Topic: Shouting Telescreens Announce United Kingdom Of Fascism w/Vi
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Wed 10/04/06 02:52 PM


Shouting Telescreens Announce United Kingdom Of Fascism
State launches psychological warfare as establishment manufactured
Clockwork Orange mind control greases the skids for slavery

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | October 4 2006

If the final nail in America's descent into fascism was the Military
Commissions Act then the telltale sign across the Atlantic is the
installation of Orwell's telescreens - surveillance cameras fitted with
loudspeakers that bark orders at passers-by who the watcher deems

The voice of Big Brother has already echoed across several major cities,
the latest of which being Middlesbrough in the north-east, and the
program will no doubt be unfolded nationwide once the salivating control
freaks in council offices have their way.


Watch the video above and then read the following passage from George
Orwell's 1984.

"Behind Winston's back the voice from the telescreen was still babbling
away about pig-iron and the overfulfilment of the Ninth Three-Year Plan.
The telescreen received and transmitted simultaneously. Any sound that
Winston made, above the level of a very low whisper, would be picked up
by it, moreover, so long as he remained within the field of vision which
the metal plaque commanded, he could be seen as well as heard. There was
of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given
moment. How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in on
any individual wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they
watched everybody all the time. But at any rate they could plug in your
wire whenever they wanted to. You had to live -- did live, from habit
that became instinct -- in the assumption that every sound you made was
overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized. "

"Smith!" screamed the shrewish voice from the telescreen. "6079 Smith
W.! Yes, you! Bend lower, please! You can do better than that. You're
not trying. Lower, please! That's better, comrade. Now stand at ease,
the whole squad, and watch me."

This is what Patrick McGoohan was trying to escape from in the cult
1960's series The Prisoner.

V For Vendetta portrayed a neo-nazi government running Britain but even
in that society the cameras kept quiet!

The state is letting you know who is boss, as Simon Davis says in the
clip, "the use of these cameras amounts to psychological warfare."

As one blogger points out, "The novel "1984" has gone from a fictional
warning to a training manual for government."

"In a culture where people are not instilled with internal limiters on
their behaviors, increasing external limiters must be provided. Welcome

The skids for fascism in Britain were greased by the perceived menace of
what have come to be known as "chavs," social dropout teenagers who take
the blame for most of society's ills - vandalism, muggings, assaults,
anti-social behavior. You can see why its so easy to sell the dwindling
majority of civilized Brits on extreme measures of control to combat
these distasteful rogues - walk down any major high street on a Saturday
evening in Britain and you will hold back convulsions at the absolute
bottom feeding scum on display - blissfully unaware that their chosen
fashion of jeans below the hips is code for a male prison prostitute.

But it's a particular breed of scum that was carefully reared by the
very same establishment proposing the solution.

Brought up on a diet of broken homes, teenage pregnancy, the moral decay
of society, the death of Christianity, saturated sexuality and the
replacement of strong male role models with MTV packaged drug-addled
womanizing braindead hip-hop stars - the state and its media organs did
everything within their considerable power to ravage the innocence of
childhood and the humanity of adulthood.

The state is engaged in a Clockwork Orange style mind control putsch -
whereby swarms of gangs roam the streets committing senseless acts of
violence and other crimes purely for enjoyment - and only literal mind
control in the form of the "psychological warfare" provided by the
shouting cameras, can keep them under control.

The abyss was deepened by Blair's suicidal mass immigration agenda.
Third generation Muslims have lost all tenets of the civility and
respect that characterized their ancestors and new waves of Eastern
Europeans from Communist backwaters flood in, completely ignorant of
enshrined rights and liberties that they never had in the first place.

Such a melting pot of disarmed downtrodden strangers who can barely even
communicate with each other are a breeze to frog march into slavery by a
recalcitrant government.

Anything goes - sky-rocketing council tax, mandatory ID cards, energy
bills, food prices, mortgage repayments, the hype of global warming - a
monster under the bed that threatens permanent drought unless we obey
the government's every whim on water consumption.

Our own rubbish bins tracked by RFID tags that charge us even more
depending on the weight of the trash. Mandatory recycling programs that
threaten jail time for dissenters.

But the economy is fantastic we are told, as Britons become officially
the most in debt throughout Europe (double anywhere else), struggling
from month to month to pay congestion charges and gas price hikes as the
multinationals bask in record profits year upon year.

These are just the day to day annoyances of living under mechanized
fascism - the fundamental liberties - freedom of speech, protest,
privacy, were taken from us a long time ago in the name of the war on

Britain resembles what it would look like had the Nazis taken over 65
years ago and the high-tech veneer of serfdom provided by the state's
shouting telescreens is the cherry on the cake for the birth of fascism
in the United Kingdom


ACTION: E mail Middlesbrough Council
and politely inform them of your absolute disgust for their pleasure in
ransacking any notion of freedom, privacy, and the right to not be
stalked and shouted at by Orwell's telescreen's. If there's enough of a
backlash it will prevent this horror from being rolled out nationwide.
If you live in the US remember that our cameras preceded yours and
anything that happens here is replicated across the pond unless we stand
up against it now. Be polite otherwise I'll get raided by armed cops at
5am and charged as a domestic terrorist for trying to influence
government. No, I'm not joking.