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Topic: Age and perspective
Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 11/22/09 08:26 PM

flowerforyou God Bless

Thank you
and Peace to you young brother flowerforyou

Redykeulous's photo
Sun 11/22/09 08:39 PM
I have noticed what seems to be a fundamental difference in approach to “arguments”, in this forum, and which seems to be very much related to age.

The major difference seems to be something like “tolerance”, “acceptance”, “broad-mindedness”, “temperance”, “indulgence”, “forbearance” or something along those lines.

Not arguing for or against anything. Just making an observation and wondering if anyone else is/has observing/observed anything similar.

(One wonders if this might be a key factor in “the generation gap”.)

People often attribute communication problems between generations to a lack of life experience, knowledge, and the wisdom that comes from both. And they would be correct if the attribution was applied equally to the older generation.

What I have learned and how I internalize my experiences are directly related to how I learned what I know. The same is true for everyone.

In my history class we are up to the end of WWI and the professor spent, what I considered to be, an inordinate amount of time giving some very detailed explanation of 'the cold war' what it was, what it meant and on and on.

The whole time I sat there thinking, OMG he must think we are all stupid idiots. And then he stopped and asked if there any question because he knew this material could be difficult to grasp.

At that moment I realized how old I am and that my experiences can never be fully comprehended by the 120 kids in that class or the millions in this nation or in the world.

By the same tolken I will never fully grasp how their experiences affect them, because even though our lives will have an overlapping period, how events affect them will be far different than how they affect me just becasue our foundations are so different.

The generation gap:

"I hear babies cry, I watch them grow
They'll learn much more than I'll never know
And I think to myself what a wonderful world
Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world."

So I like to listen when younger generations speak, and I can only hope they might tarry long enough to listen to me from time to time.

NovaRoma's photo
Sun 11/22/09 08:46 PM
very nice Redy

wux's photo
Sun 11/22/09 08:55 PM

I like to sleep with older women in hopes something will rub off in the night besides some std they picked up in the 70's

Thomas... I would not have my level of wisdom and insight if I hadn't been chasing women in their fifties when I was in my twenties and thirties. In fact, it was me who gave them the STDs you're working on now.

Those women are in their eighties now. Pfuy, you young and upcoming pervert, what are you doing in the bedrooms of the 80-year-olds of the nation?! Good for you bro, I had my share of what my friends called "olympic achievement" as far as the fair ladies' attractiveness vs. my performance was concerned.

jrbogie's photo
Mon 11/23/09 01:17 PM

I have noticed what seems to be a fundamental difference in approach to “arguments”, in this forum, and which seems to be very much related to age.

The major difference seems to be something like “tolerance”, “acceptance”, “broad-mindedness”, “temperance”, “indulgence”, “forbearance” or something along those lines.

Not arguing for or against anything. Just making an observation and wondering if anyone else is/has observing/observed anything similar.

(One wonders if this might be a key factor in “the generation gap”.)

somebody needs to explain to me this so called generation gap. my brother and i are of the same generation. he's two years my junior. it would follow that our children share the next later generation and therein would lie this generation gap. here's the rub, while i had my first child when i was nineteen, bro did not have his until he was well into his thirties. as a result, his wife was giving birth during the same year my daughter was giving birth. now my grandaughter is the same age as my brother's daughter and yet they are a generation apart. and please, please, please don't put me in the generation they call baby boomers. just give me my social security in a couple years and leave me be.

point being, we're all individuals. i'm impressed with many in the younger crowds here as regards their debating skills and demeanor and i loath some my own age. the reverse is true as well.

no photo
Mon 11/23/09 04:09 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Mon 11/23/09 04:39 PM
Subjective perspective, ohh how wonderful.

Everyone thinks they are more mature then people they often disagree with: FACT.

This is also the same with intelligence. Its only the ends of the Bell curve that often know where they are . . .

No one calls themselves stupid when the person in the car next to them in traffic makes them mad. Its always the other person that is stupid when you are mad . . .

No one thinks there opinions have been arrived at through faulty logic.

These are all wonderful side effects of having perspective in the first place.

Isn't it wonderful how much I know about perspective, I must be more mature then all of you . . .

no photo
Mon 11/23/09 05:50 PM

To call one's self wise is about the equivalent of calling one's self sane.

I consider myself both wise and sane compared to what I was when I was 20 years old.

Wisdom and sanity are relative to who you are comparing yourself to.

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 11/23/09 06:54 PM

To call one's self wise is about the equivalent of calling one's self sane.

I consider myself both wise and sane compared to what I was when I was 20 years old.

Wisdom and sanity are relative to who you are comparing yourself to.

That's why I only compare myself to comatose mental patients. I always come out ahead. bigsmile

creativesoul's photo
Mon 11/23/09 06:56 PM
Although it is a popular opinion, the older are not necessarily the wiser or more knowledgable.

Being older equals more experience, there can be no doubt about that. Although, an increased amount of experience does not necessarily equate to more knowledge or more wisdom. One can do something the wrong way for 40 years, it is still wrong. One can adopt good critical thinking skills early on in life and become more knowledgable and wise by the age of 40 than one who has had 70 years of experience believing false 'truthes' and/or having no real sense of problem-solving skills - which basically equates to a fundamental understanding of cause and effect, and good deductive reasoning skills.

Age does not necessarily equal greater wisdom or knowledge. However, with a solid foundation(critical thinking skills), an appropriate discernment can follow. That discernment provides a perceptual accuracy/measure that cannot be had without it. One judgmental ability is based upon contingencies which I call hinge propositions because the rest of the belief system relies on those propositions to be true. The most curious thing is that all belief systems have this in common.

I find it amazing how many times there is a huge difference between what one reads and what has been written. Perspective is a curious thing, indeed.


wux's photo
Mon 11/23/09 08:17 PM
Edited by wux on Mon 11/23/09 08:18 PM

That's why I only compare myself to comatose mental patients. I always come out ahead. bigsmile

You're a genius! I compare myself to noone but dried seaweed or plain glass salt-shakers with a screw-on metal caps.

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