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Topic: Be nice to the Extremists
msharmony's photo
Thu 11/26/09 10:23 AM

has anybody ever thought the war on terrorism will never be won,as long as people will die for a cause or belief there will be terrorism.....so what if they catch a big time terrorist theres 1,000,000 more waiting in line,and Bush plus his advisors feel for the oldest trick in the book,"we wont go to the dogs ,we make the dogs come to us"...so now they have easy access to our troops being over there.....

as for a american soilder punching a terroist im more upset that the soilder didn't kill him.....the war on terrorism is like the war on drugs,a losing and costly battle

yes, all the time. Just like the war on drugs,,its political one group is assigned the label and as soon as they are taken out we will find another to assign it to. One drug is illegal and even if we somehow completely illiminated it, another would take its place. It keeps a cycle of fear and greed going that keeps the powerful powerful.

RKISIT's photo
Thu 11/26/09 10:25 AM

has anybody ever thought the war on terrorism will never be won,as long as people will die for a cause or belief there will be terrorism.....so what if they catch a big time terrorist theres 1,000,000 more waiting in line,and Bush plus his advisors feel for the oldest trick in the book,"we wont go to the dogs ,we make the dogs come to us"...so now they have easy access to our troops being over there.....

as for a american soilder punching a terroist im more upset that the soilder didn't kill him.....the war on terrorism is like the war on drugs,a losing and costly battle

people tend to forget

terrorism isnt a cause or a people

its a tactic

the cause we are fighting is Jihad declared by extreme Muslims

we didnt declare war on them. They declared war on us. They dont care if we are liberal or conservative
but its still a losing and costly war....and because of their causes and beliefs they use the tatic terrorism. they dont care what party you follow as long as your american or allies with america your considered an enemy

Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 11/26/09 10:41 AM
and whether we wish it or no

whether we do or dont want to fight them, they will keep coming

we can either roll over belly up and give up to them or fight back

I realize this is not all or even most Muslims, but these particualar ones believe it is their god given mission to force the world to submit to Sharia type law and as long as we are American and everything we stand for they will keep coming

willing2's photo
Thu 11/26/09 10:41 AM

Um, arent all basically charged with submitting FALSE documentation. Regardless if one agreed with their assault or not,,isnt THAT an offense that should be discouraged in the service where mens lives are in the hands of others. When it comes to keeping records, shouldnt we encourage an open and honest atmosphere in such a situation. I dont see how they can be excused for such a violation in a career that is founded on obedience. I dont know how harsh or lenient the consequence should be,,but yeah, there needs to be a consequence.

I think your statement is a bit two-faced.
You want consequences for these boys not keeping records straight but, when it comes to Obummers crew falsifying records on created or saved jobs and creating districts that don't exist, you make excuses for them. Prejudice comes to mind.grumble

Except there is no PROOF Of falsified records.

I rest my case.

The proof of fudging the numbers and reporting on districts that don't exist is in the report. There was also acknowledgment from Gov. the numbers were false.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Thu 11/26/09 10:48 AM

Curious since obama pardoned a damn turkey will he pardon these guys. C'mon a busted lip? The terrorists are freaking laughing at us. As long at this political correctness continues we will lose the war against terror. When it's ok to cut the head off of someone by a terrorist but not ok for a soldier to punch a lip, we can expect to lose.

We have higher standards in conducting ourselves and have an obligation to show WE are different..plus the UCMJ dictates this and President Barack Hussein Obama had ziltch to do with it, this thread is absurd, I guess the OP will next post about "Hussein's" farts not smelling American enough...

willing2's photo
Thu 11/26/09 10:56 AM

Curious since obama pardoned a damn turkey will he pardon these guys. C'mon a busted lip? The terrorists are freaking laughing at us. As long at this political correctness continues we will lose the war against terror. When it's ok to cut the head off of someone by a terrorist but not ok for a soldier to punch a lip, we can expect to lose.

We have higher standards in conducting ourselves and have an obligation to show WE are different..plus the UCMJ dictates this and President Barack Hussein Obama had ziltch to do with it, this thread is absurd, I guess the OP will next post about "Hussein's" farts not smelling American enough...

Who is this "we" you speak of, paleface, asked Tonto of the Lone Ranger?laugh Sure as heII ain't Gov. or that liar Hussein. Or is it Congress who holds us up as an example of higher standards?slaphead

Vietscouty's photo
Thu 11/26/09 11:10 AM
War is war! What happens there, stays there other than innocent people being murdered, rape or beaten. Well, I guess there is nothing much we can do, this world does belong to the Devil anyways. The good people will always get persecuted while the bad strives.

willing2's photo
Thu 11/26/09 11:20 AM

War is war! What happens there, stays there other than innocent people being murdered, rape or beaten. Well, I guess there is nothing much we can do, this world does belong to the Devil anyways. The good people will always get persecuted while the bad strives.

Those boys have my support. They got the job done. It would have cost the tax payers a whole lot less if they had just shot him trying to escape.

msharmony's photo
Thu 11/26/09 11:29 AM

War is war! What happens there, stays there other than innocent people being murdered, rape or beaten. Well, I guess there is nothing much we can do, this world does belong to the Devil anyways. The good people will always get persecuted while the bad strives.

I think that is the reason for rules. WE never know for sure who is guilty or not and history shows many innocent people have been persecuted in the past because others were CONVINCED of their guilt. It could someday be me or you that someone is sure is criminal and I would hope the public wouldnt support our being assaulted or abused.

RKISIT's photo
Thu 11/26/09 11:36 AM
when our troops went to afghanistan i was for it,then when i heard iraq was a threat i was like ...really how? i heard they had WMDs and helping the terrorist ok well but invading iraq still sounds fishy,it was and those infamous words"it's a slam dunk" no it's a big lie.

msharmony's photo
Thu 11/26/09 11:41 AM
Edited by msharmony on Thu 11/26/09 11:42 AM

when our troops went to afghanistan i was for it,then when i heard iraq was a threat i was like ...really how? i heard they had WMDs and helping the terrorist ok well but invading iraq still sounds fishy,it was and those infamous words"it's a slam dunk" no it's a big lie.

Right , it is exactly that rush to judgment that scares me about people that would see abuse or death as suitable consequence for crimes. People hear their media and their politicians declare others enemies and terrorists and they just buy it hook line and sinker , ready to persecute and kill without any due process or investigation.

Its just a type of blind faith in others that justifies killing and other atrocities, and I feel wholeheartedly it makes us no different than the terrorists who are convinced we are blights on humanity. noone even tries to truly see or understand anyone elses reality or motives ,,,noone cares,,its a shame.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Thu 11/26/09 11:57 AM
Edited by heavenlyboy34 on Thu 11/26/09 11:58 AM

and whether we wish it or no

whether we do or dont want to fight them, they will keep coming

we can either roll over belly up and give up to them or fight back

I realize this is not all or even most Muslims, but these particualar ones believe it is their god given mission to force the world to submit to Sharia type law and as long as we are American and everything we stand for they will keep coming

I would argue as Bin Laden himself argued-the radical Islamicists' war against the West is due to the West's imperialism (dating back even before the illegal and unnecessary overthrow of the Shaw), not to impose Sharia law on foreigners. (though I'm sure some fanatics do want to take over the world-we have these types in every government I know of, except the Swiss)

msharmony's photo
Thu 11/26/09 12:20 PM

and whether we wish it or no

whether we do or dont want to fight them, they will keep coming

we can either roll over belly up and give up to them or fight back

I realize this is not all or even most Muslims, but these particualar ones believe it is their god given mission to force the world to submit to Sharia type law and as long as we are American and everything we stand for they will keep coming

I would argue as Bin Laden himself argued-the radical Islamicists' war against the West is due to the West's imperialism (dating back even before the illegal and unnecessary overthrow of the Shaw), not to impose Sharia law on foreigners. (though I'm sure some fanatics do want to take over the world-we have these types in every government I know of, except the Swiss)

Wasnt he also opposed to our support of terrorists(the israelis, which he considered terrorists)? Sounds like the same logic applied on different sides so its hard to see what makes one any better or worse than the other.

willing2's photo
Thu 11/26/09 06:10 PM
Edited by willing2 on Thu 11/26/09 06:11 PM
Obama Bin Laden

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