Topic: opinions on marriage...
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Wed 11/18/09 11:20 AM
I would want marriage. It is a proclamation to the world and a promise to God, with His blessing. Obviously, a lot of us had marriages that failed. But, having that piece of paper, proclaiming to the world, and promising to God and having His blessing will likely keep people to stay the course moreso than without. Yes, there are insincere people who marry, and not all marriages work, but the intentions are all there.

And of course, the tax breaks, Social Security, etc.... all good!! LOL

no photo
Wed 11/18/09 11:26 AM

I can't wait to get married! flowerforyou

I agree that the "paper" doesn't seal the deal but in the BIGGER picture, marriage is a commitment. Too many people don't want to commit and it's easier to fly by the seat of their pants. The ceremony of marriage is important; otherwise, people use relationships like revolving doors.

A man who can obligate himself to marriage is THE sexiest man I can image!!! love

Unfortunately, there are people that -- once married -- believe things have to change. For example, any behavior or "fun" before marriage has to stop (guys with their buddies, girls dressing in short skirts). I admit these are very basic examples but they are easy to illuminate.

I am one of the people that believe NOTHING should change! I want to marry the man I fell in love with and not some stepford man or husband machine. I'd run screaming if he wanted things to change. If it isn't broke -- don't fix it! Marry and conquer the world!

I never want to breed though. noway laugh

Melody puts it well. Though, I am not against having kids :smile:.

I find it sad that there are so many people that are so bitter toward marriage these days. They seem to assume that just because one marriage went bad for them, that another would go the same way. Not that getting married is my goal right now. But those who are bitter from a previous marriage show that very quickly and it can be a big turn off.

Yes, sadly some that are bitter over a bad marriage are bitter toward marriage at all. My marriage was horrible but I'm not bitter and don't think my next one will be bad. Marriage is not about tax breaks, maybe for some people. Others it's a further commitment by the woman taking her new husband's name. I would be proud to sign my name with a wonderful husband's last name. You are not just you, you are joined, in spirit and name. I don't see anything wrong with it and I'm not scared either.

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 11/18/09 11:31 AM
some are bitter about marriage just as some are bitter about dating. I'm not jaded or bitter at all about my divorce. I'm actually friends with my ex husband. We just weren't good married.

My thing about marriage is that I don't need the government or a paper to be in a marriage. The government recognizes the legal marriage but IMO that isn't what makes a marriage. It's the heart and mind of the 2. I have no problem with being married but I don't need a paper.

Gator76's photo
Wed 11/18/09 11:35 AM
Just maybe there are few inherently wrong answers to this one...and a lot of "right" opinions. :wink:
As long as you and your (choose one)... significant other, soul mate, lover, boyfriend, girlfriend...agree, it's pretty much between the two of you. happy

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 11/18/09 11:37 AM

Just maybe there are few inherently wrong answers to this one...and a lot of "right" opinions. :wink:
As long as you and your (choose one)... significant other, soul mate, lover, boyfriend, girlfriend...agree, it's pretty much between the two of you. happy

:thumbsup:'s only opinions and how we each see things

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 11/18/09 11:41 AM

Just maybe there are few inherently wrong answers to this one...and a lot of "right" opinions. :wink:
As long as you and your (choose one)... significant other, soul mate, lover, boyfriend, girlfriend...agree, it's pretty much between the two of you. happy

So very true I have been married once. Would I do it again? Sure I would with the right person but it is not a must within my life.

But then I don't want to be with one that has such a closed mind against it either.........bigsmile

LewisW123's photo
Wed 11/18/09 11:42 AM
I'm not soured on the idea of marriage, even though mine was a disaster. Even though I agree with Beavis, that you can be committed without a ceremony, there is probably some truth to the idea that a "marriage" makes that commitment stronger, especially if you have any sort of spiritual faith.

njmom05's photo
Wed 11/18/09 11:44 AM

Just maybe there are few inherently wrong answers to this one...and a lot of "right" opinions. :wink:
As long as you and your (choose one)... significant other, soul mate, lover, boyfriend, girlfriend...agree, it's pretty much between the two of you. happy

So very true I have been married once. Would I do it again? Sure I would with the right person but it is not a must within my life.

But then I don't want to be with one that has such a closed mind against it either.........bigsmile

Agreed. As much as I say I'd never do it again, I think it would really take me knowing and trusting someone to get married again. I am learning to take things alot slower than I used to and not rush into relationships. It would take someone really special to change my mind.

MelodyGirl's photo
Wed 11/18/09 11:57 AM
Edited by MelodyGirl on Wed 11/18/09 11:58 AM

I'd marry Melody, but we would have to have 2 seperate rooms to watch football:tongue:

You got that right! shades

Groom's side PATS - Bride's side Purple People Eaters! Yea, baby! :banana:

MelodyGirl's photo
Wed 11/18/09 12:03 PM
Regardless if we are talking about marriage, grocery shopping, or going to the movies -- saying "never" puts a limit on our lives.

I am not one to limit myself by saying emphatically "NO" or "YES" on SOME life choices.

When the right opportunity presents itself, we are all vulnerable in doing things we thought otherwise. flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 11/18/09 12:05 PM
marriage = scared sad
single = :banana:

no photo
Wed 11/18/09 12:06 PM

Regardless if we are talking about marriage, grocery shopping, or going to the movies -- saying "never" puts a limit on our lives.

I am not one to limit myself by saying emphatically "NO" or "YES" on SOME life choices.

When the right opportunity presents itself, we are all vulnerable in doing things we thought otherwise. flowerforyou


PATSFAN's photo
Wed 11/18/09 12:10 PM

I'd marry Melody, but we would have to have 2 seperate rooms to watch football:tongue:

You got that right! shades

Groom's side PATS - Bride's side Purple People Eaters! Yea, baby! :banana:


catseyes1's photo
Wed 11/18/09 01:50 PM
Been there done that and don't need a piece of paper to have a commitment.

Goofball73's photo
Wed 11/18/09 02:10 PM
I was married, and when things were good, they were so awesome. But when things fell apart, and I was basically trying to save something that had no hope of saving, it did leave a bad taste in my mouth. I had to deal wtih that, and really think about if I would do it again. And the answer is yes...I would.

I don't view marriage as "the next step". Majority of people view marriage like this, or they get married for some other reason than true love. You should want to marry that person because you absolutely love them, and you have no desire to be with someone else. To me, marriage is a union that symbloizes a bond between two people, and (in alot of faith's) marriage is a public showing of that bond. For me, if I do ever fall completely, totally, hopelessy in love with another woman, then I will ask her to marry me. Not because it is the next step. Or because "that is what you do". For me, it will be a symbol of how I always will want her, need her, and am forever and always committed to her. I realize that some will say that you don't need to be married to have that. And, this is true. But for me, marriage would mean alot. And it would show just how much I am wanting to be with just her. But, as I said, I have to fall so in love with a woman to ever do that.

no photo
Wed 11/18/09 03:40 PM
Well said, Goof. I think many people rush into marriage, or just don't marry for the right reasons. I've never been married, but would consider it with the right person.

aladytoo's photo
Wed 11/18/09 04:44 PM

I was married, and when things were good, they were so awesome. But when things fell apart, and I was basically trying to save something that had no hope of saving, it did leave a bad taste in my mouth. I had to deal wtih that, and really think about if I would do it again. And the answer is yes...I would.

I don't view marriage as "the next step". Majority of people view marriage like this, or they get married for some other reason than true love. You should want to marry that person because you absolutely love them, and you have no desire to be with someone else. To me, marriage is a union that symbloizes a bond between two people, and (in alot of faith's) marriage is a public showing of that bond. For me, if I do ever fall completely, totally, hopelessy in love with another woman, then I will ask her to marry me. Not because it is the next step. Or because "that is what you do". For me, it will be a symbol of how I always will want her, need her, and am forever and always committed to her. I realize that some will say that you don't need to be married to have that. And, this is true. But for me, marriage would mean alot. And it would show just how much I am wanting to be with just her. But, as I said, I have to fall so in love with a woman to ever do that.

Totally agree!!!:thumbsup:

Goofball73's photo
Wed 11/18/09 05:08 PM

Well said, Goof. I think many people rush into marriage, or just don't marry for the right reasons. I've never been married, but would consider it with the right person.

Thanks Singmesweet.flowerforyou

If you ask alot of people why they are getting married, most of the time you hear, "It's the next step."slaphead Look, when you get married, you want to be standing at the altar, and when you see your bride to be walking down the aisle, you want to just stand there in amazement...knowing that she chose you, and knowing that she wants to be with you. You don't marry because it is the next step.surprised

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 11/18/09 05:17 PM

Well said, Goof. I think many people rush into marriage, or just don't marry for the right reasons. I've never been married, but would consider it with the right person.

Thanks Singmesweet.flowerforyou

If you ask alot of people why they are getting married, most of the time you hear, "It's the next step."slaphead Look, when you get married, you want to be standing at the altar, and when you see your bride to be walking down the aisle, you want to just stand there in amazement...knowing that she chose you, and knowing that she wants to be with you. You don't marry because it is the next step.surprised

Damn Goof ya keep amazing me could not have said it any better..............:thumbsup:

Goofball73's photo
Wed 11/18/09 07:11 PM

Well said, Goof. I think many people rush into marriage, or just don't marry for the right reasons. I've never been married, but would consider it with the right person.

Thanks Singmesweet.flowerforyou

If you ask alot of people why they are getting married, most of the time you hear, "It's the next step."slaphead Look, when you get married, you want to be standing at the altar, and when you see your bride to be walking down the aisle, you want to just stand there in amazement...knowing that she chose you, and knowing that she wants to be with you. You don't marry because it is the next step.surprised

Damn Goof ya keep amazing me could not have said it any better..............:thumbsup:

I keep this up....people will start taking me seriously.:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: