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Topic: What would you recommend ?.
BonnyMiss's photo
Sat 12/05/09 01:45 AM
Is he like this all of the time or certain times of the day? Monitor his behaviour when he is at home and try to get his teachers to note the times of the day when he misbehaves e.g (a) A particular lesson - may not like the teacher and thereby acting up for someone to pay attention (b) break times - there may be a child or children he is trying to avoid in the playground.

'Time out' cards (both at home and at school) discuss with him in his calmer moments how he feels when he is 'throwing a strop' get him to gauge it on a scale from 1 to 5 for example, then make cards in colours to reflect the level of his anger/sadness or just general bad feelings, then he could produce a colour coded card according to how he is feeling when he has one of his 'turns'

Without knowing the child and not being privvy to enough information it is hard for anyone to give advice that would work for this particular child.

msharmony's photo
Sat 12/05/09 11:37 AM

What would you recommend for a child who is 10 years old and he is violent and does not take commands from parents and school ?.

How violent? harming animals and small children violent,, or banging on things violent?

I am a big fan of military type schools, but if that is too extreme, I would try counseling and more positive reinforcement to balance out the negative.

tohyup's photo
Sat 12/05/09 04:26 PM

Ask him what he wants out of life.

If he doesn't know say you'll choose for him.

This imposes power and forces him to consider the future.

He says that he wants to be a drug dealer because then he does not have to study and it is easy money . Also he wants to be a wrestler so he can beat people . No one from his loved ones take drugs or smoke anything and are law abiding citizens . The area has drugs dealers and they are in the open .

msharmony's photo
Sat 12/05/09 06:19 PM

Ask him what he wants out of life.

If he doesn't know say you'll choose for him.

This imposes power and forces him to consider the future.

He says that he wants to be a drug dealer because then he does not have to study and it is easy money . Also he wants to be a wrestler so he can beat people . No one from his loved ones take drugs or smoke anything and are law abiding citizens . The area has drugs dealers and they are in the open .

Id say move him, even it means sending him to academy.

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