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Topic: Social Skills
Gator76's photo
Tue 12/01/09 04:14 PM

I see so many twenty somethings and even a few 18 and 19 year olds on these sites, it astounds me. If someone is young and healthy, with no responsibilities tying them down,,why dont they get out and meet people? Goodness, when I was that age I would not have been in places like this because I Was too busy going out with family or going dancing or to shows or ANYTHING but sitting on a computer. Do you think this is a sign of decaying social skills or what?

Had to go back to the beginning after reading everyone's comments. Ah, to be young again. At 40 now, 18-19 seems like a lifetime ago. It seemed like I could find someone in a week back then. Now at 40, it's a different world, I don't know how but it just is, and my social skills have vastly improved over the last 20 years, but for some reason, it was just so easy back then. Maybe it was hormones.laugh

As a young man we want to fit in with the older men. Then as we progress as older men we wish we were young again.

laugh Dude, you can't be progressing too much...I got ties older than you! Never wished I was any age but what I am...Enjoy what you have when you have it. Don't make life more difficult than it has to be... happy Carpe Diem!

Sometimes I feel like there is only the **** end of the stick.

Gator76's photo
Tue 12/01/09 04:15 PM

I see so many twenty somethings and even a few 18 and 19 year olds on these sites, it astounds me. If someone is young and healthy, with no responsibilities tying them down,,why dont they get out and meet people? Goodness, when I was that age I would not have been in places like this because I Was too busy going out with family or going dancing or to shows or ANYTHING but sitting on a computer. Do you think this is a sign of decaying social skills or what?

Had to go back to the beginning after reading everyone's comments. Ah, to be young again. At 40 now, 18-19 seems like a lifetime ago. It seemed like I could find someone in a week back then. Now at 40, it's a different world, I don't know how but it just is, and my social skills have vastly improved over the last 20 years, but for some reason, it was just so easy back then. Maybe it was hormones.laugh

As a young man we want to fit in with the older men. Then as we progress as older men we wish we were young again.

laugh Dude, you can't be progressing too much...I got ties older than you! Never wished I was any age but what I am...Enjoy what you have when you have it. Don't make life more difficult than it has to be... happy Carpe Diem!

Sometimes I feel like there is only the **** end of the stick.

Oops, sorry about inserting my comment between your comments! laugh

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