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Topic: depressed
skanktricil's photo
Mon 11/23/09 12:02 AM
whoa!! DELETED!!

i don't apologize, because i know they don't either. simple enough.



IndnPrncs's photo
Mon 11/23/09 12:10 AM
Against my better judgment... I have to ask...

What exactly should the police be apologizing to you for? Were you wrongly accused and arrested?

skanktricil's photo
Mon 11/23/09 12:21 AM
my point exactly, they got nothing to apologize to me for. i don't wanna hear it anyway. i hate cops, i won't apologize for that. i will however refrain from saying anything one might deem "inflammatory" as that wasn't my intent, it just came out that way. but yeah, i won't apologize for hating them, same as they wouldn't apologize for being the people they are. superior to the average citizen, capable of forcing them by law to submit to their will or anyone else's. and not so much that they are capable, but they enjoy doing this too. i have no love for cops. i don't apologize.

IndnPrncs's photo
Mon 11/23/09 12:23 AM
Not the answer I was expecting.. Somehow I thought it would be different...

Thanks for giving an answer though...

skanktricil's photo
Mon 11/23/09 12:25 AM
can i ask what u were expecting? did u think i thought i was innocent somehow and cops are wrong for harrassing me for doing something that is against the law or whatever? i dunno? i'm curious.... really. what did u expect i was gonna say?

IndnPrncs's photo
Mon 11/23/09 12:31 AM
That is exactly what I expected.. B/c in all honesty to me a person only hates the cops when they don't think they're wrong but have been in trouble.. I understand how one might not like that they have the attitude a lot of them have but from what I've seen that's what keeps most of them alive.. If they let their guard down for a second, let someone they're arresting think they're not on their toes, that could be the moment they lose their lives...

I respect the law and those that uphold it.. I may not like a cops attitude when/if I get pulled over but I understand why they're doing what they're doing and know that if we didn't have them we'd have a mad max kind of world and that's not a pleasant thought for me...

skanktricil's photo
Mon 11/23/09 12:41 AM
different sides of the tracks i guess. cops have never protected me. i don't mind looking after myself and the ones i love. however, the law provides for me being a danger to society if i am in possession of a gun since i'm a felon so now i'm totally dependent on the police for "legal" security and we ALL KNOW that cops are never there when u need them and ALWAYS there when u don't. just my .02. probably canadian money anyway that isn't worth a flip here in the states yes?

so, if someone breaks into the home i live in intent on doing harm to me or my family, i can't legally shoot and incapacitate the intruder even tho Texas is a state that has enacted castle law where u are legally within ur rights to shoot and kill any intruder no matter what.

i believe this is sanctioned murder and i'd never shoot and kill anyone if it could be avoided. but i don't make the laws, i don't run things. i just deal with 'em the best i can.

IndnPrncs's photo
Mon 11/23/09 12:46 AM
Well that is a good way to be.. Most of us don't make the laws, we live by the laws set...

I don't own a gun and don't want to... I would want to protect my family and I guess if I had to I would harm another to save my family but I would hope to never be in that position.. I try to live in areas where I don't have to worry about those things... It costs a lot but I feel safe... I've had things stolen from my carport and that sucked but I blame myself for leaving it there, thinking that someone wouldn't want or go near my stuff... Of course my son left his bike lock key right next to his bike so how can I really blame those that stole it?

skanktricil's photo
Mon 11/23/09 01:10 AM
sciawwy to OP for jackin his thread. didn't mean to do that. i'm a criminal tho, it must be in my nature. hahahaha

lady has u down. me too. sucks. but u shouldn't get all twisted up about the girl unless there were fireworks goin off when u were "doin it". knaw'mean?

and if that fails, try "accupuncture". works for me. gotta know where to stick the needles tho.



PacificStar48's photo
Mon 11/23/09 02:13 AM
As a convicted felon I can't really comprehend why you would want to chance your freedom continueing a relationship with someone you pretty well know is going to land you in trouble. Maybe you see it as loyalty but the likelyhood it is just safer than having any other type of girlfriend on the outside. What doesn't make sense when you are worrying about looseing weight, probably because you are not eating enough, that you are sending anyone money anywhere. I think you either want to go back to jail or are trying to destroy yourself. Mixing up psyche drugs is a long walk off a short peir. You are probably right in that you are depressed but I think you have some serious problems that you need to address and the sooner the better.

FearandLoathing's photo
Mon 11/23/09 06:58 AM
I make fun of myself for being such a prissy...besides I'm cynical, I have to make fun of my depression.smokin

no photo
Mon 11/23/09 08:15 AM
"again, please forgive me, i'm coming off of a few different drugs all at once. psych meds n others, 4 different scripts."

LMFAO classic!

"just my .02. probably canadian money anyway that isn't worth a flip here in the states yes?"

HEY! That hurt mister! rant I'll have you know that our Canadian dollar is doing very well. Forget the cops... I feel like shooting you myself thread jackerhappy

skanktricil's photo
Tue 11/24/09 12:46 AM
Edited by skanktricil on Tue 11/24/09 12:48 AM
"again, please forgive me, i'm coming off of a few different drugs all at once. psych meds n others, 4 different scripts."

LMFAO classic!

"just my .02. probably canadian money anyway that isn't worth a flip here in the states yes?"

HEY! That hurt mister! rant I'll have you know that our Canadian dollar is doing very well. Forget the cops... I feel like shooting you myself thread jackerhappy

sciawwy my friend, i didn't mean anything by that... the thing about canadian money. i don't mean canada is worthless. i just meant it isn't worth anything here in the states. two pennies aren't worth anything here and i'm sure my opinion is worth even less. i'm certainly not worth even my opinion. i'm a worthless convicted felon, criminal thread jacker. you should shoot me.
go for it. you'd be doing the whole world a huge favor. just lemme get some term life insurance in place before you do it so i can take care of my mommy. kewl?

As a convicted felon I can't really comprehend why you would want to chance your freedom continueing a relationship with someone you pretty well know is going to land you in trouble. Maybe you see it as loyalty but the likelyhood it is just safer than having any other type of girlfriend on the outside. What doesn't make sense when you are worrying about looseing weight, probably because you are not eating enough, that you are sending anyone money anywhere. I think you either want to go back to jail or are trying to destroy yourself. Mixing up psyche drugs is a long walk off a short peir. You are probably right in that you are depressed but I think you have some serious problems that you need to address and the sooner the better.

i don't understand what you are saying to me at all. how do you think i am chancing my freedom by having a relationship with someone who is also a convicted felon? how is it you think this girl is going to land me in trouble? by virtue of two felons kissing is there some radar that goes off at homeland security to alert fbi and local police that we might be cooking up some bonnie n clyde scheme since i can't find work and the only sort of way to get my hands on any money seems to be thru criminal activity?
you say something about it being safer than having any other type of girlfriend on the outside. this confuses me, it seems you are contradicting the statement you made previously about that same thing. do you mean that it's safer for me emotionally?
yes i am losing weight because i am not eating properly or exercising like i used to. i got really depressed after my cat was killed, i got very emotional and didn't deal with it very well and then i got really twisted up about this girl. i felt like i didn't matter to her as much as she mattered to me and i felt ignored and lonely. she would still come see me about once a week but there were times i really wondered why she would come to see me at all because i just never felt the same level of caring back from her. do you understand? i mean, i really really liked her, and i felt like i just didn't really matter to her one way or another. if it were me or some other guy that were there it would have been the same to her. that's the feeling i got anyway. i dunno, like i said i was really emotional.
i am in no hurry at all to back to jail. i'm sure i'll be visiting it again before too long, but that's because i have warrants out for traffic tickets. not because i'm gonna get caught doing anything stupid. and with respect to the psych meds i am taking, they were prescribed to me and i had a bunch of them left. i was really depressed and it was getting so bad that i really didn't want to live at all. i wasn't suicidal and i never could be but i just didn't want to get out of bed to see another day and i would have been perfectly happy to know that one night i could go to bed and never wake up again. so i started taking these old psych meds i had. they helped some. i stopped being so emotional and depressed which was rather out of character for me. but the psych meds only do so much. they don't fix anything. just kinda helped get me out of that misery i was feeling. i'm tryin to come off of dope too, but that's not going so well. you said something about trying to destroy myself. mebbe. i don't really care about my life so much anymore. i've pretty much failed at life so heroin makes it to where i don't care so much about all that. heroin never fails me and has been my best friend for the last 12 years. she's always been there for me when others weren't, that is, i could always depend on her to make me feel better.
if only "addressing" these problems were enough. i've addressed them, the address is me. i know where to send the correspondence i just don't know what to send or say. do you follow? i have recently made an appointment with a counselor and also i got ahold of some prescription meds to help kick heroin. have to see how that goes. it's kinda scary to think about giving it up. it feels so good, i can't explain it. and besides, people just look down on me anyway. they look at me like some lowlife and that's their right. i can't stop 'em nor would i try. i just hope they know in their hearts they wouldn't say the things they are quick to say about me or to me on the internet to me in person. i don't need to insult them back, their cowardice is insult enough and they know in their hearts. that's all that matters with respect to that.

i will say when i get all these feelings of mine sorted and worked out, i suspect i will bounce back from being depressed so much. i can't help the way i feel about this girl. i am crazy crazy in love with her. she knows this and i think she may exploit that some to her advantage. i told her in several letters now that she doesn't have to fake anything with me or be insincere in anyway. i will be there for her while she is locked up and help her in any way i can. i just asked her to be honest and sincere with me. she told me she loved me in her first letter to me. she's never said anything like that to me before and she's certainly never acted like she loved me. i don't need her to tell me the things she thinks i wanna hear. i don't wanna hear that. i'd rather she told me she finds me repulsive but she figured she'd let me have sex with her so that i would continue to hook her up with my dope connects or whatever. i mean i don't think it's that extreme, i do think she does like me somewhat, but i don't really believe she "loves" me. but i really don't know. she has never let on very much about what she thinks or feels. i just hope in writing to her that her thoughts and feelings come out on paper. maybe she can express herself on paper better than she ever did to me verbally. because she wouldn't tell me very much at all. i really miss her. she was the only friend i had. i feel so alone now that she's gone. she was the only person who would come visit me and spend time with me and of course it didn't hurt the fact that she's the secksiest girl i've ever laid eyes on. i'm totally *****-whipped. it's sad. i can't help it tho. :(

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