Thanks for the advice,sounds good. (Darrel)

Goofball73's photo
Wed 12/02/09 12:20 PM
Just wait till those Russian mail order chicks get to ya. You will wish your inbox was empty.laugh

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 12/02/09 12:20 PM

I have to admit I didn't always reply but now I've been friendlier :smile: YellowRose is right, hang out in the forums and make friends. As far as emails go, keep trying and you'll find your gal flowerforyou

psst...I just have a motor mouth. you should see me in real life laugh

jonny63's photo
Wed 12/02/09 12:20 PM

It's the internet no one reply's..well hardly ever! The key is to put up a pic of a really hot person & then lie a bit in your profile..whammo filled in box!

And then there's always Mutual Match glasses

born4more's photo
Wed 12/02/09 12:20 PM
So many forums, can you suggest any? I can't seem to find my way around to well, but, would like to chat with locals.

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 12/02/09 12:21 PM

So many forums, can you suggest any? I can't seem to find my way around to well, but, would like to chat with locals.

It depends on what interests you. If you go to the settings (at the top) you can select the forums you like.

seamac's photo
Wed 12/02/09 02:07 PM

So many forums, can you suggest any? I can't seem to find my way around to well, but, would like to chat with locals.

General Discussion is a very friendly and diverse forum, anyway it is the one I go to the most. Also it is nice to drop into the Welcome forum and say hi to newbies, the fun and games forum is good also as is Well Wishes. Just keep looking and posting - you will find the ones that work for you.

As for emails, I try to answer but tend to shy away from the ones I get from guys who find my profile and like my pics. I always answer email from people I know from the forums.

Post often and you will be making friends and maybe more in no time! Good luck!

XenomorphEyez's photo
Wed 12/02/09 02:28 PM
As far as people returning emails, no response is a response. They aren't interested. Just as everyone is not your type, you are not everyone's type. Replying to emails is not a requirement on dating sites. Also, go to your sent box and delete whatever mail you send out. Then you won't have to watch to see if it's a read/delete. Trust me, you'll be better off.

So many forums, can you suggest any? I can't seem to find my way around to well, but, would like to chat with locals.

There are regional forums. It should have your state there.

FearandLoathing's photo
Wed 12/02/09 05:25 PM

As far as people returning emails, no response is a response. They aren't interested. Just as everyone is not your type, you are not everyone's type. Replying to emails is not a requirement on dating sites. Also, go to your sent box and delete whatever mail you send out. Then you won't have to watch to see if it's a read/delete. Trust me, you'll be better off.

So many forums, can you suggest any? I can't seem to find my way around to well, but, would like to chat with locals.

There are regional forums. It should have your state there.

Good advice, except that the regional forums here are pretty much a joke.smokin

Atlantis75's photo
Wed 12/02/09 05:26 PM
You probably forgot to say the magic word.

SitkaRains's photo
Wed 12/02/09 05:32 PM

Although I rather new and things take time, I'm wondering if other guys or gals are sending out friendly hello's only to find your inbox stays empty.What's up with that?

Welcome to Mingles... Hello and well I have to agree with everyone come out and play with us. We are a very friendly group and most of us do answer our emails.

Don't take it personally if some don't they are enttitled to that if they wish.

Good luck

sun_devil_92's photo
Wed 12/02/09 08:27 PM

You probably forgot to say the magic word.

*Says "the magic word" ...*

Oh, and hi back atcha OP ... :-)

no photo
Wed 12/02/09 08:29 PM
Just out of curiosity, does every woman you approach in real life eagerly return your friendly hellos or attempts at conversation?

Quietman_2009's photo
Wed 12/02/09 08:31 PM
its kinda like what if you got a cell phone and randomly started calling women and left a friendly hello voice mail

how many of em would call back?

no photo
Wed 12/02/09 08:33 PM

its kinda like what if you got a cell phone and randomly started calling women and left a friendly hello voice mail

how many of em would call back?

Yeah, that's how I see it too. It's like since this is a "dating site" we're all obligated to interact with everyone who wants to interact with us. Pretty odd thinking.....

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